How many of you have experienced magnetism and female attraction during your NoFap streaks?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Aléxandros, Jun 7, 2021.

Have you experiences some forms of social magnetism and female attraction?

  1. yeah, I think it's caused by NoFap and semen retention

  2. yeah, but it's not caused by NoFap and semen retention

  3. no, that's bullshit and placebo

  4. not yet, since I only did short streaks

  5. yeah, I think there's something hidden in us we need to discover

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  1. In response to @Aléxandros original question... I have experienced these benefits, don't know if placebo or real but it worked.

    Last year I was on a long streak, like 100 + days, I was going about my business not really feeling special or any magical powers. However, I noticed I started building a good friendship with one of my co-workers. She was older than me and I was not into her, but I could sense she was attracted by me in someway and we could hang out at work very smoothly. I've never had a female friend like this so it was nice.

    I also started hanging out with another female co-worker. At first it was just a friendship, I didn't even see her with lust. But things escalated pretty quickly and within a few weeks I was staying at her house. Last time I was with a girl was like 4 years before this.

    So the point being, NF really works and women are more attracted to you. Even you don't feel super powers, they're there.
    lgustavoms, Reborn16 and depeche69 like this.
  2. captainteemo

    captainteemo Fapstronaut

    This is secret knowledge ant can't be shared haha ;) nahh its simple bro i also experienced the same things you described (respect, attraction, more luck). Humans can sense each other trough pheromones that your body releases but also your energy field. When you are sitting next to a bad person you will highly feel a weird sensation
    in your belly almost like a cramp you want to stand up and move somewhere else the same thing happen to you when you just have mastrubated and watched porn it feels like people can sense it and don't respect you the same way.
  3. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I think this is a tricky topic with a lot of variables for each individual. But very interesting to speculate on as well!

    I'll break down my experiences into 3 categories.

    Daily PMO: Terrible, almost no attention from women, some women actively avoid me not even joking.

    Relapse while attempting NoFap: Personally I've had some of the best female attention right after a bad relapse. Locking eye contact for seconds, smiles, even one older woman approached me and we ended up having lunch right there and flirting - all after I relapsed the day before!

    I figure this type of attraction could be when they sense my mood. If I relapse bad I'm usually more determined and productive than usual, trying to get back on track i.e. more on my mission than usual.

    Good streak on NoFap (anything above a week for me): No crazy attraction stories, but I'm in a completely different world than 'Daily PMO Me' - easy to hold eye contact and make small talk with women, I do get the occasional glance/smile, and with some courage I can approach a woman and show interest.

    I agree NoFap is not 100% causing this. But I think it's a necessary fuel at least until we recover. I think of it as a 'battery charge'. It charges up over a week and then stays relatively high as long as we don't discharge it.

    I would go as far as to say, even when recovered, I wouldn't want to have sex too often. Because there is some underlying energy and life force that's built up when we don't release too often.
    sisepuedeCR and depeche69 like this.
  4. bees45678

    bees45678 Fapstronaut

  5. Yes I have noticed this also men in power above you at work don't like it that your getting all the attention from the women so it's very important to move up or on in your career in way so that you are the rooster in the the hen house .
  6. maleven

    maleven New Fapstronaut

    Well, in my experience, when I'm doing hardcore PMO (5- 10 times a day) my energies are slow, I can't hold eye contact with people, I just can't them in the eye, I feel inferior to women.

    Time and time again when I'm on NOFAP, women like to rub themselves onto me, or somehow initiate contact. It can get creepy when strangers do it, like errr, "tf you doing, you're too clooosse" "why are you putting your groceries next to mine".

    Conversation and game FLOWS, it's AUTOMATIC... I don't even be planning the shit I say. It's like I'm possessed with flirting spirit:emoji_ghost:

    I enjoy the female attention tbh, and it's one thing that keeps me going.

    Other benefits I get are being motivated to get things done. I can complete my assignments and study. I'm not sleepy throughout the day. Higher productivity.

    Anyways who cares if this is a placebo or not....I think the "it's just a placebo" is just an excuse to do PMO. The urges be talkin.
    depeche69 likes this.
  7. nerdy_owl

    nerdy_owl Fapstronaut

    In my opinion the is not a magical attraction, is just that when we are in a long streak, we are more self confident, and that the confident is sexy. We are awareness of our present, so maybe we notice the girls that are wathcing us. I always have like the same atention during a long strike or when I was fapping very often. The only difference maybe Its that, in long strikes, I'm more self confident to talk to them.
  8. It's more than that chemical hormonal and physical things are happening when you nofap .
  9. nerdy_owl

    nerdy_owl Fapstronaut

    Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think that the womens notice that changes, how I said, I thinks is more the self confident that nofap give us
  10. You are neither wrong or right there's something going on that is more than just confidence though.
  11. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    Im struggling since 2017 with PMO. So that's why i had many little streaks. And i see it at my workplace.
    Every 5-10 days after relapse, my co-worker and especially my female co-worker treat me like shit. The refuse to greeting back, reacts aggressive when i ask something or start to talk...
    But after some time in a streak magic happens.
    They smile at me, start conversation, laughing about my jokes. I can be passive and its like magnetic.
    Like i said, i experiences this cycles a lot of times.

