Let's Lighten Up

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Icewarrior, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! I've been practicing the "Let's Go, Zoo Monkey!" method day in and day out to help me quit pmo, but it's not working, damn it! What am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: What is the ""Let's Go, Zoo Monkey!" method, Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: Well, you know that monkey's in zoos will sometimes masturbate in front of people, unlike their counterparts in the wild, seemingly without a care in the world? So, what you need to do is build yourself a cage in your house, then get into it and masturbate, all the while imagining you are in a zoo with people looking on at you in horror and disgust. The sheer shame of it is supposed to help you quit pmo.
    Mutley Ravishes: You didn't need to go to all that trouble of building yourself a cage, Dick.
    Dick Farcetardly: Why not?
    Mutley Ravishes: You're already in one.
  2. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

  3. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Joseph Campbell likes this.
  4. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! I've been practicing the "We've Got This!" method day in and day out to help me quit pmo, but it's not working, damn it! What am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: What is the "We've Got This!" method, Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: Well, first of all you need to make an online meet up group. Then during the meet you all say to each other, "We've got this!" over and over like a mantra. Each time you say it you increase the volume incrementally until you're roaring it out. You can also punch the air on the "this!" to increase the power. The pmo habit starts to cower under the relentlessness and force of our collective chants. Now, because the pmo habit is inside of us we can enhance the power and effect even more by beating on our chests like those gorillas on tv as we chant. This let's the pmo habit know, without any doubt, that you're knocking on its door, ready to rumble! If you can go a full 12 rounds like those boxers in Las Vegas you'll definitely win the contest on points, thereby defeating the pmo habit!
    Mutley Ravishes: There are much better mantras than that one, Dick.
    Dick Farcetardly: Really?
    Mutley Ravishes: Yes. Here's one (long version):

    Oompa Loompa Doompa-dee-do
    Pmo's got a message for you
    "You're using me
    To try and get free
    Get off your ass
    And take The Odyssey."

    Dick Farcetardly: What's the short version?
    Mutley Ravishes: Harry Mack
    tawwab1 and The Last Chance like this.
  5. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Ten Pericardiums

    Childhood magic
    Pile of ash
    Seminal fluid
    Out with the trash
    Running out
    Of hidden gas
    Feel the pain
    Of the lash
    Of identification
    With limitation
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  6. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Antidote: a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison.


    Mickey Mouse, I'm mechanical
    Spiral avoidance
    Lost the animal
    Dragon flow
    Don't wanna know
    Grasp the spasm
    Crack orgasm
    Snake in the cave
    Don't wanna wake
    How much more
    Alive I'd be
    If I went on an

  7. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Where Are You From?

    Don't come from poverty
    Or a broken family
    Just living in so-so
    But that don't mean no struggle with
    Caught up in
    Hiding cosmic majesties
    The bear don't care
    Where you are from
    Birds still be singing
    Their songs
    Old man river just keeps
    Flowing on
    When you sleep
    Where's your identities gone?
    When you're in the zone
    What color are your bones?
    The wind keeps blowing
    The sun keeps glowing
    Internal pressure showing
    You that it wants release
    It's turning up the heat
    Seeing the deeps
    Of the sea
    Dip a toe into
    The Odyssey
    The Last Chance likes this.
  8. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! If I'm not this body, as some people claim, then what on earth am I?
    Mutley Ravishes: The space inside an atom is too immense to be ignored, Dick.
  9. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Take Up The Slack

    I like coffee
    And I like tea
    I like the habits
    That are devolving me
    I like dwarfs
    And I like giants
    I only believe what I'm told
    By "science"
    I like the birds
    And I like the bees
    But two dimensions
    Are easier than three
    I like watching
    And I like chatting
    It's much less hassle
    Than acting
    I like pressure
    And I like grief
    Everyday I worship
    My beliefs
    I like Hong Kong Phooey
    And I like Chewie
    Instead of living life
    I watch the movie
    I like ejaculations
    And I like injections
    I don't respect
    My immune system
    I like chaffinches
    And I like sparrows
    I never draw the bow
    And shoot the arrow
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
    tawwab1 likes this.
  10. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! I've been practicing the "Beat Myself Up!" method in order to quit pmo, but it's not working, damn it! What am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: What is the "Beat Myself Up!" method, Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: Well, in Stage 1 each time you relapse, you tell yourself what a weak, pathetic, useless, shameful person you are. This starts to shame the pmo habit slowly into submission. If it still refuses to submit, then we go to Stage 2. We're upping the ante, Mutley! Here, you imagine punching yourself in the face after a relapse. Relapse again? Punch harder. Still not working? Ok, lets go to Stage 3. Now you can even imagine punching yourself so hard that it knocks the pmo habit right out of you, like a boxer delivering a K.O punch! Then you're free, in theory.
    Mutley Ravishes: When the delivery driver knocks on your door to deliver a parcel, do you call him a twat and then punch him in the face?
    tawwab1 likes this.
  11. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut


    What if sexual energy
    Is the way to enslavement
    Or the way to be free?
    What if it's fear
    And it's courage?
    What if it depends on how
    You channel it?
    What if fear and lust
    Turn the waters of life
    To dust?

    What if SR and transmutation
    Is an incantation?
    Body cell saturation
    Joint lubrication
    Brain levitation
    Reverse desiccation
    Energy amplification?

    Breaking limitation
    Earthed imagination
    Heart's captivation
    Nemesis of self-laceration
    Unique expression's liberation?

    Slayer of cosmic rejection
    Of ignorance's infection
    Of intellect's dry machinations
    Of blood's stagnant circulation?

