No sugar no processed food

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by LongWayToGo, Aug 5, 2022.

  1. Hi Everyone,
    I am starting this journal to log my progress in staying away from white sugar, jaggery and all kinds of packaged and processed food.
    I am curious to see if bloating, belching and overall stomach issues are improved with this exercise or not.
    I have never done any such challenge. Wish me luck.
    desmond3, oldsurfer and Jefe Rojo like this.
  2. I've done a lot of time off of sugar. I have seen all those benefits and many others.
    LongWayToGo likes this.
  3. oldsurfer

    oldsurfer Fapstronaut

    I am no longer adding sugar to beverages. No cakes or desserts. No sausages, fried foods. More fruit, vegetables and baked fish.
  4. oldsurfer

    oldsurfer Fapstronaut

    Hi, any update? Thanks
  5. Kick butt! I'm off of sugar 7 days right now. It's not the first time. I like your diet.
  6. I had failed badly after a few days.
    Better to start again on this journey.
  7. vitekastrid

    vitekastrid New Fapstronaut

    Cutting out processed foods and sugars can do wonders for digestive health. As you explore healthier eating, have you considered experimenting with homemade sauces using wholesome yum yum sauce ingredients? Creating your own flavorful sauces can be a game-changer in sticking to your food goals while adding taste to your meals.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
  8. Muha22

    Muha22 Fapstronaut

    Are u cutting all sugar or just the artificial ones ?
  9. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Cutting out added & processed sugars was huge in helping me get a six-pack for the first time. It takes a few weeks before you start seeing results, but I swear by it now.

    I drink my coffee black or with a splash of half-and-half, and that's it. When I go out for coffee, it's either an americano or latte--none of these flavored, white-chocolate-caramel-chai concoctions. I don't keep candy or cookies in my home. On special occasions like birthdays, etc., I will allow myself a piece of cake, but just one.

    When it comes to cocktails, I limit myself to two per outing, and I choose cocktails that aren't loaded up with fruit juices (like most tropical drinks).

    And I never drink soda, ever. Ever ever. Not even diet. If you drink soda, you might as well be main-lining sugar from an IV directly into your bloodstream.
  10. Muha22

    Muha22 Fapstronaut

    Why not diet soda
  11. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I just do my best to avoid anything with artificial ingredients. I don't trust anything that doesn't come from real food.

    Diet sodas can definitely help cut calories, but there's no nutrients or benefit to drinking them. So while they might not be bad for you, they're not good for you either.
  12. NF_Stronaut

    NF_Stronaut New Fapstronaut

    Interesting... no sausage. I've found some grass-fed beef polish sausage (teton waters ranch), organic humanely raised chicken/apple breakfast sausage, and grass-fed beef organic hot dogs (both applegate brand). I had them every day or so, and I lost weight through them along with having sauerkraut, no sugar condiments, etc.

    I agree on the rest. Sugar, Processing and Seed Oils are the top problem preventing a person from losing weight. Remove them all and swap it for healthier food and suddenly the weight loss train starts up as you're changing the hormonal structure within your body slowly and surely.
  13. Muha22

    Muha22 Fapstronaut

    When it comes to sausage it really depends what kind .If u make them yourself or find some organic ones then its fine. But almost all of the store bought ones and restaurant ones are full of additives.
    Where I live majority of sausages have 20-30 percent of sausage be additives.

    At that point you are not even eating meat anymore
    NF_Stronaut likes this.
  14. NF_Stronaut

    NF_Stronaut New Fapstronaut

    100% agree, and good on You for watching ingredients!
    UlyssesResists likes this.
  15. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    That's what I'm doing too, no sugar and no grains (NSNG - Vinnie Tortorich). I was feeling real good about it, staying strict, losing weight and feeling all around better. Then I went out the other night and had pop corn. Just a little bit of those seed oils, and I started getting cravings for all the junk again. When I have a set back like that it triggers not only more food cravings, but the PMO cravings get stronger too. I think I just go into a binge/entitlement mode.
  16. NF_Stronaut

    NF_Stronaut New Fapstronaut

    I get the same way, I'd get fast food and urges would go crazy.

    Whenever I get salads and whole foods, to me, it's so, so much more controllable and less frequent. Especially so if net carbs drop below or at 100.