Becoming the writer I want to be

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Anakin66, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Are you serious. That's wrong.
    aspiringwriter1997 likes this.
  2. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    He literally has no idea why he was banned.

    They only gave him "rule violations"

    Since when has he violated any rules?
  3. And he hadn't ventured outside of this thread. This bothers me a lot because it shows anyone can become a scapegoat at a moment's notice.
    Henryforward and FirefromAbove like this.
  4. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    This thread used to be very active.

    I'm currently working on my thesis. I will start using this thread to keep track on my progress.

    I wrote about 500 words today. I mainly summarized case law.

    A helpful technique I use when I'm not sure how I have to put an idea into words, is to write it down on paper first and try out different formulations so I can see which one captures the idea in the most succinct way.

    I have the feeling that writing all day long isn't a realistic goal. Although my productivity wasn't great today, I'm satisfied by my prestation nonetheless. Disqualifying the positive is a cognitive distortion that only causes unnecessary mood swings.
  5. Thanks for reviving this thread :) I'm currently doing camp nanowrimo, so I'm shooting for 50k words this month. I'm currently sitting at 39,749 words, so just about 10k to go.

    I'd be surprised if I can't manage to reach 10k by the end of July, unless something goes terribly wrong in the next few days. After that, I should be pretty close to finishing this book altogether, because it's currently at around 50k words. So another 15k or so will probably end it.
    tivruh and StoicContemplation like this.
  6. Actually, scratch that. I didn't log my words from this morning yet, so I'm actually at 40,604 for the month.
  7. I'm not really writing that much in terms of projects, save for essays in German and the motivation letter I need for a scholarship I'm applying for. I'm busy writing the introduction, but I'm struggling to make sure the intro is thematically relevant.
    StoicContemplation likes this.
  8. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure how much words I have written today. I think around 500.

    I have been mainly editing my thesis today. After summarizing/analyzing a judgement I went to the library to print it out, sit somewhere without phone and laptop and take notes/mark where I have to improve formulations and remove errors etc. This seems like a very effective method. Typos and inconsistenties are easier to detect when reading it on paper.

    Long days ahead...
  9. Went to Starbucks this morning and got 1000 words down. Not a super productive time, considering I was writing for almost 2 and a half hours, so that's pretty slow for me. But I've more time this evening to hit or exceed my 2300 word goal for the day
  10. Calling it a night. I got 3,115 words written today :) Just about 4k left to reach my goal for the month!
  11. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    Wrote about 500 words today. The Word document has 17.000 words now, including the biliography.

    I'm aiming for a document with 20.000 words. I need to submit it in 3 weeks so I think it's highly manageable. Did some good editing today and I rewrote some paragraphs. I created more structure in certain parts.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  12. 1,000 words down this morning. About 1,600 left to go today. I only have two chapters left in this book, and I have a feeling they're going to be slightly shorter chapters. So I would imagine I only have, at most, 6k left to write. I'm kind of hoping I can finish it by the end of tomorrow, but that's a bit of a lofty goal.
  13. Wow, today ended up being the best writing day I've had all month! I wrote 3,692 words, and I finished the first draft of the book! I ended up combining the two final chapters, because neither one had enough meat to be a chapter on their own, so it went a little quicker than I expected.

    The total word count for the book is a little over 62k. I was hoping for closer to 70k or 75k, but I'm comfortable with 62k too.
  14. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    I've been writing everday on my thesis for the last four days. It now has about 18.500 words. It's not that everyday was a productive blast, but what counts is the consistency of the effort. It might be paradoxical, but the more you let go off perfectionism and accept that your work might indeed be average, the easier it is to write because you won't be dwelling too much on details etc.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  15. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    The Word document has almost 19.000 words now.

    I haven't really been writing new paragraphs lately. I mainly did editing. I had to rewrite some paragraphs. It can be a tedious task where it takes a lot of effort to find a good way to express an idea succinctly in a single paragraph. I'm planning to print out the newer version of my thesis tomorrow and start re-reading it again and see where there is room for improvement. More importantly I will have to finish writing my conclusion. I don't think it will be that difficult because it will basically be a summary of case law I analyzed. I now have 2 weeks for that.

    One day I went to the library to add sources for references I had to add in the footnotes I had to add. I went to the my student city for this and in a way it did feel like a waste of time. But on the other hand, these are irrational thoughts. It had to be done anyway. I added new sources to my bibliography.

    Anyway, I have been able to control my thoughts more for the past weeks. I'm engaging less in all-or-nothing thinking. I accept the fact that progress is slow. I'm actually quite satisfied with the work I've been able to do for the past weeks. It can be persuasive to tell yourself "I can't do this task! It's to difficult!". As a consequence, you procrastinate. I did this during the 2 semesters. Lower the threshold by breaking down the task in manageable chunks. If you say to yourself "I should to some writing today.", then that's too vague. It makes the idea of writing horrible. Get a pen and a paper and write down which first step you can take specifically. This doesn't mean that you have to finish it necessarily. But once you get started, you realize that all the anxiety in anticipation of a task was really irration, as it usually is.

    I still have 2 weeks before I need to hand it in. It would be nice if it's finished by the end of the week.
  16. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    @everyone Good on al of you, and keep trying with the writing. I wanna get to writing more too. I am not sure what I'd lke to write but I do enjoy posting on here.

    I think I'll keep journaling or someting on nofap or maybe I can work on writing something more substantial like a memoir or a short book of teachings I made up

    Hey everybody's got some wisdom
  17. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    write now i have a method of shutting off my cable an limit social media activity in hopes to focus an strengthen my writing
  18. jackcruiser800

    jackcruiser800 Fapstronaut

    I want to write too,can you help me with basics
  19. As someone who is still graduating, to have a doctorate seems no easy feat. You're more educated now than 99% of the so called Jedi 'Masters' (sorry for the pun). 500 and plus days is too an amazing achievement. It proofs that people can change for better. Thanks for being alive, friend.
  20. HenryforwardV2

    HenryforwardV2 Fapstronaut

    Hello gentlemen. Are you still on the forums. I did my three months then relapsed. Not my finest moment. I took a break from writing and have had a bit of a battle with mental illness. But I'm back and I'm writing a new novel now. Love to hear from any of you. @FirefromAbove @aspiringwriter1997 @AtomicTango
    En?gmatic likes this.