Introducing a way to support NoFap's expenses (basically a plea for help)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, May 9, 2015.

  1. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I don't think a subscription is about the value of what you're getting back. It's specifically about giving back to a worth cause. Maybe it is too much for some. We can see that others have chipped in the ante, and I intend to, as well. I don't think there's any pressure - so if anyone doesn't have it, then that's ok, right? What we need right now is just enough of /those/ people that do have this amount to kick off the support and relieve Alexander when he's made a "plea for help".

    For me, it's more a conscious decision to give back and support NoFap so that it stays here. This is a worthwhile cause. This may not be the only resource out there, but it's by far the most open and easily accessible. It's also perhaps the 'cleanest' in terms of being trigger-free. The money is not so much for Alexander, any monetization and profit which is 100% okay in my book anyways (as long as it's transparent), but it's really for the community to have and share. Sort of like the Western world donating to Wikipedia, for the benefit of mankind. Porn is harmful, and it's great to have somewhere supportive to turn for education and support. Thanks, Alexander.
    Dizzy Lotus and Knight Solaire like this.
  2. nondescript

    nondescript Fapstronaut

    Countless websites offer advice for careers, health, DIY, technology, relationships, exercise et cetera et cetera for free. Countless more forums exist with users who help people looking for advice. That's all this site is. I would say NoFap has changed my life but I found out about it on and learned the science behind pornography from a TED talk on Youtube and on YBOP. I've no doubt there are plenty of forums with people trying to cut down on porn and there are plenty of communities who will be interested if you made a thread on NoFap and asked for support, and I doubt many of them would ask for money. I'm not saying this site isn't amazing and useful and or the goal isn't important. But I don't think you do anything special, so I won't give you my money.
  3. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    I would like to mention that he created this asking for help. I have no qualms with people donating less than $10 a month, but I do believe this to be way more important than a Netflix or Spotify sub or even a gym sub. No one will be pulling you by your ear to sub.

    This is for people who have the money to sub. I agree that other countries should be listed, but I also believe the way you wanna go about it is a little silly. Everything you are saying is undermining what we are trying to do here. I feel like your almost trying to make it out to be something that it's not. You can donate without commitment. You don't have to donate if you don't want to.

    I feel like the comment about his signature was also irrelevant and slightly insulting. If you happen to be a certain user recently named FreedomFlight, you will not win my friend
    vxlccm likes this.
  4. nondescript

    nondescript Fapstronaut

    What exactly is Alexander going to do with $1500 every month anyway?
  5. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Watch the fucking video FreedomFlight!
  6. feo1966

    feo1966 Fapstronaut

    Did you guys think about showing ads on the forum. Offensive ads can be blocked. Google Adsense is probably the best
  7. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    Yeah, but if you watch the video it explains why he doesn't want to run ads.
    thenewbeginning and vxlccm like this.
  8. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    And, I'd personally like no ads and would rather pay for the site to just be here if it came down to that. Not saying I'd leave over ads, but the Internet is choked with ads and it's really nice to find a haven. I don't know about insulting, but tone moderation would be nice. Why post a "no" vote. Just don't donate. Sheesh.
    thenewbeginning likes this.
  9. nondescript

    nondescript Fapstronaut

    I don't know who FreedomFlight is but if there is any doubt as to the authenticity of my account I suggest you go and have a look at the a journal I've kept here for 40 days and counting.

    I have better things to do than watch that 30 minute video but from what I can gather he has reasonable website and servers costs, but also such important costs as: buying a camera to film an unnecessary video, and travel expense to go to a different state to film an unnecessary video. On the matter of plugins: NoFap is seriously the best functioning forums I visit, so it doesn't surprise that you are paying money for good plug-ins, but all those other websites are still more than adequately functional, and if you need to ask users for $10/month for fund the website maybe you are aiming too high and you can scale back on things.

    Does he gives a breakdown in the video of this $1500/month? I'm not saying it isn't legit, but I don't yet understand it.
  10. Why I am not going with Adsense:
    Google Adsense pays in peanuts. In the past 28 days NoFap brought in $2.71 from like 20k ad views (we run some minor ads on the main site). And you don't necessarily have control over triggering content until it shows up. I'd rather proactively fight triggering adverts rather than block them after they pop up, and Google Adsense doesn't allow screening every ad that comes on the site.

    Looking into direct sales / screenable advert systems since it is likely Premium won't be able to cover everything and allow us to grow and develop additional tools. We would only show relevant ads (for porn-blockers and what-not) to "non-Premium" Fapstronauts and on the main page.

    I'm going to go ahead and just say that kind of came off dickish. I'm also going to try to not take it personally (I devoted 40+ hours into improving NoFap for years and tons of money, which incites an emotional reaction to your post). But I don't think you are realistically looking into the time and resources that are required to keep something this large afloat. It isn't just a barebones forum. Compared to other websites, we have a far greater amount of responsibilities.

    That is a tiny amount of money for something this big. Is it really that hard to imagine? Altogether the network brings in about a million unique visitors per month. We're in the press almost every day. An operating budget of 1500 a month is almost trivially small for a site with this big of an impact.

    Yes, I am aiming high and dump some of my money "unnecessarily" into the website. I address that in the video. For me, it is necessary. NoFap needs to grow. The world needs NoFap. Theoretically I can uninstall every plugin, delete this forum, and throw up something on a free forum software. Heck, throw it on a free forum hosting website which would spam it with irrelevant adverts. I can take down the servers for our apps and take them off the iOS and Google Play stores.

