1000 Days Hell in a Cell !!!

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Damian_Wayne, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    * No Corn
    * No Beatin Off
    * No Edging

    Day 0 - "The Seven Deadly Sins

    A group of ancient and very powerful demons that represented the worst aspects of human behavior: Pride, Envy, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony and Lust. These demons had the power to take control of people's bodies, forcing them to indulge in their most base impulses. and they took over you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Day 1 - "Lex Luthor"

    You're a notorious sociopath who's obsessed with weird fetishes !!!!!!!!! You're a Corn Addict and stuffing down trauma energy and suffering !!!!!!!!!!!

    "So instead of walking into the unknown ... I didn't do anything. I never again let the fear of failure stop me."

    Lex Luthor


    Day 3 - "Lois Lane"
    The world’s most famous news reporter, a fearless social crusader. You take your work uncovering the truth very seriously but still , has a dark side of Corn Addiction ready to take over any moment.

    "It's not wrong if it's the truth."

    Lois Lane


    Day 5 "The Joker"

    A homicidal artist , an agent of chaos, but most importantly, a Clown !!! :emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy:

    A Self Destructive Psychopath who gets off on making others and himself suffer with Corn Addiction.

    "A lion doesn't pass judgement on a gazelle. Cancer doesn't pass judgement on a brain. I've been saying this all along. Evil doesn't exist. There are only actions. We got to the same place--the top of the food chain--just on different paths. Mine was more fun."

    The Joker


    Day 7 - "Damian Wayne / Robin"
    The Son of Batman !!! Now you're beginning to walk the path of Self Mastery and become an actual human being !!!

    "I want you to know that my mother may have given me life , but you have taught me how to live , your son Damian."

    -- Damian Wayne


    Day 10 "Red Hood"
    Former Robin Jason Todd . He acts ludicrous and unconventional , but that seed of NoFap healing is growing inside of him !!!

    "His name is Jason Todd. A lot of people say he's crazy. Like, say the entire staff of Arkham Asylum. Maybe they're right. I'm hardly in a position to judge. Anyone. But as he pops out of his disguise--blows my chain off my ball--and gives me my bow and quiver? Let's just say Red Hood is my kind of crazy!"

    — Arsenal


    Day 15 "John Constantine"
    Encircled by a wreath of cigarette smoke, sorcery and shame, John Constantine dives deep into the dark arts to save his soul, as well as the earth itself.

    A notorious con man and grifter. now you're proactively attempting to let go of the shadow entities that poisoned your life for centuries , however you're still subject to falling prey to the demons.

    "There aren't any good guys, and there aren't any bad guys. There's just us. People. Doing our best to get by."

    John Constantine


    Day 20 "Batwoman"

    Now you're recognize that you have huge potential inside of you and that you're the one that's been holding yourself back the whole time !!!!

    "It's easy to say that I left as Kate and came back as Batwoman. The truth, though, is that I left as your lost little girl and came back knowing exactly who I am. I came back as Kate Kane."

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
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  2. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 25 - "Cyborg"

    Part man, part machine, You're now a member of the Teen Titans and a the Justice League. You wrestle to preserve your humanity with every new upgrade and wrestle against the P.M.O Monster !!!

    "Human. Tech. I don't choose sides, Grid. I'm the bridge between them. I'm a cyborg."


    Day 30 - "Hawkman"

    You're a fierce warrior known as Hawkman !!! You're a human being trapped in an ancient Egyptian curse of endless death and rebirth. In each incarnation you have to be aware to not fall into the Corn Addiction traps.

    "I've kept the fact that we, or I, am aware of my past lives to a small circle."

    --Carter Hall

    Day 35 - "Captain Marvel JR."

    Captain Marvel Jr. You're powered by the same magic that flows through your best friend Billy Batson known as Shazam. Now you're beginning to Morph into the Magical Powers of Semen Retention !!! Good Job so far !!! don't get overconfident , stay sharp & focused and keep moving forward !!!

    "He made me handicapped and an orphan. And he made me a hero. Now he needs me to be his champion. And that's exactly what I am."

    Freddy Freeman

    Day 40 - "Rorschach"

    As you experience the urges fluctuations and emotional turbulence, it gets the better of you and turn you into a ruthless and psychotic vigilante known to the public as Rorschach who's Driven by a moral absolutism that allows no compromises. Defeating P.M.O is not an easy Quest, and our minds is a master genius at rationalizing Relapsing with coping with the stress of everyday life , but if you stay adamant and hell bent on victory , the Throne will be yours.

