Depth Reflection

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by JimmyConway, Mar 16, 2024.

  1. JimmyConway

    JimmyConway Fapstronaut

    After reading through some posts here and thinking about it, I think that when we try to recover from some addiction, whether that be PMO, substances, phone, alcohol, etc. we soon realize that our problem isn’t tied to the drug itself but to some sort of pain, fear, shame, void, failed expectation, past trauma, negative core beliefs, or our honest tendency towards self gratification as human beings in which we entangle ourselves with desires for things that we think we want but have no idea what we’re getting ourselves into.

    I say that to say, I think that when we reach that awareness of “Oh. Porn isn’t my issue. Something deep within me is the issue.” we have the tendency to start “digging away” at our core and pick apart every little detail of what went wrong, how we got here, where do we go now, what is this all for, etc to the point that we will freak out over not having it all figured out right now. This fear will then plug us back into the cycle of addiction. That’s why I feel it’s best to fight the good fight physically first and to abstain from acting on our desires. This will give us some clarity to begin our digging. This will give us the space we need to feel our pain, confront our shame, take responsibility for our actions, and truly change.

    We should be quitting PMO to dig deeper into ourselves. But we should always take it one day at the time. We can’t dig a cavern in one day. It’s one shovel blow at the time. All the effects and “superpowers” of NoFap are cool, but if that’s our main goal I believe we are setting ourselves up for failure and are kinda missing the point. If we are truly addicted and it’s truly ruining our lives, then it should be about total transformation including mind, body, and spirit.

    Depth has layers. And quitting PMO for 90 days simply takes our blinders off to see into the chasm that is inside of us all. Let’s take this journey together one step at the time. Let’s connect with each other. Let’s go hang out. Let’s go talk. Let’s open up truly. Let’s not hide from our pain and face it head on. Let’s not cut ourselves short.

    These are my reflections for this morning. I hope they fill you with an inspired mindset to keep going and taking day for what it is, one day at the time. Much love and peace to all my fellow NoFappers!