    But that wouldn't be the best thing for humanity. I'm going to invest in unnecessary web design. I'm going to invest in unnecessary plugins and software. I'm going to spend money on unnecessary apps like Hootsuite to maximize my time. I might even pay a developer 100 bucks to fix something on the forum because I'd rather sleep rather than fix a php problem overnight (which I have done at least twice). I'm going to buy a camera to film unnecessary videos about quitting porn. I'll even probably *gasp* buy a completely unnecessary microphone to film completely unnecessary videos and record unnecessary podcasts soon. I'm going to help unnecessary porn addiction studies find participants and do unnecessary media interviews to spread the message about porn being harmful. I'm going to order unnecessary servers to ensure quick speeds and access without 502 errors. I'm going to spend money on unnecessary domain names that help spread the message. I'm going to spend money on unnecessary apps to help porn addicts make the right decision when triggered. I'll even get Cloudflare and other security plugins to protect the site from attacks (yes, we get attacked).

    Yes, almost everything I spend my money on isn't necessary because I spend it out of passion to improve the website and make it better than a bare-bones forum.

    With that being said, you do raise good points. It is expensive. I don't expect the service to be comparable to Netflix or anything like that. Once I compile all of the money I put into the site I'll post it here (going through receipts and expenses, it is a long process) which I planned to do for a while. Yes, many of these purchases were not necessary at first glance, but helping to level up humanity is completely necessary to me.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2015
  11. nondescript

    nondescript Fapstronaut

    Well, I have nothing else to say on the matter. Based on the site so far I'm sure NoFap will go far with you at it's helm, and though I won't be subscribing I hope you make good use of the money you do get and I look forward to seeing how NoFap develops over the coming years.
    Deleted Account, vxlccm and Aexander like this.
  12. No one is compelled to contribute to this site - the service is free at the point of delivery. All I can say is that this community and the service provided by @alexander and the other volunteers has been an absolute lifeline to me - as I know it is to so many others. My life would be so much worse right now if it were not for the strength & support I gain when I come here. $10 seems so little when compared with what we receive in return.
  13. Hi Alexander:
    You do not need to explain what is obvious, man.
    What you are doing is great, you do not even need to spend time in putting receipts together while you can use this time to take a rest and think how you can keep doing your excellent job.
    BTW, for nondescript and all those who are sceptic: one hour of therapy costs 100-150 bucks. The use that we are using to this site worth much more than 10-20 bucks per month.
    Keep pushing, we are in this fight altogether
  14. thenewbeginning

    thenewbeginning Fapstronaut

    Hey Alexander! As a software developer I totally get your frustration when you read comments like the ones of nondescript... The effort involved in the preparation of the site, plus the unavoidable investment of time that maintenance requires tend to be unrecognized specially when the product is well developed and sustained (my respects on that, btw). I personally appreciate the labor you're doing here for me and other people so, thank you!
  15. I'm quite surprised at the disdain toward being asked for a small contribution. There is nothing rude about asking for help. Asking for help - isn't that what we do on this site? I know that to stay away from my addiction(s) I have to be rigorously honest. Being honest, at least for me, is making a contribution toward something I benefit from.

    At one point in my life I didn't think twice about throwing down $20 for porn or a membership in some unsavory online "community". Was I concerned about their overhead costs? Today I am gratefully able to contribute and take some level of responsibility for the things I ultimately benefit from. And when I'm not grateful, I try not to push people away today that I may need tomorrow.
  16. Good call, @Sursum Corda !
    OpenDoors and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  17. I sincerely intend to be contributing as soon as I emerge out of debt. I need to say, to put my conscience at rest, I wish I was never scammed out of the great amount of money I have lost in my life... But then again, if I was not suffering economically, neither would I have allowed myself to be suffer from PMO addiction and I would not have joined up here in the first place. This place is my last hope.

    I pray every night that the porn industry collapses and breaks down. I am not the only man who is sick and tired of seeing endless porn and millions of provocative images everywhere. Enough is really enough. I also pray that I break out of debt as soon as possible so I can support your cause. I honestly believe it's obligation upon us, as a humanity which is suffering from lack of social interaction and population decline, to support Nofap and bring down the porn industry before the porn industry brings down humanity.
    recovering onanist likes this.
  18. JustADude

    JustADude Fapstronaut

    If I donate. Please don't give me any perks, especially the ones that would cost noFap more money or cause you all to earn less money... for example...
    • Unlimited private conversations (these cost server space to host!)
    • Guaranteed no-advertising (we'll likely need to introduce some sort of forum adverts to help offset some of the costs)
    And... a really bad ass perk would be if I had the option to opt-in to even more ads.

    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  19. JustADude

    JustADude Fapstronaut

    Ya'll back off of @nondescript. My guess is that he was (at least initially) coming from a good place. When Alexander posts a cry for help for money, it pulls at people hearts (at least a little bit). And... some people come running to give aid and find that they can't afford to help as much as was requested.

    I can understand nondescript's initial frustration of wanting to give, but not being able to give what Alexander requested, due to being on a tight budget and already giving money to other causes. I'd like to give nondescript the benefit of the doubt and hope the remainder of nondescript's posts were simply the product of his defense of his initial comments getting more and more out of hand. I would hate to drive nondescript away from the forums.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  20. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Thank you, that was a great and needed post.