I need sex so badly I cannot control it

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Itsuki, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut


    This is a very emotional response idk if you a chick or a dude but I dont give a F either way. My man or thing or whatever the heck you are! You need to use ya brain a little bit more. You don't just sleep with any or everybody, that is basic common sense. duhh. How else is man suppose to get some play???? Geez it seems like I'm talking to someone from another planet.

    What different does it make if someone pays for it? All of the porn producers pay women to be in porn videos? I don't hear you saying anything of that towards them.
  2. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Here are some quotes from a page that you should read in full.
    (I split up the quotes because the 'show more' thing happens disrespectfully early)
    Roady and Itsuki like this.
  3. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    So basically use porn until you're married?
  4. KnightOfThe7thOrder

    KnightOfThe7thOrder Fapstronaut

    Hey I do not know whether this helps or not but why not take this situation as an opportunity and try to have a girlfriend ( assuming you are a man). Try to approach women. Charm them and try to move it towards a sexual encounter. Make your intentions clear. The worst will be a rejection. But that just saves everyone's time. See if this works
    Itsuki likes this.
  5. You have serious problems bro.

    Are you porn addict? Then solve that first.
    Start your recovery and work until you are FREE from using that drug.

    You have serious issues with your parents. Normally a son would go to his parents first for help and information.

    If you go visit a prostitude, all of your issues will be amplified a lot. You will create a strong bond between you and her. You will regret it later. A lot! Fear and regret will be your part.

    You better go visit a good therapist in stead of a hooker.
    Itsuki likes this.
  6. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Haha you are very perceptive, have I ever talked about my parents on here? Does a son normally go to his parents about sex issues?

    I agree with you that I will probably regret it, but it gets to a certain point, what. else. do. I. do? Rip my balls off? lol
  7. Have you éver talked to your father about serious things when you was younger??
  8. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    A therapist isn't going to help you my friend, its a business. They don't give a AF about you or your problems. Your just another number to them. I talked to a therapist and about my sexual frustration and you know what this Hefer told me? "Would I consider ever masturbating" I knew from then on these M'f was running dick dope and dynamite on my psychology.
    Itsuki likes this.
  9. hhh999

    hhh999 Fapstronaut

    People who work in customer service also face a lot of disrespectful and aggressive behavior regularly. That's obviously not good, but it doesn't mean we should necessarily never talk to a cashier to buy anything. As long as you're not being rude to your cashier, you're not hurting them in any way. It's important to treat customer service workers (and sex workers) with respect and dignity, and as long as you're not one of the customers who is disrespectful, you're not making things worse. Being a sex worker is a legitimate job. It's true that many sex workers experienced violence in the past, but, as long as you're not doing anything that would make the sex worker uncomfortable or unsafe, and as long as everything is consensual, then you're not doing anything to hurt the sex worker either. The Netherlands, for instance, does a pretty good job at protecting the human rights of sex workers, offering them legal/labor protection, mental health services, and job programs for former prostitutes.


    The situation is completely different for people who work as "unofficial" and "illegal" prostitutes in countries such as Mexico or the U.S. (where prostitution is a crime). Those people are almost always victims of sexual slavery, and it's advisable to stay as far away from that business as possible. By making prostitution illegal, the U.S. government punishes the victims (i.e. forced prostitutes) of a crime (i.e. sexual slavery), and I consider this to be unacceptable.
  10. Yes of course:
    Because you had a bad experience with a therapist means that all therapists are bad.
    kaerhal and Joe1023 like this.
  11. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut


    Come do something about it then, you typing hella brave. you on my nuts not the other way around lmao.

    Who said anything about bedding on ton of randoms? I'm very selective person. I keep my circle real small and I'm all for practicing sex. Wtf you my dude, so you expect a dude to be celibate for the rest of his life??? Yeah you're strange. you projecting that on to me.

    Again these people get paid to hear your problems. They have their own families and problems at the end of the day so they could care less what you're truly going through. The rubbish tell you is what they have told of million others. So why you be any different from anybody else? You just another dolla on they pay roll.
  12. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Get off the man nuts, LOL. If he wants to represent the rainbow, that is his preference.

    Some therapists are paid friends to listen to you talk about your life, to that extent I agree. But other therapists have expertise and can be decisive tools for healing, like Freud??
    Roady likes this.
  13. Who said anything about expecting people to be celibate for the rest of their life? All I said is that I would put money that a 40 yr old virgin would be a better adjusted person than someone who’s had a lot of meaningless sex. Mostly because the virgin wouldn’t have acquired a habit of using people like objects.


    Mr.Tony likes this.
  14. My experience is not like you describe here.
  15. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Well, Itsuki, to get back to the original point of your thread! Have you considered that the sexual force is a creative force? So, instead of fapping and obsessing about sex, why not get creative? Take some action, in other words. That could be music, writing, craftsmanship, business or whatever you are enthusiastic about. That way you are giving the sexual energy a healthy outlet, tapping into what you love to do, and if you keep at it you’ll get more and more skillful and attract the attention of more and more people, including girls. Just sayin!
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  16. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Thanks. I'm working on that. I need to figure out how to transmit the sexual energy. I have hobbies and stuff, but they don't involve sex so I still end up craving sex while doing them. But I know sometimes I have lots of sexual energy without having lewd thoughts. There must be something I am missing. Any advice?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  17. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Hobbies don't cut it. You've got to ask what your heart craves, why you're on this planet in the first place, and then do it, even just a little each day. Sexual energy is action. For additional help in easing the cravings, I've found this audio has worked (for me). Needs to be listened to everyday:
  18. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    I suppose you're right. It was an emotional response because you're giving stupid advice to someone looking for help. It wasn't questionable advice, and it wasn't possibly not the best. It was poison and crap, plain and simple.

    Then why bring it up???

    Right, I'm the one who needs to use his brain. Except I'm not the one with a young girl doing a famous dance as his profile pic and his profile name has dollar signs in it telling a guy to do anything he has to for sex. Nice try spinning this whole thing though, mr. high & mighty.

    Sex should never be someone's number one priority, especially for an addict, detective. When that happens, you have people like Ron Jeremy running around prioritizing sex over air and food. But it's CLEARLY the most important thing to you.

    Because you are. I'm on Earth. You should visit sometime, although you should know not everyone here will bow down to you and take your word as absolute gold.

    In all your self-righteous posts, you must have missed my first post on this thread about this.

    You don't hear me say anything against the porn I dusty because I haven't brought it up in this thread, genius.

    I did post here though. Anything else to say about that???

    By the way, how did you get to be the know-it-all expert on this topic? Do you have any sex addiction certification?
    Roady likes this.
  19. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    So where does this permission come from?? How are you qualified to give people requirements for when it's acceptable to get with a prostitute to a sex addict?
    Roady likes this.
  20. In my opinion, substituting one sexual addiction with it's brother-porn, will just build your demise in your life bro. it isn't easy at all in dealing with your emotional urges, but it ISN'T impossible in custailing it....easy does it. Use the lifeline here- the panic red button atop right of the page.BUT...use it before you attempt something...ok...you're not alone in this.
    Itsuki likes this.