Mantak Chia - Taoist Practices

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Brahmacharya_UK, Sep 6, 2022.

  1. Brahmacharya_UK

    Brahmacharya_UK Fapstronaut

    I happened upon this dude from a LondonReal podcast and it's piqued my interest. Are we allowed to discuss it here?

    Basically the idea seems to me not to be afraid of your sexuality, but rather embrace it and he gives exercises like "Sharpening the Knife".

    Since I abstained from PMO nearly 90 days ago my frequency of nocturnal emmisions has become less and I feel capable of carrying out these practices without danger. Especially as some are known to reduce sensitivity of the organ.

    This is highly esoteric stuff and not for everyone, but anyone who knows about it and can comment I'd love to hear about it. Did the practices improve your life?

    Anyone have any of his books they can recommend especially for these types of exercises like sharpen the knife etc.


    PS. And no, I still do not fapulate. I wish to preserve my semen, however I'm interested in learning about work with the prostate to achieve O without E, unless E is healthy to carry out on occasion as I've heard Mantak claim.

    PPS. Happy to get a private message about it if that's better for you.
    Brain-Police likes this.
  2. ethicalman

    ethicalman New Fapstronaut

    You is gonna die dawg..
  3. gillesdoingkungfu

    gillesdoingkungfu Fapstronaut

    I like it personally, I find it brings a lot of benefits to sexual health (and organs), it doesn't sedate you / make you crash like ejac (meaning you are left energized even after receiving pleasure). I personally use it as a form of meditation but be careful of the addictive potential of all this, because the levels of pleasure are nothing you are probably accustomed to. Has to be balanced by meditation and similar techniques otherwise you are just going to explode with all the sexual energy. Espcially if you let it go to your head (fantasizing, worrying, obessions). So ... be careful, it's basically like doing nofap but building the sexual energy much faster.
  4. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    in my opinion, mantak chia's techniques about edging and then pressing some point etc, to avoid ejaculation are like telling an alcoholic "hold this vodka in your mouth,gargle and then spit".
    holding the penis for cleaning,urination is ok,its not taboo to touch it...but mantak chia in his books,goes too far.
    NewZeal90 and Prime36 like this.
  5. ShowProof

    ShowProof Fapstronaut

    there are way toooo many warnings about that dude, on forums. his practices are useless and dangerous
  6. Sirius White

    Sirius White Fapstronaut

    No they are not useless. They might be dangerous, if you believe you can combine them with porn use, for example. And of course it´s risky to manipulate the physical energy system without proper knowledge and being disciplined and careful. Yoga can also be dangerous, if you mess around with those techniques. That´s the reason why these things have been kept secret in the past and only given to students by a master, who has decided before, if they can handle and make responsible use out of them. It´s not about "one single technique", read a whole book of him and consider everything he writes there, do not cherry pick out only one thing, you read about in some forum.

  7. Did you combine those techniques with porn use? I did and it fucked me up. Wondering if more people have the same experience. Let me know.
  8. SpringtimeJim2000

    SpringtimeJim2000 New Fapstronaut

    Out of interest, how did these techniques fuck you up?
  9. Ascended Ninja

    Ascended Ninja Fapstronaut

    which forums do you believe in? I've had the same experiences as the above dude. Mantak chia is a eastern/taoist cultivation author. There are only negatives about mantaks practices in probably the most popular taoist cultivation forum in english on the internet, thedaobumscom. Mr mantak himself has quite a bit of chi build up over the years ;) but his books are park dog hotdogs :) especially to poor desperate beginners that come from a bckground of regular "energy suicide", as masturbation is reffered to in those communities, as if they are slaves born in some world of warcraft or warhammer 40k vampire story being used as batteries for a dark mages rituals :D
    seriously dudes, blocking your liquid pipes in your perinium by pressing with your index fingers while you stimulate yourself to orgasm hoping to keep the "nectar" inside your body is craziness. 1. you risk your pipes blowing up and youre in for a lot of pain, costy hospital bill and probably ipotent for life, who knows, maybe you blow your perinium floor and start leaking everytime you piss lol
    2. you still loose jing and chi. 3. by vedantic texts you still loose sapta dhatu - food nutrients wasted into ejaculatory fluid that cannot be converted back - your horny thoughts force the body to sacrifice its health resources to create ejaculatory fluid, this cannot be reversed back to get the resources back.
    so considering 1, 2, and 3 you might realise why watching porn still feels draining and leaves you without any magnetism despite still keeping some of the vigour in your knees whereas ejaculating would have left you even more drained to the point of 'weak knees' phenomen.

    So excuse me for Blowing your BUBBLE sir but Elliot Hulse is an abslute morron and has no idea what hes talking about. I know hes a big promoter for mr mantak.

    In life you need PHD levle analysis for most things bro. There are a million courses for how to date and approach ladies on the internet and none work 100% of the time. Same with porn, if you google it it, those $£$£BRIBED$£$£$£ scientists will come up with graphs and fake data or accurate data but manipulated analysis that skews reality and has you thinking masturbation is good which we ALL here know is an absolute lie.
    Just reading mantak chias or any one authors books on a completly new field of studies - eastern/taoist cultivation - is not enough to become an expert. Which is what Elliot Hulse did, read his books, felt good like a little boy and started sharing it on his social media.
    tawwab1 likes this.
  10. My response to your question is very late I'm sorry. About the techniques and how they fucked me up: I did combine some of the practices with watching porn, mostly the training of the PC muscle (also known as pelvic floor or pubococcygeus muscles) that is also involved when you hold your pee. If you focus long enough on this muscle and keep contracting it over and over, eventually you'll gain more control over it, which in my case caused me to be able to get a strong erection at will, while also feeling a strong arousal going through my whole body. When my penis was erect and I would keep contracting the muscle I would eventually be pleasured with an intense orgasmic feeling without ejaculating, the orgasm would feel a lot more intense then a regular orgasm and didn't seem to really have an end because I couldn’t ejaculate. I was now able to reach an orgasm without ejaculation as Mantak Chia said.

    Eventually I combined the contracting of this muscle with watching porn. In general when consuming porn I would get arousal from what ever sexual stimuli I precieved, every new shot,scene,action,actress, etc spiked this arousal, you know this feeling, you can even experience some of it just by the thought of watching porn, or at least I can, now imagine that you can intensify this aroused feeling by the contraction of a muscle, the PC muscle. Every time you see some arousing pornography, you contract the muscle, and every time you do so, the arousal is intensified. And you keep contracting, over and over and over and over, heightening your arousal to the point where you feel light headed, you start looking cross-eyed, euphoric explosions in your head constantly constantly exciting you, your whole body contracts, there is a super-stimulated amount of precum, when you move your body into a new position, and are shortly aware of your whole body, you feel light as a feather as if on a stimulant or steroids. You keeping searching for different content to spike your arousal that way and the monsterous element to it all is that you don't ejaculate, so you can keep going for hours until you give in and jerk off to end the session, this ejaculatory orgasm is barely felt though, as you've already been in an orgasmic state for hours. This was my addiction for three years.

    I quit watching porn est 1.5 years ago and am still recovering from its severity. Sometimes I get arousal, and it is so intense that I completely change, I can't focus on anything, my facial expression changes, I snarl, I get headaches. And this happens in social situation, causing me to feel a lot of anxiety, and difficulties to preform academically.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2024