Healthy Outlets

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by taqwa, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Hey guys... Lot of us fall into porn and masturbation when we are bored...Healthy outlets are key to engage in when we fill the wave of temptation. The sooner we engage in them, the more quickly we can sooth the urge.

    I figured if we could collectively come up with a long list of potential activities that may be helpful...Also, adding specifics and details would also be awesome!

    -strength training
    -hitting golf balls on the range
    -martial arts
    -playing an instrument (I like hand percussion like the djembe drum)
    -watching clean movie
    -watching documentaries
    -Reading fiction
    -long walk
    -meaningful telephone call
    -visiting elderly homes
    -visiting the sick
    -volunteer work
    -rock climbing
    -listening to good podcasts/audible books
  2. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    -listening to Podcasts
    -Board games
    -learning foreign languages
    -hanging out with friends at a public place
    -recreational sports
    -Gardening/yard work

    Come on guys...Help me out!
    Amedeo92, goodboy1 and JoePineapples like this.
  3. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    -make movies
    - Knitting/sewing
    -video games in moderation (the ones that make you move are better)
    -visit botanical gardens/park/nature exhibits
    -Join a local college and take a class that interests you (real class vs online is better for more social contact)
    -start a book club
    -Time outdoor with your dog or pet
    -Jewelry making
    -Fantasy sports in moderation (join a league with buddies-good social interaction)
    -Card/game night
    -Date night with your significant other
    Amedeo92, goodboy1 and JoePineapples like this.
  4. ShotDunyun

    ShotDunyun Fapstronaut

    -HIIT training (very demanding)
    -Learn a second language
    -Pixel art
    JoePineapples likes this.
  5. johnwick

    johnwick Fapstronaut

    Amazing list!
    Some other stuff I do:
    -learning how to code
    JoePineapples likes this.
  6. Kyoheix

    Kyoheix Fapstronaut

    For me is basically: GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!

    I installed Ingress on my cellphone last week. It gets a little bit boring after some time but it keeps me out of the house and walking around the city.
  7. VISITING NOFAP!!!!!!!!!
  8. Jmak290

    Jmak290 Guest

    I just want to scream!!!!!!

    But, in the past I've tryed to control it all thru FPMO. Slapping myself in thought etc... Stroke out the stress, and deflate the screaming lion within me.

    I need to read this list and find a replacement for the addictive FANTASY PORN AND NASTERBATION TO ORGASM.

    Can't do that anymore. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    What can I do?
  9. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    In my recovery, I came to see three emphases were really important for me:

    > Seeking to help others, to make a difference.
    > Being with other people, being connected.
    > Seeking out true beauty, such as art, music, literature, poetry, nature.
    Islanders190 and taqwa like this.
  10. Jmak290

    Jmak290 Guest

    Awesome thx...

    I'm on the right pathway as indicated by your reply.

    Finding the courage to make a difference... My signature stuff.

    2 weeks ago started attending another recovery group on Monday nights.

    The awesome rainbow the other night,

    The wildlife at Death Valley last week?

    Awesome. I need to remember all that when the bee stings, the dog bites, when I'm feeling sad...

    Oh got to go... Arraigned to meet recovery leader at 3pm for coffee and a chat.

    Thx for your reply
  11. Lunar Devil

    Lunar Devil Fapstronaut

    What about becoming financially free bro?!? making enough money so you never have to work again, its not a fantasy. Its been confirmed, so its a fact now, there are people on earth who dont work and have money whuh whuh!
    Ahmed Adel likes this.
  12. Kiddy

    Kiddy Fapstronaut

    I am trying to find something like this to channel my energy. My job is really stressing me out, and I am desperate for a wholesome outlet. I know it's matter of taste, but I am having a haed time thinking of things that I want to do that will also be healthy and acceptable for my wife. I think ballroom dancing would do the trick.
  13. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Go for it! Sounds good. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Stay strong brother!
  14. Ahmed Adel

    Ahmed Adel Fapstronaut

    taking an online course. learning arts
  15. Nathan36

    Nathan36 New Fapstronaut

  16. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Props and thanks to @shutdown66 for these recommendations

    -Car drive. Hop into your car for 20-30 mins (urge usually subsides in 15-30 mins). Play inspirational music/lecture
    -Delve into your university studies and really enjoy them!
    -compose music
    -Go to Netflix--> watch a good documentary/movie (not sexual in nature)

    Stay strong! Win!
    goodboy1 likes this.
  17. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    -Adult coloring books
    -Nature walking
    -visiting museum, aquarium, etc.
    goodboy1 likes this.
  18. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Brilliant! Our disconnect from nature is causing us severe dysfunction! May we all get out and enjoy more nature. I love Emerson and Thoreau. Their journals are splendid! Stay strong! Win!
  19. Driving is a big one for me! I love to take a long drive, preferably somewhere pretty, and listen to some music or just think/talk through some things.

    - I've been wanting to get back into archery soon, once the weather is better.
    - Writing is an outlet for me, but sometimes too mentally draining to do when I'm bored and tired from work.
    - Having some great conversations with friends, but I've noticed that I need to be careful not to place too much dependency on this.
    - Cleaning, organizing, getting rid of stuff. For me, clutter is a big source of stress, so it gives me something to do in the moment aside from PMO while also fixing a more long-term problem of stress from all the clutter around.

    Some great ideas here. Boredom/stress/other negative emotions are my biggest triggers, typically, so this page has been bookmarked for future assistance.
    teksab likes this.