    "I abandoned my disguise and became myself, free from fear or weakness or lust."

    Walter Kovacs

    Day 45 - "Orion"

    The Son of Darkseid, dictator of Apokolips. Now you're going Full Force to Demolish Corn Addiction and forming a New Identity where this depraved behavior is not even a comprehensible concept !!! But , Stay Highly Alert , as The Darkness is still there in the back shadows !!!

    "If we die, we die for New Genesis!!!"

    -- Orion

    Day 50 - "Green Lantern"

    You're the first-ever human Green Lantern. One of the most legendary Lanterns to ever wield a power ring. The different forces of the multiverse are now choosing you to be there bearer since you've actually proven your worth by demonstrating Discipline, Dedication & commitment to the NoFap Quest !!!

    "The farther I get from the cockpit, the more I realize there's only ever two choices: Go down in flames – or do something crazy."

    -- Hal Jordan

    Day 55 - "Shazam"
    Your Future Self, An Old and Wise Wizard who is a member of the Counsel of Eternity has guided and enabled you to become the Magical Lightning Bolt Deity, Shazam. Powered by the ultimate magical life force of Semen itself, now you're really getting a grip on Corn Addiction that ran your life for eons !!!
    S.H.A.Z.A.M is an acronym that stands for the six ancient heroes whose powers you possess —

    (S)olomon : Wisdom
    (H)ercules : Strength
    (A)tlas : Stamina
    (Z)eus : Power
    (A)chilles : Courage
    (M)ercury : Speed

    "Are you making some big evil guy speech right now or something? You’re like, a mile away from me right now. There are cars and trucks."

    -- Shazam


    Day 60 - "Wonder Woman"

    As Shame decreases in your psyche, You start to re-own all those suppressed and fragmented aspects of your mortal self and you assert the balance of the masculine and feminine nature and have more expansive perspective of females being more than sex toys , but rather , Mothers , Daughters , Sisters , Wives , Soldiers , Workers , Warriors , and most importantly : Humans. Now you're carrying the Torch to Defend Humanity as the Amazonian Warrior Princess Diana and Eradicate the toxicity of Corn !!!

    "The girl who wondered has seen wonders... has become a woman who has traveled the world, who has traveled worlds! A woman who has touched countless lives, has made them better in ways beyond measure. A woman who has brought hope, and joy, and love. A woman who is the hero of so many. The truth of you has never changed, Diana. Even the Gods themselves could not take that from you. Why would we? It's one of the many reasons we love you."

    -- Athena

    Day 65 - "MR. Majestic"

    Lord Majestros. Now you are remembering who you truly are !!! a God-Like Being !!! the more you go on the NoFap Journey , the more you realize your Heroic and Godly nature , and how the fate of humanity depends on every single decision and action you take !!!

    "Sacrificed? You've no idea what I might have just sacrificed, Eradicator. But what sort of a man am I if I can't save a life here or there?"

    -- MR. Majestic

    Day 70 - "Aquaman"

    As Aquaman, you are now King of the Seven Seas and commanding an entire Kingdom and the Royal Leader of an entire world. The Sea world people follow you because they believe in your perseverance to over come Corn Addiction. They look up to you to lead them towards the Light. Have Faith in yourself and know , that you are not in this position by accident.

    "I am AQUAMAN-- the king of the seven seas. This is my birthright. This is my responsibility. And I will embrace it."

    -- Arthur curry

    Day 75 - "Icon"

    As Icon, You have reinvented yourself throughout the centuries and emerged as a hero in the Justice League and Shadow Cabinet. Your NoFap Journey is going good so far , but you still struggle with the fear that your Alien nature makes you feel isolated from the rest of society. But remember : "It is not a measurement of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society". Stay true to yourself , Trust The Gods , and the people who are right for you will be part of your journey, and eventually the whole world will perceive you as an "Icon".

    "I am old by your standards. Old enough to know that justice is either for everyone, or no one.

    -- Augustus Freeman

    Day 80 - "Martian Mahunter"

    Now you have survived the civil war that ravaged Mars and became J'onn J'onnz. As you progress on the NoFap Quest you realize that you still have a lot to learn about yourself and the world. You will experience changes in your physiology and psychology that will feel out of this world !!! But still , you will choose to stay here on Earth and share your ancient knowledge and wisdom and be a Defender for the mortal humans who hosted you on their planet - Earth - that you now call your home. And you're a Hunter. A Hunter of every hidden Corn Addiction aspect in yourself.

