1000 positive things about quiting porn!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by zielnik, Jun 23, 2016.

  1. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    276- More desire to be alive.
    277- Easier to solve conflicts.
    278- Less things is taken personally.
  2. redeat24

    redeat24 New Fapstronaut

    #279 Social anxiety gone
    #280 You start playing verbal games that you thought were never possible before
    #281 Music is the drug you operate on as it sounds and feels way better
    #282 You take full ownership of your life, being free of the addiction you start taking more action
    #283 Cold showers are easier to get into as it's all about that first dip.
    #284 Waking up and not feeling like crap.
    #285 You have standards and boundaries for you life, that you deserve
    #286 You just calm down i.e, not neurotic all the time
    #287 Since you do have free time now this leads to you having a lot of umph behind your actions as they are better planned and well executed.
  3. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    #288 You got laser eyes
    #289 No more brain fog
  4. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    #291. No more random sexual thoughts
    triptiptop likes this.
  5. #292- You become aware of who you are
    #293 - You attract good things
    #294 - You know what real love is
    #295 - Voice becomes deeper
    #296- Feels better in terms of energy
    #297 - Better physique
    #298 - better posture
    #299 - You have deep talks with people near you
    #300- You left the addiction ( Feeling )
    #301- More time in hand
    #302 - Stopping the sex trafficking
    #303 - YOU CONNECT to higher self
    #304- Your hands shake very less
    #305 - you have more energy
    #306 - Memory becomes sharper
    #307 - concentration improves
    Thanks for having such a great place, hope we reach at 2k rather than 1k let's remove this sin :)
    This is such a great idea @zielnik
  6. Archangel01

    Archangel01 Fapstronaut

    #308 - Getting the conviction to be able to accomplish difficult goals
    #309 - Knowing that you have an advantage over people who still pmo
    #310 - Having a way more vivid fantasy while reading a book
    Ynith..07 likes this.
  7. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    #311 you dont need to clean what you do when you PMO
    #312 Your dick doesnt smell like rotten fish
    #313 You want get cought watching P because you simply dont watch it
    Ynith..07 and Ajar like this.
  8. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    #314 able to dedicate more time to working out.

    #315 Able to find other healthier escapes and then through time, be more at peace with thoughts: negative, positive and neutral. Because at the end of the day, they are just thoughts.

    #316 Sleep and then waking up the next day without the porn tab on the phone right in the morning since you didn’t close the tab. *shakes head*
  9. Ishwar Gadade

    Ishwar Gadade New Fapstronaut

    Creative post,I read all comments
  10. Ishwar Gadade

    Ishwar Gadade New Fapstronaut

    #317 get rid of eye dark circles
    #318 hair becomes smooth
    Ynith..07 likes this.
  11. #319 your right arm isn't bigger than your left arm
    Ajar, Timecop, ruso and 1 other person like this.
  12. justinjohn

    justinjohn Fapstronaut

    Thanks for having this post
    Ajar likes this.
  13. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    #320 Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.
    Ajar likes this.
  14. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Haha isn't that weird, me too.
    smv94 likes this.
  15. smv94

    smv94 Fapstronaut

    330 - you take the power away from this addiction by handing it over to a god of your understanding
    aricking likes this.
  16. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    #331 Dopamine receptors become re-sensitized.
    #332 Neural pathways that once housed the addiction are weakened
    #333 Memory is soooooo much better
    #334 Overall better feeling internal feeling
    #335 Constant feeling of wellness
    #336 Elated feeling of happiness constantly
    #337 emotions are definitely more stable
    #338 Not everything upsets you, you can deal with more
    #339 Less energy dips, and peaks throughout the day. More stable, constant levels of energy.
    aricking likes this.
  17. BreakingShadows

    BreakingShadows Fapstronaut

    #340 Gaining confidence in yourself that if you can accomplish this goal you can accomplish any goal.
    #341 Removes anxiety.
    #342 Vision of your life's purpose.
    aricking and lazarus1999 like this.
  18. lazarus1999

    lazarus1999 New Fapstronaut

    No. 343: You behave like the man you'd want to be raised by.
    No. 344: You look on gratification as something to be earned.
    No. 345: You have a far more healthy outlook on what determines a person's beauty.
    aricking likes this.
  19. Risho

    Risho Fapstronaut

    No. 346: You can get new opportunities knocking your door as you have a sense of clarity.
    No. 347: You will get eternal bliss and sense of satisfaction in everything you do.
    No. 348: Your skin will glow and eyes gets its vigor back.
    No. 349: Your hairs become thick and shiner.
    No. 350: Your body cracking noise get disappear.