Gamify your life

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Don80, Nov 4, 2023.

  1. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Have you ever thought why gaming and PMO are so appealing and why you lose motivation for life? Because games and PMO offer rewards and scores while you are focused and motivated by curiosity and expectations of those rewards.

    On the other hand, life offers both rewards and disappointments. Yet, we are more prone to dwell on the failures. Why not make life more exciting by changing it into a game where you set your goals, remain focused, score points and give yourself rewards. :emoji_8ball::emoji_art::emoji_dart::emoji_golfer::emoji_golf::emoji_trophy:

    This challenge will be self-moderated. You will count your score and give yourself rewards. Requirements:
    - no PMO is one of the requirements but it's just a part of it, as it is only a part of your life; there is a lot of other stuff going on which you should track and award yourself for
    - stay accountable daily and count your score
    - you will score points for the areas below (you will need to complete the form):
    1. Major quest :emoji_bar_chart: (define why you do it and if you made your progress in this area; if you complete your major question that needs to last at least several days, you can choose another) - you write your "why", or what you did - you can score 100p for the success at the end and you can set another one.
    2. nofap :emoji_dart:(10p without porn for a day, +30p for a clean day, only sex allowed)
    3. diet :emoji_apple::emoji_avocado:(10-20p - you decide)
    4. sport :emoji_bicyclist: :emoji_swimmer: :emoji_lifter:(10-20p - diet, stretching, yoga, jogging, gym - you decide how many points)
    5. self-care / meditation :emoji_headphones::emoji_bath:(10-20p - it can be anything - wash your hair, a walk to calm nerves, get a haircut, take a bath, watch a film, meditation - you decide)
    6. learning / reading :emoji_books: (10-20p - it can be reading a novel, a textbook, a self-help book, learning anything)
    7. social :emoji_man_dancing::emoji_face_palm:(10-20p - anything that requires leaving your comfort zone)
    8. MINOR QUEST!!! :emoji_astonished::emoji_cold_sweat::emoji_persevere::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::emoji_sunglasses:(20-30p - do something unusual, change your good/bad routine, do the things in a different order or way, make your bored brain puzzled, astonish yourself, make your life more exciting, change your route to work/school)
    Extra points:
    - abstinence from alcohol / cigarettes / games for a day +20p (you can customize this award)
    - optional a week-long streak boost + 3p
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
    born3, victorrr, RightPath and 8 others like this.
  2. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    You may consider some power-ups:

    - pomodoro technique (you can use apps to focus for 25 minutes on a given tasks, which I find very useful and effective)
    - exercise, meditation, cold showers, cold baths (break the tension, give more energy, make your more self-controlled and braver) - you also get additional points for exercise and meditation

    Suggested penatlies (you can customize them if you wish)
    - complaining about life, pitying yourself for more than half an hour a day: :( - you are responsible for your life, you create your life and your luck, complaining is just finding excuses -10p
    - looking at porn: -20p :oops:
    - edging, looking at porn: -50p :emoji_dizzy_face:

    - full relapse to PMO: -70p :mad:
    You can decide to adjust them to your standards :emoji_vertical_traffic_light::emoji_triangular_flag_on_post:

    The goal of this challenge is to score 10,000 points along the way and use the benefits of the activities in your real life.

    Stages :emoji_trophy::emoji_trumpet::
    Level 1
    - 500p - Good start. Keep going. Let's see how it goes (award yourself in real life - a small treat) o_O
    Level 2 - 1000p - You are determined, stay on track (award yourself in ;)real life)
    Level 3 - 2000p - Way to go! You take this challenge seriously! (you :rolleyes:deserve a treat and a round of applause, award yourself):emoji_frowning:
    Level 4 - 5000p - You're halfway there. Focus! (what are you going to get yourself - decide, you deserve it) :emoji_kissing_smiling_eyes:
    Level 5 - 8000p - You're almost there (time for a reward) :emoji_kissing_closed_eyes:
    Level 6 - 10000p - You've made it! Did you enjoy yourself?
    you can start another round but you level up so set yourself next goals!
    (victory, reward yourself big time!):emoji_grinning:

    The form to complete each day:
    - major quest - pts, reason, activities :
    - nofap (10 or 30p)- pts:
    - diet (10-20p) -pts:
    - sport (10-20p) -pts:
    - self-care /meditation (10-20p) -pts:
    - learning / reading (10-20p) -pts:
    - social (10-20p) -pts:
    - no smoking / no alcohol / no gaming (10-20P) -pts:
    - MINOR QUEST - challenge your routine and yourself (20-30p) -pts:
    - penalties (complaining about life, looking at p, edging, full relapse (-10p, -20p, -50p, -70p)
    Day score:
    Total score:

    If a partcipant "decides to take a break" for any reason or has a reset streak, he shouldn't subtract penalty points because it will make him feel even worse and may kill the motivation for working on himself. The points gathered during the challenge are NEVER lost because they are your past achievements and SHALL NEVER BE NULLIFIED. The goal of this challenge is to promote positive actions and feelings. No "mistake" or "negative mood" should be used by the addicted brain to encourage a participant to quit on himself. YOU MAY TAKE A BREAK ANY TIME AND RETURN ANYTIME and then continue the challenge from where you started without additional penalty.

    Don80, Revanthegrey, Uruz, HydrogenAero, devsMind, adastraperaspera
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
    White Sheep, born3, Lou Bloom and 4 others like this.
  3. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    Could be fun. But I think the edging, relapse penalty should be way higher.
    HydrogenAero, Ūruz and Don80 like this.
  4. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    The challenge in my life begins! The form will be edited as the day progresses

    The form to complete at the end of the day:
    - major quest - pts, reason, activities:
    I want to beat my personal streak in nofap and learn to control my urges. I want to find motivation and score 10,000 points in this challenge.
    - nofap (10 or 30p)- pts: 30p
    - diet (10-20p) -pts: 10p (no sweets, no sugar)
    - sport (10-20p) -pts: 10p (elliptical 30 minutes - not much)
    - self-care /meditation (10-20p) -pts: 0
    - learning / reading (10-20p) -pts: 20p (SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION - so far 37 pages)
    - social (10-20p) -pts: 10p (store conversation)
    - MINOR QUEST - challenge your routine and yourself (20-30p) -pts:
    No sugar and no gaming today!
    At least 3 pomodoro sessions of Spanish + grammar exercises
    Unplanned errands with varioius routes
    Started reading a new book
    Started this challenge 20p

    - penalties (complaining about life, looking at p, edging, full relapse (-10p, -20p, -50p, -70p): so far, so good
    No alcohol / no cigarettes / no gaming bonus of 20p.
    Day score:120p
    Total score: 120p