    "He was even creepier than normal. But more... more natural. He was doing something. Blending in... hiding... no, not hiding... Hunting."

    -- Catwoman
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
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  3. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 85 - "DR. Fate"

    Doctor Fate. You're a Heroic Legacy within the realm of Magic and Mysticism. Dedicated to safeguarding against malevolent forces and chaos such as Corn Addiction, You're wielding potent artifacts such as the Amulet of Anubis, the Cloak of Destiny, and the Helmet of Fate.

    "Even a Genius can not see Fate."

    -- DR. Fate

    Day 90 - "Black Adam"

    Now Shit starting to get real as Fawuck !!!! You now consider yourself to be a God amongst Men, Which you are , But , you're a Renegade , a Rebel against the constraints that have chained you for Millennias !!! you're walking a thin line between being a Hero and being an Anti-Hero !!! The powers that you now possess can easily overwhelm you and take over your consciousness and create chaos among mortal humans !!!

    I am not a villain -- not in the narrow definition of the word according to the self-named "Modern" world. I fought alongside the Justice Society and for a time, made them my allies... but I never earned their trust."

    -- Black Adam

    Day 95 - "Superboy"

    The Son of Superman !!! You're now getting adapted to this new-found surge of Divine Energy Boost from Krypton itself !!!

    "From this day forward, for the new thousand years at least... we call this day... Unity Day!"

    -- Jon Kent

    Day 100 - "Captain Atom"

    As a result of retaining your semen , You have now Transmuted your Nut into Atomic Energy and having the ability to merge with the Quantum Field.

    "My name is Captain Atom. As in A-bomb...as in nuclear fission...as in...the end of the world."

    -- Captain Atom

    Day 150 - The Flash

    The Fastest Man Alive. Now you are putting your Super Powers to Good Use and becoming more than a Hero , a Legend.

    "Having Special Powers Doesn't Make You A Hero"

    -- Barry Allen

    Day 200 - "Supergirl"
    The Girl of Steel. As the Pendulum swings between the masculine and the feminine energy, you realize that the word Super is not exclusive to Man. and you embody the Kryptonian traits and abilities of Super Girl. You now have the courage to face your fears and Let Go of the Attachment / Resistance dynamic that controlled you for decades.

    "This is my home. One of two that is. If I'm going to live on both, I'm going to have to learn to shoulder the problems of two worlds. Shouldn't be too much of a problem, right? After all, I'm Supergirl."

    -- Kara Zor-El

    Day 250 - "Trigon"
    The sadistic, Malevolent P.M.O demon of extra-dimensional origin is now using every trick up it's sleeve to get you to feed it. it takes over your thought patterns at times, and even have the power to alter your emotions so that you would give it it's hit of Corn. stay aware and awake !!! as Dangerous as The Corn demon is , it's still vulnerable to your powers and the light of your Consciousness.

    "From the moment you are born, I demand your total obedience, your complete subservience. You are to be taught that I am your God, that I hold your very life in my hands. And you will learn to view me with the respect I demand"

    -- Trigon

    Day 300 - "Lucifer Morningstar"

    Satan himself has now possessed you. since Trigon couldn't get the job done and make you Relapse, The Devil has now took over your mind to get you to self destruct and spiral downwards into the Abyss of Hell !!! it will use arguments and justifications that feels so real and relatable to you personally to get you to fall back. things like "You're lonely, this will make you feel good" and "No one actually cares weather you're a Corn Addict or not , so what difference dose it makes ?" , But never the less, you're Smarter and Stronger than Lucifer !!! you are powered by the Gods themselves and going on an unstoppable mission to reclaim your Humanity and Freedom !!!

    "Why do they blame me for all their little failings? They use my name as if I spent my entire day sitting on their shoulders, forcing them to commit acts they would otherwise find repulsive. 'The Devil made me do it.' I have never made any one of them do anything. Never. They live their own tiny lives. I do not live their lives for them."

    -- Lucifer Morningstar

    Day 350 - "Batman"

    The Dark Knight. You have defeated the major demons of Corn Addiction. You have become a force to be reckoned with. You have hit a new milestone on your Quest, But your actions are motivated by the past. you still have the hidden fear of not being good enough , smart enough , strong enough. It's time to go to the next level and shed your skin and let go of the past and no longer uphold the victim or the abuser identity. This outwardly strong persona have helped you get this far on your journey, but as you dive deeper into your shadow world and let go more of the core patterns that were buried in the depth of your subconscious mind , you will realize that you no lounger need that persona and you will feel secure enough to be Yourself and your actions will be motivated by healthier drives.

