Maybe masturbation is not that healthy

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by SoberGuy, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    This is an insight i had yesterday, actually i'm on a fair streak (18 days) for someone that had problems to overpass 7-10 days.

    Doing M is not so bad as do M while consume P, however it still could be addictive, deplets your body from essential nutrients, desensitizes your tool if it's done excessively (everyone knows how much is excessive for your own), it leads you to a state of fatigue and lower energy and it doesn't release all the chemicals released on sex.

    For so long at our century, M was said to be healthy if you do in moderation because you lower the chances to get prostate cancer, you discover yourself, you relieve stress, etc.

    Imo :

    • When you M you don't lower stress, you just get dizzed, meaning that you even can't stress.

    • You don't discover yourself, you lose yourself in this filthy hole of self-pleasure that only leads to pain and regret and if we add P tp te equation, the result is total destruction of your brain.

    • Prostate cancer could be avoided by another ways like good lifestyle (healthy diet and physical exercises practiced as often as possible) and was already debunked that study.

    Those were just a few exemples. That post is my opinion (with the exception of the study i mentioned above) and what i'm experiencing now.
  2. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    that narrative comes from a "stress is bad" point of view, which can be true but it's only half of the story as stress (included in frustration for example) is essential in activating brain plasticity (aka LEARNING)... and i don't think people appreciate that enough. of course someone who is always on the edge of exploding has a problem to deal with, but for most of us, that's a balance of comfort and stressful moments.

    you can get rid of stress the same way with alcohol or any other "non wise" or unhealthy method you may find... that's sad.

    i totally agree with your message, i'm wondering what my friends would think about that to see what is the common sense about that, i avoid that subject for intimacy reasons, but it probably would be better if we could talk about that in person...
    HenryforwardV2 and SoberGuy like this.
  3. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Idk WHAT that dude is talking about, but everything you said I agree with. Masturbation is dirty and selfish and ultimately unhealthy. 19 days? You must feel like Superman right now.