    What if it's boredom's resignation
    Identity's capitulation
    The serpent's elevation
    Soul creation
    Beauty's veneration
    An alien invasion
    Of reverence?

    Or would you prefer to continue masturbating and ejaculating to pornographic images in your head or on a two dimensional screen?

    tawwab1 likes this.
  12. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! I've been practicing the "That's Not Science, This is!" method in order to quit pmo, but it's not working, damn it! What am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: What is the "That's Not Science, This Is!" method, Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: Well, in Stage 1, which is the psychological preparation stage, you adopt a skeptical attitude towards any information that has not been tested and verified by scientists. This trains your mind to keep a laser focus on what is real and true! In Stage 2, which is further psychological preparation, you mock anyone who has information that has not been tested and verified by scientists. This trains and strengthens the mind even more from being thrown off balance by weirdos and the like. You are now ready for Stage 3! In this stage you get a special "Pmo Blocker Chip" inserted in your body. When an urge to pmo arises in your mind, it blocks the signal from your brain to your hands to masturbate or move them in any way, like using a mouse, scrolling on a phone, and so on. You can't pmo, in other words!
    Mutley Ravishes: Have you been chipped, Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: Yes.
    Mutley Ravishes: So what's the problem?
    Dick Farcetardly: The harder I try not to think about pmo the more it appears in my mind. I was driving up to a drive-thru restaurant the other day when pmo thoughts made their appearance. I tried to think of something else, but to no avail. My hands went dead. I couldn't steer the car, Mutley!
    Mutley Ravishes: What happened next, Dick?

    Dick Farcetardly: I drove right through the restaurant.
    tawwab1 likes this.
  13. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    The Urge

    Isn’t the sexual urge
    The urge to create?
    And when that urge
    Shows its face
    It’s not just saying
    Let’s create
    Another bodily shape
    I can also flow
    Into any instrument
    And relieve your
    If you set me to work
    On God’s green earth
    tawwab1 likes this.
  14. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! My hippocampus is shrinking! What am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: Well Dick. Can you tell me more about the hippocampus first?
    Dick Farcetardly: I read that it's where emotions, mood, memory and creativity are processed. That it's one of the brain's key learning centers. And that this process produces crucial cells called index-neurons. These help to boost psychological resilience, curiosity, individuality and creativity, but most of all mental energy.

    It went on to say that a shrunken hippocampus may result from poor diet, toxins in the air, food and water, and low levels of omega 3 fatty acids in the bloodstream.
    Mutley Ravishes: Anything else, Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: Oh yes, I almost forgot, damn it! Fear, chronic stress, loss of purpose in life, lack of physical activity, poor sleep, and lack of socializing are all said to also contribute to the shrinking of the hippocampus.
    Mutley Ravishes: No wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed. What did Yogi Bear have to say on the matter?
    Dick Farcetardly: What? Oh wait, you mean that yogi I met in a sunlit glade in the woods the other day who was eating honey from a bee's nest. He told me I was burning up too much of the old ojas with all the pmoing.
    Mutley Ravishes: That bear was really on to something. And into it as well. Just like those bees. Well Dick, you've answered your own question.

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
  15. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    Icewarrior likes this.
  16. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! I've tried everything in order to quit pmo, but nothing works! What am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: Do you want the long answer or the short one Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: What's the long one?
    Mutley Ravishes: Lecture, blah blah, conjecture, blah blah.
    Dick Farcetardly: And the short one?
    Mutley Ravishes:
    Jack of all trades, master of none, Dick!
  17. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Enter the Dragon

    Pmo I have chosen
    My life is frozen
    In fear and lust
    Biting the dust
    When am I going
    To enter the flowing
  18. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! I've been practising the "Think Yourself Out Of Pmo" method in order to quit pmo, but it's not working, damn it! What am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: Can you think yourself out of death, Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: Of course not! So, what on earth am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: Well, Dick,
    If you're in the north
    Head south
    Into Sauron's mouth
    If you're in the east
    Head west
    As Monkey's guest

    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
  19. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Worrier To Warrior

    When ignorance reigns
    Welcome to pain
    Fear gains a foothold
    Lust has a stranglehold
    Pleasure is mistaken
    For treasure
    Body feeling under
    The weather
    No relief from
    Internal pressure
    Pmo wrecked bones
    Gnashing teeth skills
    Curiosity and courage
    Out on loan
    Compassion thrown out
    With the spasm
    SR putting us back
    In the zone

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
    The Last Chance likes this.
  20. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley! I've been practising the "Self-Pity Method" in order to quit pmo, but it's not working, damn it! What am I to do?
    Mutley Ravishes: What's the thinking behind the "Self-Pity Method," Dick?
    Dick Farcetardly: Well Mutley, the more you feel sorry for yourself the more the pmo habit will take pity on you, and it will eventually feel so sorry for you that it will leave you alone.
    Mutley Ravishes: It's taking 100% pity on you right now.
    Dick Farcetardly: So why hasn't it left me alone?
    Mutley Ravishes: It can't leave you alone until you listen to what it's saying.
    Dick Farcetardly: What do you mean by "listen to what it's saying"?
    Mutley Ravishes: Let's take a look at the definition of "take pity on someone":
    "To feel sorry for someone, and to do something that shows this: We took pity on a couple of people waiting in the rain for a bus and gave them a lift."
    Would you "take pity" on those folks waiting in the rain for a bus by just feeling sorry for them and then driving off, Dick?

    Dick Farcetardly: Drat and double drat, Mutley!

    tawwab1 likes this.