On the brink of losing it all (wife, kids, life as I know it)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by AnxiousAlderaanTK421, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. AnxiousAlderaanTK421

    AnxiousAlderaanTK421 Fapstronaut

    Hi all, long time fapper, first time acknowledging it's a problem and trying to fix it even though it may be too late. I am still a jumble of emotions, so apologies in advance if this intro post seems all over the place.

    Been PMO for just about my entire life, since adolescence through now (42yo). It started out as adolescent fun and discovery. Transitioned into "I can't get a girlfriend so porn is all I have". Eventually did get a girlfriend, which a much lower sex drive than myself. So porn filled in the gaps. She knew about it, and as much of an asshole I was, I did very little to hide it. I guess I was thinking, she knows, it's ok. Technically this never came up as why we broke up, in fact she ended up cheating on me with my friend. That probably didn't help my PMO, and likely intensified it.

    Ended up with my now-wife, who is amazing in all aspects, including a sex drive to match mine. We've been married almost 20 years, and have two kids (teen and pre-teen aged). But for almost the entire relationship, I've still PMO. Early on, she caught me as I was moving downloaded files (before streaming was a prevalent). She as upset I tried to hide it. I probably took a long break after that, I honestly don't recall. But one way or another, I started again.

    I struggle with chronic migraines, depression, and anxiety. I've likely always used PMO as a crutch to help me "get by". It gave me the endorphin release, with little to no work on my end. I didn't have to worry about pleasing her, our schedules aligning, her mood, time of the month, etc. PMO was there for me.

    More recently I added in a separate TT account to follow people there. The purposes weren't really PMO... I dunno what the purpose really was. Edging, perhaps? Getting an endorphin hit without actually PMO? Either way, I kept this from my wife as well.

    In the past year-ish, she's started expressing displeasure with our marriage. The attention I give her, her being appreciated. How it's not the same as when we first met. Somehow, I never thought the PMO was related, because PMO has always been there. Since I was somehow able to give her that attention/appreciation back then (when PMO was likely still happening to some degree) I thought that surely it's from something else. I did try to do better, and it was never enough.

    This just pushed me farther into depression, leading to anti-depressants, leading to ED issues, leading to even more displeasure by her now because I couldn't perform. And led to her being self conscious. My PMO was never about her level of attractiveness, I have always found her attractive and never wanted another person.

    Last week she questioned something about my non-PMO TT acocunt, and I denied it. I lied. Within a couple days the truth came out, all of it. And it's ruined everything. I don't know why I thought I could hide this. She doesn't want to talk to me, which I guess I understand. She says she needs time and space. I am reaching out to a couples therapist today, which my wife has agreed to.

    I am at all new levels of depression. I've had un-aliving thoughts in the past, but usually push past them. This whole thing has made that so much worse. I worry I won't be able to continue if she leaves me. I probably need therapy for myself, which I plan to ask about as well.

    So I'm here, I'm fucked in the head. I'm trying, with extreme difficulty, to make things right. I'm broken. Hell, I've been broken, but now I'm shattered. I can't believe I was so stupid.

    I'm very much open to an accountability partner, and/or someone willing to talk. Similar age (40s) and married/previously married a plus, but not a requirement. I'm looking into the virtual meet ups, but not sure on how I feel about that yet, tbh.

    I don't know if any of this makes sense, but I figure this is the most likely place to find people who might understand. If you read this far, thanks.
    rooftops, Rudolf Geyse and Orphan like this.
  2. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

    Hey there, sorry to hear about such a difficult time.

    Well done for coming here. You are most definitely going to need some professional help, so ask about that with your couples therapist as soon as you can.

    You can find people in a similar position to yourself in the forum "Rebooting In A Relationship." Drop a message there to be heard by the right people.

    I've got some rebooting resources at this link for you. Feel free to check them out and see if you can make use of them. Try to start on them as soon as possible.

    Not going to lie, there's a hard road ahead of you, in coming off porn and seeing to what your wife needs. But you are reaching out for help, and that's a step many of us don't take. So kudos to you for that.

    Wishing you a successful reboot, hope you find both techniques and the support that will help you and your wife come back from this.

    Rudolf Geyse likes this.
  3. AnxiousAlderaanTK421

    AnxiousAlderaanTK421 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply. I just hope she’ll be willing to give me another chance. I’ve asked for chances before, unrelated to PMO, more to my attentiveness towards her. I may have used up all her good will and/or patience. I’m so scared. She’s not talking to me, outside of required conversations about the kids. I keep trying to remind myself she needs time, and there’s still hope. But in the darkness of my own thoughts I don’t see a way out.
    Rainbow Warrior likes this.
  4. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Fapstronaut

