about cybersexual addiction(mostly camera girl show addiction for me)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Initiate20230208, Oct 1, 2023.

  1. Initiate20230208

    Initiate20230208 Fapstronaut

    i wanna share something related to cybersexual addiction to help us understand and get rid of with aim.
    Warning Signs of Cybersexual Addiction:
    1. Routinely spending significant amounts of time in chat rooms and private messaging with the sole purpose of finding cybersex.
    2. Feeling preoccupied with using the Internet to find on-line sexual partners.
    3. Frequently using anonymous communication to engage in sexual fantasies not typically carried out in real-life.
    4. Anticipating your next on-line session with the expectation that you will find sexual arousal or gratification.
    5. Finding that you frequently move from cybersex to phone sex (or even real-life meetings).
    6. Hiding your on-line interactions from your significant other.
    7. Feeling guilt or shame from your on-line use.
    8. Accidentally being aroused by cybersex at first, and now find that you actively seek it out when you log on-line.
    9. Masturbating while on-line while engaged in erotic chat.
    10. Less investment with your real-life sexual partner only to prefer cybersex as a primary form of sexual gratification.
    for me, cam girl show is really tough to get rid of, i tend to find sexual gratification and mo by the outlet of it.probably it's just mild addiction like once a month but once getting aroused, i'll be defeated undoubtedly with guilt and shame after,because i practice no pmo.
    there are three determining factors that makes cybersex addictive and cam girl show even worse---anonymity,convenience and escape, which involves the ACE model."The ACE Model examines the Anonymity of online interactions that serves to increase the likelihood of the behavior, the Convenience of cyberporn and sexually-oriented chat rooms making it easily available to users, and finally, the Escape from mental tension derived from the experience which serves to reinforce the behavior leading to compulsivity."
    Within the anonymous context of cyberspace, conventional messages about sex are eliminated,individuals are more likely to sexually experiment as online users feel encouraged to engage in their adult fantasies and validated by the acceptance of the cyberspace culture.
    convenience: the convenience of cyberporn and adult chat sites provides an immediately available vehicle to easily fall into compulsive patterns of online use.The proliferation of sexually oriented chat rooms provides a mechanism that encourages a person's initial exploration,when a curious person secretly steps into the chatting rooms,only to be initially shocked at the erotic dialogue,but at the same time, sexually stimulated by it.
    escape: initial primary reinforcement of the online sexual is the sexual gratification and stimulation derived from the experience,but over time, emotional or mental escape or an altered state of reality become dominant. escape plays a determining role on long-term addiction.

    compulsivity is obvious on me before and it's the common symptom for addicts.
    and what impresses me most is "Internet creates a cultural climate of permissiveness that actually serves to encourage and validate sexually deviant behavior".
    are there any remedies for camera gril show addiciton:emoji_question:
  2. I didn't see your post because of the forum in which you posted.
    In my case, I was addicted to a particular camera model. I was able to distance myself from her for several weeks at a time before her disappearance earlier this year. Internally, I processed the feelings of my leaving her as a form of grief.
  3. Moscrac

    Moscrac Fapstronaut

    When I was seriously addicted, I had a similar problem but I was usually just orgasming and leaving, I didn't really had a crush on them but some in particular were my type.
    You just have to change your lifestyle and embrace self development were you chase all you defects and psychological issues, just get busy becoming a better person, porn will fade away with time.