Post-addiction sex life. Is it normal to masturbate to get an erection for sex?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Mr. R, Jan 15, 2024.

  1. Mr. R

    Mr. R Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I've demonized porn and masturbating to get an orgasm.
    Although I am having huge difficulties getting it up to have sex.

    The little worry and performance anxiety should go away soon, but i could get a strong erection when I am alone (just a little bit of masturbating), and cant get it up for my girl. The usual rubbing and her touching gets it only half erect or lover.

    Is it actually normal and common that a guy masturbates to get an erection to have sex?
    Or do you just react normally to the stimulus and so on, and dont have to touch yourself to.

    It's sort of that feeling when I have to masturbate to get it up, that she doesnt turn me on or is not sexy enough and I fall back into this selfish habit of self-pleasuring to have sex with a partner or is a normal thing to do before sex?

    this feeling and idea stays that: a man should get it up and ready for sex whenever the need for it and not have to wank-start himself to get it up to procreate.

    What are your experiences and arguments on this?
    Thank you.
  2. It’s not normal to have to masturbate to get an erection before sex with a girl…

    you are probably still healing from your PMO addiction..

    also, maybe you are tired or your health isn’t 100% top notch right now which could be preventing normal sexual ability
  3. Mr. R

    Mr. R Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I have been off from stable relationship 3-5 years now to heal from pmo addiction. And now got a girl and having difficulties, how would you improve your situation to have a normal intimacy and sex without erection problems?
  4. ChrisLearnsLoves

    ChrisLearnsLoves Fapstronaut

    Hmm from what I know lots of factors can contribute to having healthy erections, but if your not getting erections at night sleeping your body may be lacking some nutrients, try to look into your diet and sleep health. for me I find eating steak or salmon gives me an extra strong erection. I know that if I ate poorly that I will lose my night erections almost right away.
    Transbaikalian Guran and Mr. R like this.
  5. runninginadarktunnel

    runninginadarktunnel Fapstronaut

    I didn't have sex for a long time but when I was doing it, I didn't need to masturbate to have an intercourse. however when I was 18, I couldn't get it up when I have had sex first time in my life. my father told me that it must be pyschological. then second time, I couldn't get it up again. then I have researched it and found that prone masturbation can cause this. I was masturbating easily and I had no libido problem or hormonal issues but I wasn't feeling anything during sex. it is because my penis was used to pressure of my pillow. unfortunately many urologists have no idea about these things and they say "it must be stress". then I changed to normal masturbation habits and I started to enjoy sex. so if you are using death grip or prone masturbation, that can be the issue. your penis react in situations what it used to. so you should make your d to get used to the mechanics of sex but not prone masturbation or death grip.
    Mr. R likes this.
  6. runninginadarktunnel

    runninginadarktunnel Fapstronaut

    also I saw that you are 500+days. and you said u are doing it for 3-5 years. so your problem might not be pied. maybe there is a vascular issue. or hormonal isssue. or if you are using psychiatric medications, u might have pssd. porn is not the sole cause of sexual problems.
    Mr. R likes this.
  7. Mr. R

    Mr. R Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Went to my urologist to get hormone and blood check ups. He also got me on a pill to go for a month (similar to V, but better and more specific on erection problems) But I also got my V pill to try out one night and it worked! We talked over about sex with my girl and found my confidence and just tried lots of foreplay with lights on and it finally got hard.

    After that my sex life has become normal and I get erections with her at any time.

    So I say, V pill with communication, meditation and a will to put in the work and trying out different foreplays worked for me in post addiction stage, when I reintroduced normal intimacy to my life back again.
  8. Muha22

    Muha22 Fapstronaut

    Why do u need a V pill to get it up .