30 Days of Discipline

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by rsktheory, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. rsktheory

    rsktheory Fapstronaut

    What's going on people. Yesterday I saw this e-book online called "30 Days of Discipline" about uhhh...I don't know, didn't buy the book.

    But, the title was pretty interesting. So, inspired by all the great stories I've been reading on these past few days here and elsewhere, I decided to engage in my own version of "30 Days of Discipline".

    I'm posting it here to hold myself accountable as well as maybe have some of you join me on this one! So here it is:

    CHALLENGE: From 24th August til 24th of September


    - Rise at 5am, take a cold shower (no screams)

    - Review goals (Yearly / Monthly / Weekly)
    ○ Ensure daily task list is adequately prioritized (Am I focusing on the most important tasks to bring me closer to achieving my weekly goal?)

    - Contemplate Core Values and Purpose

    - 2 x 7' meditation sessions
    ○ Dawn / Dusk

    - Absolutely Zero PMO, also:
    ○ No edging
    ○ No day dreaming about sex

    - Stick to Max. Performance Diet
    ○ 2700 calories, Macros 40 P /30 C / 30 F
    ○ No refined sugar
    ○ Water Hidration, 2 - 3 L
    ○ Moderate caffeine intake to 3 cups
    ○ Intermittent Fasting (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays)

    - Stick to Max. Performance Workouts
    ○ HIIT Sprint (Tuesdays, Thursdays) / 10 cycles, 30 sec exercise, 30 sec rest
    ○ 5km in 30 min (Monday-Saturday, minus HIIT days)
    ○ Strength Training (Monday-Saturday, minus HIIT days)

    - Stick to Timebox Scheduling
    ○ Ensure proper times for work, rest/recovery, workout, study, and leisure/socialize

    - One journal entry per day
    ○ Daily insights, ideas, what can be improved

    - Zero alcohol intake
    ○ Force improvement in social skills by not relying on alcohol for optimal interactions

    - Avoid compulsive / wasteful activities (even on rest and leisure time)
    ○ Facebook (except direct messages)
    ○ Stupid "news" websites and blogs
    ○ Reddit subs / forums (except related to self-development & business)
    ○ Youtube videos (except related to self-development & business)
    ○ Series / TV episodes


    - Recognize problems and less-than-ideal situations as opportunities for real growth (measured). If these daily challenges cannot be overcome, then there's no way more meaningful long-term life ambitions will be achieved.
    - So embrace discomfort, be it physical, mental, emotional, whatever. All great things worth getting aren't easy, and the pathways leading to them are clearly pretty damn uncomfortable. Since that's where I'm going, I might as well get used to it.


    - Your fears, your doubts, your insecurities, are all lined up like a firing squad ready to shoot you out of the sky. But don't lose heart. While they're not easily defeated they are far from invincible. Remember, this is the grind, the battle royal between you and your mind, your body, and the devil on your shoulder whose telling you that this is just a game, this is just a waste of time. Drown out the voice of uncertainty with the sound of your own heartbeat. Burn away your self-doubt with a fire lit beneath you. Remember what you're fighting for and never forget that momentum is a cruel mistress. She can turn on a dime at the smallest mistake. She is ever searching for the weak place in your armor, that one tiny thing you forgot to prepare for. So as long as the devil is hiding the details, the question remains: Is that all you got?

    - We live by our wits. We eat what we hunt. We adapt. While you wilt at the sign of failure and loss, we relish adversity! We are not afraid to take losses, to talk about our losses, to rebound from our losses. Those are our defining moments!

    - Extremism in persuit of excelence is no vice!

    - The more we sweat in training, the less we bleed in war!


    Just in case some of you are interested

    Goal Setting / Timebox scheduling
    (awesome pratical system for productivity, an evolution of GTD if you will)

    Cold Showers

    Intermittent Fasting
    (make sure you know what you're doing here)

    HIIT Workouts

    Basics for establishing your Macros

    How am I gonna track all this?
    (I'm not affiliated, hah...just a great app for tracking! I use it daily.)
  2. jazzphanatic

    jazzphanatic Fapstronaut

    Hey rsktheory,

    I enjoyed reading about your 30 day discipline challenge. Hang in there and stay motivated. We're rooting for your success!
  3. rsktheory

    rsktheory Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother! I'm very pumped :D