Any atheists/agnostics here?

A group of agnostic and atheist fapstronauts to get come together chat about recovery.

  1. Roy G. Biv

    Roy G. Biv Fapstronaut

    As a new member, I've been reading a lot of posts lately, and often I'll get to a part of the post where the person starts quoting scripture, and it loses resonance for me.

    No offense to the good people here who feel they need religion for whatever reasons--I used to be one, so I totally get it--but I would like to focus on posts by people who believe that they themselves are the source of their strength.

    So I was wondering: are there any atheists/anti-theists/agnostics/humanists here? I would be most interested to follow the progress of like-minded people, I feel that would be most helpful to me personally.

    Thanks! And again, best wishes to the religious peeps in their journey.
  2. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Who is humanist?
    Sam78 and Diderik like this.
  3. Roy G. Biv

    Roy G. Biv Fapstronaut

    Sorry, I don't understand your question.

    If you're wondering what a humanist is, maybe look it up?
  4. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Naaaa...too lazy....
    Fortitudo and Menta_Na like this.
  5. Roy G. Biv

    Roy G. Biv Fapstronaut

    Ha! ;)

    To me, a humanist is someone who believes in humanity.

    As opposed to a "god" that may or may not exist, but which no one has ever seen.

    I feel that by placing our "faith" in such a massive uncertainty (an invisible being for which there is no proof), we are gambling with our very species. Already we are approaching the brink of self-destruction.

    If we could instead turn away from ancient superstition and put our faith in ourselves, as actual living human beings with great potential to do good, maybe we could transform the way we see ourselves as a species: instead of "guilty, sinful servants of an angry deity" we might see ourselves as intelligent, self-actualized beings with tremendous potential for learning and growth.

    From that perspective, I think we could achieve much greater things. Had we been practicing that all along, we might have colonized our solar system by now. Instead we're fighting amongst ourselves and missing our chance to save the one planet we do have, for the sake of a few extra millions.

    Our self-identity as a species needs to become much more enlightened if we are to survive.
    Calypsong and DudeAlex like this.
  6. Menta_Na

    Menta_Na Fapstronaut

    Well, i am agnostic, but i am not opposed to spirituality or it's teachings....
    i don't really feel it matters i'm not concerned with anyone else beliefs and some very intellectual people give me reason to think i have a lot more to study when it comes to these things.
    Regardless of which i don't follow any spiritual doctrine, definitively agnostic.
    DudeAlex likes this.
  7. Fortitudo

    Fortitudo Fapstronaut

    Among with rational considerations I'm an atheist mainly cause it makes me feel better. At least, other more serious considerations took place in my attempt to do what I liked. I believe people are fundamentally different from each other. Some of them still need to believe in something supernatural and it looks to be good for them. My politics is to never mess with others' choises when it leads to useless, vain debates.
    DudeAlex likes this.
  8. I am an atheist too.How you guys doing?Any of you still on NoFap
    The Passenger and DudeAlex like this.
  9. Diderik

    Diderik Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hi muhagg,

    I, too, am an a-----t. I'm doing well, thanks, and you?

    I am, and plan to remain for the foreseeable future, on NoFap. I might only be an orc in the Lord of the Rings Challenge, but I made myself a promise that I would stay p&m free forever, and I plan to succeed. (Besides, I am married so I have an advantage: I get to have as much sex as I want!)

    Kick a$$ at this, my friend, and so will I!
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
    The Passenger likes this.
  10. Diderik

    Diderik Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The group, and I myself in particular, are my sources of strength.

    I consider myself a naturalist, rather than a humanist, because I think Humanism is a little bit speciesist, a little bit too centered around our own species. I suppose that to some this seems like splitting hairs, but to me it is important enough to mention. If I believed in a Higher Power, it would be nature; however, as "Higher Power" is taken to be spiritual or religious, I do not claim one. To me, there is nothing supernatural and no need to believe in it. We are better off without any of that, I believe. I know I am.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
  11. I guess I would consider myself a naturalist too. I always found the outdoors a source of strength and can experience that sense of awe walking through a forest or hill top. Usually once that same "spiritual feeling" happens to a religious person they automatically attribute it to god and become more entrenched in their religious beliefs which can be quite limiting to personal growth in my opinion. Ironically they usually feel sorry for or can't comprehend why others don't believe in their god.
    DudeAlex likes this.
  12. Diderik

    Diderik Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    @The Threefold Path
    I fully agree. Most people see an awesome aspect of nature and then attribute it to a supernatural entity, a g-d, a----s, et cetera. There is no need for these attributions. Nature is powerful in itself; it did not need someone or something to start it.
    We do not know everything about the laws of nature or the universe, nor do I expect we ever will, but we need not ascribe the mysterious workings of nature to a g-d or other supernatural force.
    I joined a few humanist organizations recently because I can find no naturalist organizations that accomplish the same things, and these humanist groups, like American Humanist Association (AHA), Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU), Humanists International (formerly International Humanist Ethical Union, or IHEU), and others, do what I want. They work for separation of religion and government, advocate for many causes common to most nonr-------s people, and generally do the world a lot of good without g-d caused strings attached. Every dollar I give goes toward the causes, not to proselytizing or promoting a belief system.
    Anyway, I have a far better life without g-d belief than I did with it.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2021
    The Passenger likes this.
  13. RebornS

    RebornS Fapstronaut

    I consider myself right now an Agnostic atheist/ Skeptic, humanist. But my thinking is still evolving as I study the subject and learn new things. I think these bronze age/ medieval era ideas and values we still clinge to in many societies have been so harmful to humanity, and the rest of the planet at large that I can no longer follow them. And the idea of " divine inspiration" is thoroughly ridiculous to me now as well seeing as how there is no good evidence to really back it up. The study of the human brain and it's complexities is where the true mysteries lay.
  14. +1 agnostic / atheist here. I have a complicated relationship to the "to each their own" philosophy, especially because of the widespread sexual abuses of the church. Religion has caused a lot of harm, although I know it can help people a lot too. It is a bit annoying at times to see so much of it on a secular site. But I'm okay with it as long as it's not like trying to recruit people as "the only way" to get better. Nice to see a forum like this though.
  15. renascenting

    renascenting New Fapstronaut

    Hello. New here. Glad to have found this group. Not sure how active it is but the opening message definitely resonates. Former (extremely) devout mormon here. Relying on, or rather pleading with "God" for help would have been my go-to earlier, but... after decades of studying, striving, learning, experiencing: I now recognize religion as entirely man-made and: We're on our own. Interesting how tilting your head from looking up to fiction, to looking down around you (at other humans) and inwardly (at yourself) can be so much more powerful than praying, hoping, "crossing-your-fingers" essentially that "God" will choose to strengthen you or remove temptation from you. Now I get it -- it's up to me. It's up to us. Now there are real, actual, tangible helps out there in the form of other humans struggling with the same issues. That's actually encouraging, which I never would have thought before, with my prior religious worldview.