Write about your Failures

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Oct 28, 2022.

  1. Some people think they're the only people who make mistakes. I think each one of us should write about embarrassing situations we were in.

    I'll start:
    - I ran in a classroom then fell.
    - I answered a simple math question wrong.
  2. jackcruiser800

    jackcruiser800 Fapstronaut

    -never did something really great in life.
    -entertainer of friends ,but girls laughed on me too.
    -i am try to get a job,for fixing my life .
    :Phast: likes this.
  3. - I was always afraid of making mistakes. People distanced themselves from me and criticized me behind my back.
    - I clinged to people and was too nice because I wanted approval.
    - I thought everyone person who frowns at me is angry with me. I learned I should continue saying what I wanted to say. Maybe he's trying to understand what I'm saying. After I finish saying what's on my mind, their expression will change.
  4. ShiftD

    ShiftD Fapstronaut

    -I failed my 19 day streak
    -I was PMO addict for over 3 years
  5. - I was so desperate for attention I mimicked many people. Many people saw through me and laughed with themselves. :oops:
  6. ShiftD

    ShiftD Fapstronaut

    -I am very not sure in myself, I can't walk normally but because of probably psychological problems

    By the way I hope I can overcome this with nofap
    :Phast: likes this.
  7. You will. When I pmo'ed, my knees fail to support me.
  8. Олександр

    Олександр Fapstronaut

    лицемерный, нуждался во внимании и общении, но к общению не подходил, целыми днями сидел дома, боялся выйти на улицу, вместо того, чтобы уйти от стресса, сидел и терпел, вёл себя ужасно, всегда падал, боялся борись со своими страхами,blamed everyone for his failures