Any advice for not caring what others think?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Bluffy, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    The title of the question/thread says it all. I know the topic is vague, but I would appreciate any advice. I am currently in high school and want to break out of my shyness/comfort zone.
  2. BackToManhood

    BackToManhood Fapstronaut

    Read this:

    I've read it several times now and it has helped me a lot with my self-confidence these days.

    Also read this:

    and from that link, you'll learn something that many many people, especially in high school, don't realize. If you really apply this blog to yourself, you'll gain an advantage over others, which will give you a lot of confidence.
  3. Without writing an essay, I'll just say that it honestly starts with getting to know yourself inside out. This process can take a while. Any insecurity comes from emotional injury. Of course, once one has no more emotional injuries left, he wont care what anyone else thinks, will just be happy and march to the beat of his own drum.

    So, spend time with yourself, and work out why you care what certain people think. Remember, there's always a reason. In my late teens, early adult years, I used to have the same problem, would care a lot what others thought too much, but over the years, as I got to know myself more (became more secure in who I am), and worked through different emotions, this became less of a problem, and today, I pretty much do not care.
  4. LiveAnAwesomeLife

    LiveAnAwesomeLife Fapstronaut

    Who doesn't want to break out from their comfort zone ... Even I'm trying hard to get outta it.. it takes courage .. but its possible .

    One thing to remember or the most effective line is " A hundred years from now nobody gives a fuck about what you did , how you did or how badly you embarrassed yourself "

    Everything is over, you get one life .. Just Live IT. Good luck to you and for me too haha :D
  5. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    High School is rough. Just remember as you get older things that bothered you then seem pretty insignificant down the road!
  6. Honestly, you should watch the show Mad Men. It will give you an understanding between how two people with conflicting personalities react to the same situation. Honestly, it gave me the answer to your problem. I can't quite tell you the solution because it offers no meaning and is only meaningful to me. But seriously watch the show.

  7. Donquixote Doflamingo

    Donquixote Doflamingo Fapstronaut

  8. Best book I've ever read on this topic is called 'the obstacle is the way'

    It blew my mind!
  9. That cracked article is awesome!
    BackToManhood likes this.
  10. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Those to articles were genius! Exactly what I needed right now.
    I love the metaphor of the fruit tree!
    BackToManhood likes this.
  11. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    You will grow out of this more as you grow up. Why is their opinion of you important anyway?
    Kiddy likes this.
  12. BackToManhood

    BackToManhood Fapstronaut

    I think so too! I wouldn't be exaggerating to say that it changed my life, or at least really helped to form my outlook on life and see straight through all the "good person" BS.
  13. Kiddy

    Kiddy Fapstronaut

    For me, realizing that it's okay to have flaws helped me care a lot less about pleasing other people. Obviously the desire to please people is part of a persons personality and therefore some people care more about it and some people naturally care less. I happen to care a lot about it, and I did struggle with this a lot in high school. But after high school I did 2 years of volunteer work and was away from my parents. I made a lot of mistakes and got a much clearer picture of my own imperfection. It was painful, but I was comforted by the thought that God loved me despite all my imperfections.