Unintentional Ejaculation

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Rensoo, Jan 19, 2023.

  1. Rensoo

    Rensoo Fapstronaut

    On day 10 of PMO and feel like I could ejaculate randomly some time today. A little worried about it, could be a traumatic experience because I'm at work. I'm really committed to going 90 days no PMO. Feeling better, less depressed and anxious. Had a pornographic dream two nights ago and ever since then libido has been through the roof, but not in a good way. Determined to not watch porn or even think of it. Any advice?
    +TenPercent and Cherubim like this.
  2. Mack Truck

    Mack Truck Fapstronaut

    I'm only concerned about the things that I can control. If I shot off in my pants at work without touching my dick, I wouldn't consider it a violation of my NoFap.

    Maybe that's just me.
  3. Steve.tmq

    Steve.tmq Fapstronaut

    Let the dreams happen and you may get a WD(Wet Dream) this will help and is normal. If you still think it may happen then wear underpants that you can put a pad of tissue at the tip and that will sock any spillage. No panic, P.S. a WD does not reset your day count.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  4. I have shot off at work. Never while just sitting there, but I have a physical job and it has happened when I needed to lean up against things or while working vigorously. (It also happened while scrubbing a tub once, while I was under extreme stress trying to clean my apartment before moving out and with the 4PM deadline looming). When I felt like I was about to ejaculate, of course I would stop if I could and try to give my body a chance to settle down. But sometimes you're in a work situation where you can't "just stop" or keep stopping every couple of minutes. In those situations I'd have to just "let it happen". Sometimes it wouldn't, it just felt like it would. Other times it did.
    In the end, you try to think of ways to cover up the wet spot and then you carry on as best you can.
    Steve.tmq likes this.
  5. Life enjoyer

    Life enjoyer Fapstronaut

    Hello there I noticed that you said you ejaculated when you didn’t want to but has no choice. I have an idea and it’s kegels! You might’ve heard of them,but They are basically pelvic floor muscle exercises and if you exercise them you’ll be able to control your bladder and deal with ejaculation by holding it in. Semen retention mainly uses this and idk if you’re on it too or not but try this so you never have to deal with another unintentional ejaculation again
    +TenPercent likes this.
  6. Steve.tmq

    Steve.tmq Fapstronaut

    I find that if I have not ejaculated for a while, last time was two days ago with a wet dream then doing kegels makes me ejaculate. However I do think there a good thing to do.
    +TenPercent likes this.