Increased hunger when NO PMO

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by nomster2104, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. nomster2104

    nomster2104 Fapstronaut

    So I've been doing No PMO since last past 13 days and I've found that Im getting really hungry nowadays.
    And it's not just 500calories extra or so, I'm actually eating more than twice as to what I ate before.
    Just today for breakfast I ate 2 doughnuts, 1 medium hot chocolate and a large chicken pizza.
    For lunch I ate a chicken biryani platter. Then I brought some garlic bread and fried sesame ball. I was also eating nuts throughout the day.
    I just finished eating an entire box of reese puffs cereal and still feel hungry and weak. So I'm going for a buffet now. And this has been going on since past 6 days.

    Btw I'm loosing weight as well and I know that if I dont eat like this, then Im going to fall down due to weakness.

    Also I'm working on 3 projects right now and they do take an insane amount of thinking as well. I'm not able to go to the gym as I'm barely getting any time out of these projects and finals coming up. I really hate to eat all of the junk food but I dont have time even to buy any groceries.

    For now I do want to know if its just me or does this happens occasionally to other people as well.
    Doncorleone04 and YellowPig like this.
  2. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Okay, the problem is what you're eating is junk and will not sustain you. The foods you've described are all high in fat and sugar, and sugar will only sustain you for a short period of time. You need to eat foods that are high in fibre and protein- like fruit and vegetables, staples such as potato or rice, as well as actual meat. All the food you have described is junk. Go to the supermarket after a long day and stock up on healthier food- get some meat and veggies. Your brain will thank you for eating healthy, by giving your body some actual sustenance. Junk food is not brain food anyway.
  3. nomster2104

    nomster2104 Fapstronaut

    Yes it does makes sense. I'll get back to starting clean again. It's just that regardless of eating clean, I'll still be eating a lot.
    Me having multiple projects and exams is something I volunteered for and is something I really like to have as a leading factor in my life. It gives me a reason to wake up early in the morning and have a go getter attitude.
    As for now along with No PMO, I am taking cold showers and doing meditation. But now, I for sure will eat clean, but will also try to incorporate some form of exercise as well.
    I really do want to be able to go full on with whats thrown at me and still be mindfull of each moment.
    But yes, I will get back to eating clean and prioritising the tasks at hand and will post updates if there are any changes that come up during this process.

    NoBrainer likes this.
  4. Lunar Devil

    Lunar Devil Fapstronaut

    I think you are more active and you are realising how hungry you are, you were low on energy all the time and just ignored it. Now you see it and are able to access more energy