    I guess the potential penalties for edging and a relapse should be increased to -50p and -70p.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
  5. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    I increased the penalties but I don't want this challenge to be based on penalties and self-blame. I know that fear and playing down everything because a relapse has happened is very destructive. I want to be more positive but I'm heavily addicted to PMO but I still can achieve successes.
    HydrogenAero, Ūruz and Revanthegrey like this.
  6. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    HydrogenAero, Ūruz and Revanthegrey like this.
  7. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on your baby Don !:) Well done !
    @CodeTalker I think alike quick fall is nothing to compare with edging for many hours and sometimes days. Maybe edging to porn is 10 x worse than quick fall to mo or pmo.
    HydrogenAero, Ūruz and Don80 like this.
  8. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    I did my version and multiplied by 10, making looking at porn -200 and pmo -100.
    HydrogenAero, Ūruz and Don80 like this.
  9. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    Well done brother !
    HydrogenAero, Ūruz and Don80 like this.
  10. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    You can customize the challenge to suit your needs.
    HydrogenAero, Ūruz and Revanthegrey like this.
  11. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    @Slider8 It took me decades to understand it. The PMO addiction is tricky. It made me perceive friends as foes. But I mustn't get big-headed. I know that this forum can also raise dopamine since it's sort of social media where you get praises and likes. I need to stay focused on my recovery. Only several hours ago I still missed the p materials I watched. It's like the bond with PMO is made of steal but it's just the illusion. I'm currently reading a book "SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION". I'm determined to read it in one go. It's opened my eye on the PMO addiction.
    HydrogenAero and Ūruz like this.
  12. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    This looks fun, I wanna join the game of life! :emoji_smiley:
    HydrogenAero, Revanthegrey and Don80 like this.
  13. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the challenge!
    HydrogenAero, Ūruz and Revanthegrey like this.
  14. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    I recon the biggest challenge is to learn again to see the world with an innocent eye without judging yourself and others for 'even the wisest cannot see all the ends'.
  15. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    @Don80 Maybe you can achieve a breakthrough with regards to pmo if you hire a good coach who has a high success rate? For we tend to see ourselves differently than an unbiased eye can see us.
    By the way how does the length of the session on the elliptical influences your attitude to pmo?
    HydrogenAero and Ūruz like this.
  16. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    I haven't mastered nofap yet. Today I feel strong. Elliptical is just a tool that can help me stay in shape, relieve stress, boost my confidence a bit but it can't stop me from PMO. At one time I feel strong but the motivation may vanish any moment. I know it from experience. Yesterday I relapsed - I don't know why - what was the excuse: tiredness, visit to our family and some comments, my son's issues and his stubborness? Or maybe it was just a return to my PMO environment and the brain took the bait. Today I don't feel urges and I'm happy about it. I'm reading the book on nofap. But I'm worried if I don't overdo with tasks - it's right after 8pm here and I want 3 or 4 things done (all of them are optional but I would feel better if I accomplished them but then again I think I should take a break and relax without PMO).
    HydrogenAero and Ūruz like this.
  17. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    I have asked you about ecliptical because when I had my first long streak I started a habit of running daily and started from about 2 miles a day (it was hard) and grew it to 10 a day on average whilst trying to keep it hard to myself. It probably played a solid role in my recovery.
    And well, yes most of our environment has a memory associations with pmoing but I believe we can change our minds about what we think about things but we have to be serious and mean it.
  18. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    Day 2 in the challenge; a tiny reward a piece of chocolate in the morning for scoring a clean day and no sugar afterwards. - Update I failed with the sweets today. Gotta try harder tomorrow.
    - major quest - pts, reason, activities (your pep talk and motivation boosters):
    PMO is mostly mind game. It is addictive because it's based on various fallacies and falsehoods: that men cannot live without sex and that they need for health (false - sportsmen refrain from sex and are more successful, get better results than PMO addicts who are bored most of the time, irritated, suffer from withdrawal urges.
    - nofap (10 or 30p)- pts: 30p
    - diet (10-20p) -pts: 0 fast food, sweets :(
    - sport (10-20p) -pts: 20p - elliptical and swimming
    - self-care /meditation (10-20p) -pts: 10p meditation
    - learning / reading (10-20p) -pts: 20p Spanish, reading
    - social (10-20p) -pts: 0
    - no smoking / no alcohol/ no gaming (20p): 20p
    - MINOR QUEST - challenge your routine and yourself (20-30p) -pts:
    I went swimming although I didn't feel like it at the beginning. I went down the pipe slide which I dreaded as I'm claustrophobic. 20p
    - penalties (complaining about life, looking at p, edging, full relapse (-10p, -20p, -50p, -70p) You can decide to adjust them to your standards :emoji_vertical_traffic_light::emoji_triangular_flag_on_post:
    Day score:120p
    Total score: 240p

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2023
    HydrogenAero, Revanthegrey and Ūruz like this.
  19. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Thanks! :emoji_smile:

    Ok, let's begin then!
    My major quest is that I want to stop slipping on psubs. To do it I will go for long time on no–PMOPS reboot and hope that these desires/urges will fade away from my brain the same way porn did. My "why" is that I need to get rid of psubs cause it's a slippery slope to porn! I will consider I've completed this quest once I have beaten my no–PMO streak of 214 days on no–PMOPS mode, then I will test the results. If I am successful I will claim my 100 points reward for the major quest!
    Since you say that we are allowed to customize them if we wish I've added another one for myself regarding psubs, which will be -100p.
    My minor quest for now is gonna be avoiding salt or any foods with added sodium to them.
    HydrogenAero, Revanthegrey and Don80 like this.
  20. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Yesterday's score (yesterday was day 4 of my no–PMOPS reboot):

    • Major quest (100p)
    • Nofap (30p) :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Diet (10p) :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Sport (10p) :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Self-care / meditation (10p) :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Learning / reading (10p)
    • Social (10p)
    • Minor quest (30p) :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Complaining about life (-10p),
    • Looking at p (-20p),
    • Edging (-50p),
    • Full relapse (-70p),
    • Consuming at psubs (-100p)
    Day score: 110
    Total score: 110
    HydrogenAero, Revanthegrey and Don80 like this.