    Don’t worry. If it does break down, there’s a chance to rekindle as you said she needs space and time. Tough times require you to have a break to reignite a relationship. Without mistakes we wouldn’t learn. The thing you need to do, is reset your dopamine levels while you can. To get rid of the excitement in the brain which is probably most likely causing the depression. I had it so I know what I’m talking about. Pmo caused me 17 years in and out of mental asylums. Once I stopped I got off all my meds within 4 months and I reached a 700 day streak after a few failed attempts. Don’t mean you will have a few failed attempts, you can but if you go Hardmode you might not fail at all. You need to remove all environmental triggers immediately such as whatever you watch pmo on. Facebook Instagram and depending on what phone you have you need to immediately set safety filters in place to prevent pmo content appearing. Once you have done this you should continue alongside the therapy you’ve sought and or try to find a group that combats pmo addiction and attend regularly for support. This website has a few but you can Google it too.

    the brain needs a reset and it will hit hard. Removing triggers you will be doing yourself a favour. 50% is willpower and the rest is cultivation each day remaining busy and productive. Before you know it you’ve gone 10-20-30-60-90 days without pmo. I use a calendar and tick off each day as it ends. But that aside, cultivation is important.

    Science confirms that 90 days is what it takes to reboot and rewire the addicted brain. A tad little longer in some exceptional cases. But you must remain busy and productive without peeking at pmo. So all those years you think it’s impossible to undo it all can be done in such little time but requires daily effort on your part.

    Getting rid of your laptop is a big step. I closed my eyes and threw everything away. Took a lot of willpower to do it. Best thing I did. And I got safety filters on my phone.

    do not give up and be determined. we are all here for you.
    Orphan likes this.
  5. Learner09

    Learner09 Fapstronaut

    Just tell her you need help ..yes I did mistake not because I was I unfaithful towards you but because I was addict to something that no one consider as an addiction...and I was afraid of loosing you that's the reason I lied to you ...

    @AnxiousAlderaanTK421 at the end your wife will make her choice and you can't do anything in that .
    Confess her .put your heart out . otherwise even if she give you second chance she won't be the same ....either she will always doubt you or u will live in regret .
    She can leave you right now if she wants but she is not means she loves you anyway let her know about you too .

    I am not old as you but already suffered so much because of this addiction ....
    have problems in both of my testicles .don't know if I'll ever get a wife everything is on test results.

    Don't worry much about future because it depends of you current action ...
    (Well not a native English speaker,so forgive me about grammatical errors)
  6. rooftops

    rooftops Fapstronaut

    You did good coming here anyway. And as the posters above have said, you'll just need to wait to see what your wife decides. Meantime tho, you have to try to get clear of PMO - just take it a day at a time. Its all you can do. If you are being honest with yourself and your wife that you want to give up PMO then with the supports on here hopefully you will make it.

    I'm 56, married for 21 years, two kids and been struggling with PMO since my twenties - I've kept it a secret because I'm too scared of what might happen if anyone found out. I'm hoping that being on here will keep me on track - so far so good but as I say, one day at a time.

    All the best
  7. AnxiousAlderaanTK421

    AnxiousAlderaanTK421 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for all for your supportive words. I have told her these things. So far, she does not seem receptive. My main hope is that time and/or counseling will allow her to see how sorry I am.

    She’s told me “it’s just words”, but words are all I can do right now. Well, when she speaks to me. I need her to give me the chance to show her my actions. She asked what would be different now? I didn’t have an answer at the time, but I think the answer is that I am coming to accept this is an addiction. And previously I didn't view or approach it as such, so I naturally failed at controlling/stopping it. This time, I hope that my acceptance of what is really is as well as what I have to lose is the difference.

    Today we had a previously-planned family outing to a tourist-y place. Overall it went well, though all of the family pics were at my request, and she only requested pics with her and the kids. I guess I don't blame her, but it still hurt. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it.

    Had my nightly ugly-cry at how much I fucked everything up. I am still super depressed and trying not to beat myself up, but have been failing at that. I am/was such an idiot.
  8. rooftops

    rooftops Fapstronaut

    Its not going to be easy, but facing up to the fact that this is an addiction is a major change for you, by the sounds of it. Hopefully she will come to see it as an addiction too - there may be some posts elsewhere on this forum from folk who have been in a similar situation as you? Worth a look.

    Time is the big thing here - this is all going to take time, and you just need to take things one day at a time.

    Stay strong
  9. AnxiousAlderaanTK421

    AnxiousAlderaanTK421 Fapstronaut

    Yea, I'm coming to realize that it's going to take time, and a lot of it. Which I totally understand. But it's super hard to keep a handle on my depression especially during this initial shock period. Right now, that's almost my biggest hurdle. I'd been on antidepressants in the past 1-2 years, but they ended up causing sexual dysfunction to the point of causing issues with my wife, so we agreed to stop. So now that my wife and I are in... whatever status we're in... that doesn't seem like a downside anymore. My only worry is that IF she takes me back and IF we have any intimacy again in the future, the antidepressant side effects could mess that up. But I supposed that's a problem for the future, and I might need those meds to help me even get to that future. So it's probably worth it.

    I've been doing a lot of reading here, and on the information people have linked. A lot of it resonates with me. Like, before now, I never viewed it as an addiction. Yes, I know I shouldn't be keeping it from my wife, and I've tried/failed to stop in the past, but "surely I wasn't an addict". Looking back I don't know how I didn't see the signs.