Problems with ED drugs

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Odnolb, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. Odnolb

    Odnolb Fapstronaut

    Recently I took a 10 mg ceealis on three separate nights and had sex with my girlfriend, the first night was Saturday February 10th, the 2nd night was Wednesday February 14th, and the 3rd night was Sunday February 18th… I had great sex with her on February 10th and I orgasmed 3 times, on February 14th my erections seemed weaker and I only orgasmed once, and on February 18th I couldn’t penetrate and so I didn’t orgasm at all, it’s been two weeks since I took Ceealis and a lot of times I haven’t gotten much morning wood since and no spontaneous erections… I did get a little bit hard with my girlfriend but not even close to hard enough to penetrate the last couple weeks. My girlfriend is very understanding and patient with all this which is good. I’m currently on a 122 day streak away from PMO. We met in December and had sex once a week in January but I was on ceealis everytime but it worked fine then. It seems like the week I was on Ceealis in February hurt my natural erections and I know I didn’t have priapism because it wasn’t persistent or painful. Whenever I stopped doing sexual stuff with my girlfriend my erections would go down. I visited a urologist and she said there is no way I did damage to my penis and based on my research that makes sense. It’s weird to think I could of entered a flatline because that usually doesn’t happen to me after sex and it just seems like my blood flow somehow got messed up from ceealis. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
  2. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    122 days could be not enough for a complete reboot. Also tadalafil (cial.) and sildenafil (viag) works in a bit different way. You can try sildenafil and see what happens. In general, viag makes erections harder and "unnatural" but it boost a lot, while cial. gives you a more natural effect that last even longer (more than a day, while viag last for 6-7 hrs).
    They work only if you're aroused... but if you suffer from PIED, you probably don't get enough arousal, that's why they doesn't seem to works.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  3. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Idk man… I honestly at this point in my life think ejaculation is unhealthy for the body.. it seems to have a very violent effect on the body

    I personally view ED drugs as a way to further harm people… it forces an erection.. taking more energy away from the body..

    Perhaps you can’t get an erection because your body is trying to save you from destroying yourself… a lack of an erection could be your body saying “we need to conserve energy, please don’t take any more energy away from us!”
    Lassquwuquwuw likes this.