    "The World Only Makes Sense When You Force it To"

    "I Am Vengeance... I Am The Night... I Am Batman..."

    -- Bruce Wayne
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
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  4. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 400 -- "White Lantern"

    You are Discovering more and more hidden aspects about your shadow self. as you integrate different aspects of your personality, you become infused with supernatural powers. you become powered by The Life Force.

    "Blue Lantern" : Hope


    "Indigo Lantern" : Compassion

    "Orange Lantern" : Greed

    "Star Sapphire Lantern" : Love

    "Red Lantern" : Rage

    "Sinestro Lantern" : Fear

    "Ultraviolet Lantern" : Sentient Sun

    "Green Lantern" : Willpower


    "Black Lantern" : Death

    "White Lantern" : Life

    "In Brightest Day... there will be Light... to Cleanse the Souls and set things right. When Darkness Falls... Look to the Skies... A New Dawn Comes... Let There Be Light."

    --- White Lantern
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
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  5. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 450 - "Superman"

    If you've reached this point, Congratulations. Massive Respect !!! You are officially the Man of Steel, Superman !!! The Journey dos not end here, This is only the Beginning !!! Don't stop now !!! you didn't come this far to only come this far !!! You are the Nobel Protector of The Human Species against Corn Addiction !!! but most importantly, you've earned this Rank because you were able to Conquer Corn addiction within yourself so far !!!

    "Dreams Save Us. Dreams Lift Us Up And Transform Us"

    "There's Always A Way. When The Odds Are Impossible -- Do The Impossible"

    "It Was Krypton That Made Me Superman, But It’s The Earth That Makes Me Human"

    -- Kal-L
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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  6. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 500 - "The Specter"
    The Spirit of God is now inhabiting your body to aid you along the way on your journey and to disintegrate P.M.O influences within and all around you.

    "The guilty must be punished for their crimes"

    -- The Specter

    Day 550 - Superbat

    When you combine all the lessons that you've learned so far from being on this Epic Quest, you Transform into a Hybrid Mutant Superhero breed.

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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  7. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 600 "Dream"

    The Semen Power automatically reveals mystical and spiritual dimensions about yourself and humanity. You are gaining control over your dreams and becoming The "Dream" God.









    "For Love Is No Part Of The Dreamworld. Love Belongs To Desire, And Desire Is Always Cruel"

    "What Power Would Hell Have If Those Here Imprisoned Were Not Able To Dream Of Heaven"

    "It Is Sometimes A Mistake To Climb, It Is Always A Mistake Never Even To Make An Attempt"

    "Things Need Not Have Happened To Be True. Tales And Dreams Are The Shadow-truths That Will Endure When Mere Facts Are Dust And Ashes, And Forgot"

    "The Price Of Getting What You Want Is Getting What You Once Wanted"

    "When You Dream, Sometimes You Remember. When You Wake, You Always Forget"

    --- Dream
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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  8. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 650 - "Darkseid"

    Now you're coming face to face with the top dog !!! This Monster is more dangerous than the Devil himself !!! you know why ?, because it's you !!! Darkseid is the Dark Side of You. The Self is Self Destructive by nature !!! if you can work on your psychology and your state of Consciousness to transcend self sabotage , you will basically be living in a heavenly realm and will have achieved and realized an experience of reality more than 99.99999 % of humans that walked the face of the Earth !!!! Darkseid is so compelling and adamant to bend you to it's well , but you're summoning the ultimate force of the Gods to aid you
    against the darkest aspects of your self , if you're still standing after this Battelle, then it's time to claim your rightful heritage as the divine being.........

    "I Am The New God. All is one in Darkseid. This mighty body is my church. When I command your surrender, I speak with three billion voices. When I make a fist to crush your resistance. It is with three billion hands. When I stare into your eyes and shatter your dreams. And break your heart. It is with six billion eyes! Nothing like Darkseid has ever come among you: Nothing will again. I will take you to a hell without exit or end. And there I will murder your souls! And make you crawl and beg! And die! Die! DIE FOR DARKSEID!"

    "I robbed your people of their powers, their hopes, their future, themselves. What will you do when your friends, your enemies, your lover, are all Darkseid? When there is one body. One mind. One will. One life that is Darkseid. Will you be the enemy of all existence, then? What irony that will be!"

    "See what I have made! Imagine what is yet to come! I take away their confusion and give them obedience. I take away their fear of themselves and give them fear of Darkseid. I have liberated them from the chaos and indecision! I have given one straight path! One clear purpose! One goal: To die for Darkseid!"