    So i say to everybody, try it at least 90 days.
  12. mondays_suck

    mondays_suck Fapstronaut


    Yup. I do some competitive airsoft or military simulations from time to time. I was asked by my friend to lend her a military uniform of mine because they were organizing some obstacle run for boy's day in highschool and wanted to look cool. Next day she told me that now her entire room smells of me, I was like "oh fuck, I'm so sorry I didn't wash it properly before I gave it to you", I thought it was all sweaty and disgusting. I heard "I didn't say it smells bad, but it smells of your presence, and it's pretty overwhelming" and it shattered my worldview. Don't get hyped, she's a friend, of the select few who have truly earned this title. But anyway, what matters is you imprint your smell on EVERYTHING you touch, that smell carries more info that your credit card's RF-ID.. your age, health and mood, probably your fertility. Because I've been in-field playing in that military jacket for days on end in ALL weather conditions, that this scent cocktail prevailed over washing and had enough power to burst through even that conscious threshold, where I could be notified of it by a friend. And if you think about it, simulated combat (less intense but with 0 fear of dying), enduring marches and runs over many kilometers, planning manouvers and setting ambushes are all pretty manly, alpha predator activities. Hence the reaction.

    So yeah, scent of confidence is real and works wonders. And clothes work like sponges so I encourage you to abuse them. Get a t-shirt, when your spirits are over the top, put it on, do some medium intensity workout (don't start sweating all over it), let it dry for an hour and store it for later. If you're about to go socializing but something makes you anxious, take a breather, shower early, blast fav music through a speaker to get yourself hyped, then wear that damn t-shirt until the last minute or take it with you underneath whatever you'll be wearing.
    Last edited: May 17, 2022
  13. matibeatles

    matibeatles Fapstronaut

    Im going to tell my story about this issue here.
    After 5-6 months of no PMO hard mode something really curious happened. I was single, I had then near 30 yo.
    So, every day I went to work walking some minutes before 8am. There were eight blocks from my appartment to work office. One day I noticed there was a girl everyday she said hello, she was riding her bike way to her work too. She said loudly "Hello". I thought I knew her but I didn't, and this sequence repeated everyday. I have to admit I am not successful with women and although when I was younger I had my opportunities, at thirty it had already been a long time since I was approached by any girl, it has always depended on me and my attitude. Im not shy but due to failures time gave me lower and lower self-esteem. So we can say that was kind of luck or chance.
    Anyway, I ignored this stuff and forgot about it. But one day, maybe next week, suddenly she came across to my sidewalk. I mean, try to imagine there were nobody in this street at this hour. Just her and me, and she crossed the street to my sidewalk to say hello, again.
    She was kind of pretty, brunette, thin, nice clothes and hair and most important she had a big smile.
    This happened again the next day. It almost caused me shame, I mean, I felt I must do something about.
    So next day, I can't remember well, but I wrote my number in a piece of paper into a book, and added a phrase or candy... When I saw she came AGAIN walking in my direction (she almost fall down because of her cleats shoes, true!) she said "hello", and I said "Wait" and I took this paper inside the book with my phone number and gave it to her. She laugh and kept going her way.
    Some minutes after, when I was at work, she wrote me telling me her name and said that she loved what I had done... So I saved her phone number and kept chatting a while.
    What happened next I can tell you in another chapter where I will tell how I relapsed and this magic fell down overnight.
  14. In my experience of studying neuroscience and social behaviour I obviously can’t rule out that nofap indeed is a variable for attracting woman, what I can say is that the changes in our behaviours thus our actions, how we speak, what we communicate (in terms of our goals, what we currently want etc.) how we move are the main variables that really influence a woman’s attraction towards ourselves. I strongly believe that nofap is more of balancing and improving our lifestyle than simply focusing on this compulsive behaviour / addiction, so don’t do it for these so called super powers, nothing and no one will get you these except you, through personal sacrifices, consistency, discipline and curiosity.

    you can all do it guys ! Hope you the best
    fremdkoerper and Warrior4Freedom like this.
  15. Warrior4Freedom

    Warrior4Freedom Fapstronaut

    This. :emoji_thumbsup::emoji_thumbsup::emoji_thumbsup:
  16. fremdkoerper

    fremdkoerper Fapstronaut

    I tell you something and I think it is what @peterbombadill wrote before: If you walk down the street with bad mood and a sad face you will mostly see sad people. But if you walk down the street with a big smile on your face and a glow in your eyes you will mostly see happy people. This is because your subconsciousness selects your impressions based on your mood. Plus: If you smile at people, most of them will smile back. The same is true for the more sexual kind of "interaction" or impression we are talking about. If you are not interested in attracting a women you act like that and people notice that, most of the time that means they are NOT noticing you. But if you are open to a flirty and sexy situation, you notice other people with the same kind of mood. Or inspire them to also get into that modd There's some fancy science behind it with mirror neurons and other things involved but essentially it's as easy as this. In Germany we have a nice saying about that: The way you shout into the woods (e.g. with anger / love / happiness) the same way it echoes towards you.
    wg_29 and Vertigo1984 like this.
  17. Life enjoyer

    Life enjoyer Fapstronaut

    Tbh reading what you said how nobody likes you as much when you don’t retain is sad because is the only way for people to be liked is by retaining? Are people who don’t treated as trash? That makes me angry and sad at the same time
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  18. Do you think a female would be more attracted to a physical healthy male who has just masturbated or to a male with some sort of health defect but is on a long NoFap streak?

    do you think a semen retention streak can mask unhealthy genetics in a male? assuming these unhealthy genetics are not clearly visible to her
  19. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    @Life enjoyer oh my god, why have you revived such an old thread? The OP hasn't been here for years!

    Don't expect an answer any time soon. She hasn't been on the forum for months.
    HealingBodyandMind likes this.
  20. JiuJitsuGuy

    JiuJitsuGuy Fapstronaut

    I hardly go out and when I go, I'm with my wife, so... no magneto! haha