    "It is time for the lower beings of creation to remember who they fear in their darkest hours, in their deepest moments of despair. This new multiverse is now infinite. But I am Finite. I Am Final. Darkseid Is... The End."

    --- Darkseid
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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  9. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 700 - "Doctor Manhattan"
    1000 Days of NoFap !!!! Congratulations on your Heroism , Dedication and Success !!!! you are now a Divine Being , a Deity , a God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep Going Further , Honor and Victory awaits you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:

    "There is no future. There is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet."

    "I'd Almost Forgotten The Excitement Of Not Knowing, The Delights Of Uncertainty."

    "Thermodynamic miracles... events with odds against so astronomical they're effectively impossible, like oxygen spontaneously becoming gold. I long to observe such a thing. And yet, in each human coupling, a thousand million sperm vie for a single egg. Multiply those odds by countless generations, against the odds of your ancestors being alive; meeting; siring this precise son; that exact daughter... Until your mother loves a man she has every reason to hate, and of that union, of the thousand million children competing for fertilization, it was you, only you, that emerged. To distill such a specific form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold... that is the crowning of unlikelihood. The thermodynamic miracle."

    --- Doctor Manhattan
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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  10. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 750 - "The Anti-Monitor"

    This is an Evil God !!!! This entity will put your powers to the ultimate test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can't just rely on well power alone to defeat this evil being that is designed to send you back to the corn addiction hell realm, you have to think about the people that care about you , your loved once , your future self , your future children and the disappointment and shame in their eyes , and the shame and regret on your death of having never really lived and realized your ful potential but just existed as a biological creature !!!!!!!! This is the Ultimate Battle !!!! Gear up Warrior !!!! you will need to wield all the powers that you can generate to nihilate this P.M.O entity out of the multiverse and all of existence !!!! If you Die in this battle , you Die as a Marder !!! you will not go out silently into the night !!! you will keep swinging until your last Breath and energy reserve !!!!!!!!!!!! It's time to show the whole world and the universe what you're truly made out of and remind them and yourself that you would rather Die Fighting for your Freedom than being a corn addict for the rest of years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire:

    "As always, he proves the incompetent fool for not accepting the inevitable! When I am done, all his universes shall be destroyed... while mine shall rule supreme! Universe after universe has fallen before my power. World after world is absorbed into one. How many worlds do I now control? How many lives are now mine?"

    --- The Anti-Monitor
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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  11. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 800 - "Superman Prime One Million"

    This was your destiny all along !!! To ascend the Royal Throne as The God King Superman Prime One Million !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have earned it !!!!!!!!!!!! and Superwoman is waiting for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later."

    --- Superman Prime One Million

    Day 850 - "The Phantom Stranger"

    The Phantom Stranger. you have become so Developed that to the majority of people you're a mysterious figure with unknown origins, nature, and even name.

    "I am but a stranger.......as we all are......."

    --- The Phantom Stranger
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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  12. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 900 - "Michael the Arch-Angel"
    The Son of God !!! Michael Demiurgos is the twin brother of Lucifer Morningstar. You discover your Godly nature and resume your ancestors Quest !!! While your brother rebels, you're leading the Angels during the War in Heaven. You're also the guardian of the Gate of Heaven.


    Day 950 - "The Presence" / "The Source"

    You have become the abstract embodiment of Creation.


    Day 1000 - "The Over-Void" / "The Monitor Mind" / "God"

    You Realize that you were the infinite cosmic consciousness above the Monitor Sphere and the Multiverse. The timeless void within which the Omniverse floats. The eternal reality within and beyond creation. That you were God all along and deceived yourself to experience suffering and limitations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember, Even God can deceive itself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so always be carful not to let your guard down with P.M.O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
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  13. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 36 Completed.

    Deep Realizations.
  14. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 37 Completed.

    I Beat my Mom at Chess & Cards.
  15. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 38 Completed.

    3 + 8 = 11..., it's a Sign.
  16. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 39 Completed.

    I beat my mom in one game of chess and she beat me in another , it was a tie. :emoji_yin_yang:
  17. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 40 Completed.

    I live streamed on Twitch, talked about Paranormal Entities.

  18. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 41 Completed.

    I Beat my Mom at Cards. :emoji_black_joker:

  19. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 42 Completed.

    I Can Shape-Shift.

  20. Damian_Wayne

    Damian_Wayne Fapstronaut

    Day 43 Completed.

    I Can Teleport.