Driven away the love of my life

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by anewera, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    I am in a state of despair as I have driven away the love of my life due to my growing addiction to pornography.

    Since the Covid outbreak, I became hopelessly addicted to porn, and throughout the course of this addiction the stimulation I needed became ever more novel, including the use of "camgirl" sites.

    Me and my wife had been going through a rough patch for some time, and my dive into the abyss of porn use exacerbated our marital problems dramatically. I grew more and more distant, hiding away in my bedroom for hours on end while she would be at work, indulging this disgraceful habit. Eventually my lustful thoughts and ego centre turned to other women. During this period I was in the gym regularly as I have been for many years, training and improving my physique and looks.

    Where I should have been sharing this constantly improving me with my wife, I instead became headstrong and convinced myself that every woman wanted to sleep with me, and when two very attractive female business clients started buying me gifts, this only fuelled my delusions of sexual and masculine prowess.

    I became infatuated with the thought of myself as a man able to bed any woman I wanted while this was far from the truth, I lost all knowledge of the concept that women have values and standards and aren't willing to open their legs at a whim, women are highly sensitive, emotional and loving beings, who require connection to reach the point of sexual attraction. However watching hundreds and probably thousands of hours of porn distorted my view of women and myself, I believed that the women in the videos were a representation of the wider female population, and this is far from reality.

    The distance between me and my wife grew until she began to act out in fits of emotional outbursts and hysteria. This led me to a state of despair, I blamed her for the issues we had in our relationship, completely neglecting the reality that my porn use had created a great distance between us. Eventually as these outbursts continued and gre in intensity, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I told my wife I had no faith in our marriage anymore.

    As the weeks rolled on the distance grew, she began sleeping on the couch, and when she said she intended to separate I asked her to leave the house. were now separated, and I am a week clean from PMO.

    As I have become more lucid, the realisation and gravity of what I have done has finally hit me. Me and my wife were twin candles, we had a universal connection, and because of the weakness in me, past trauma, complexes and above all else my pernicious addiction to porn. I have driven away what might be my only true love.

    I am absolutely devastated at the loss of my wife, and now a week clean, and what will become a lifetime clean of porn, I have to ask myself. Was this the great universe at work ? I have begged the universe, god, and higher self to be free of this illness, I have pleaded that the universe lets unfold whatever needs to unfold for me to finally rid myself of this demon. And now that I have lost my one true love, the thought of ever watching porn again, the very thing I attribute to the destruction of the most beautiful thing in our universe, love, is something I cannot even now comprehend.

    I will never watch porn again, and I beg of all the married men on this site, use my experience as the fuel to quite porn forever. Think back to what sparked the love between you and your loved one. Think of the beautiful memories, think of the support, think of the plans you made and worked towards together, and know that nothing, and especially a non-real internet based sexual simulation, is worth throwing such beauty away.

    All I can do now, in the same vain that I begged the universe to end my addiction to porn, I can merely beg the universe for my wife back. I will never stop fighting for our love. I will work on myself, I will get in therapy, I will end this porn addiction, I will become whole again.

    So I ask now by way of a prayer.

    Great universe, god, or whatever power exists beyond this mortal life, I beg of you, I plead with you. Return my wife to me, and give me the strength to heal myself, so that I may be the man I should have been but never was. I ask of you, please bring my wife to a place of compassion, so that she may forgive me for the way I have acted, and that she may give me another chance to rekindle our love. Universe may you grant all of the lost souls on this forum the strength to battle this evil, and to rid themselves of this illness before it wreaks havoc in their lives, and above all their love lives. I ask you as a man who has lost the most beautiful thing you ever gifted me and squandered what everyone longs for, the unceasing love of a true love. Please universe grant these pleads, I beg of you. Amen.

    My NOFAP friends, quit porn, go to your wife or husband, embrace them, and utilise their love in order to grow. Make their love your driving force to rid yourself of the worst illness humanity has ever manufactured. Rid yourself of porn before it's too late. If you don't, I assure you it will catch up to you someday, and it will destroy the most important thing in your life.


    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  2. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Well written and thanks for sharing. Can you try to get your wife back through couples counseling? I would give that a shot before you give up completely.
    Wuugazi32, add eddie and anewera like this.
  3. Nature_Calling

    Nature_Calling Fapstronaut

    As a man who has been trapped in the dark by Porn for many many years I feel exactly what you are going trough.
    This is definately a great warning for me, Just started dating with a very loving humble sweetheart of a woman!
    The good thing is we DO speak about it, and porn is something I've abstained from for a good while before I met her fortunately!
    However there's still some deep MO stuff rooted in there which I need to unwind and fix.

    My advice is: Just tell her everything if you still have the chance to, don't just send a link to this very well written thread, actually go to her and say it!
    I think honesty above anything in a relation is the key to succes, and no that's not always the easy path and the ground may shake and you will feel ashamed and guilty, nasty and unworthy.
    But after that there is; if both of you are willing to accept the harsh reality, no more decline and room for growth in both your hearts to heal and come whole again.

    Be the man that swallows his own pride and is humble, that's how you will keep the demon out!
    Thank God that you have made the realisation and that your vision is clear once more, now you can go to work!

    Love and peace
  4. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Thanks for reading and replying to my post. I have told her how much she means to me, I have laid everything out on the table multiple times, however, everything is still extremely raw and I don't think at this point she would be receptive to the offer of couples counselling. There were other toxic elements to our relationship rather than just porn use on my behalf relating to my own complexes and first I need to work through this in solitude. I just hope I have enough time by the grace of a higher power, so that I might untangle these knots while there is still a chance at saving this relationship.

    I told her that I will fight for her forever, and I hope that through time, she remembers the beautiful aspects of our relationship rather than what our relationship became.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  5. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Thanks for reading and replying to my post !

    As I mentioned in the comment above yours, I have already told my wife everything and I have swallowed the shame. It's terrible to tell someone we love that w have deceived them for an extended amount of time. However I have also reiterated how much she means to me, and how this whole situation involving our relationship is the biggest mistake of my life. Ive told her that I will fight for our love through work on my spiritual self, in therapy, and a positive mindset. There is much work to do as other parts of our relationship were dysfunctional contributed predominantly to by my porn use, but also through other complexes relating to life trauma.

    Thats the pernicious thing about pornography, it isn't just the mere act of watching another woman an how that stirs up feelings of betrayal and abandonment in your partner, its how it affects your psychological state as a whole and exacerbates existing complexes. Erratic moods, distorted views on reality, diminished self confidence, paranoia, and so on, all of these symptoms of out of control porn use contribute to the overall destruction of a relationship and ultimately our ability to connect with ANYONE on a meaningful level.

    I wish for you success in your journey, stay clean, and explore the beauty of your budding love, treasure her.
    black_coyote, add eddie and fusion47 like this.
  6. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    All things are possible for/with God.
    add eddie and anewera like this.
  7. Newwaters22

    Newwaters22 Fapstronaut

    Man, as I was reading your post a lot of old emotions came back...been in a hard position with the wife too. Cant think of many other things that can generate such a dreadful feeling like this. Congratulations as well for the honesty in your posts, takes a lot to come out clean like that.

    You are in a difficult position right now but don't lose hope. And more than anything if you want your wife back focus on yourself and your recovery. From what I read there's more than just the porn but really the addiction has a way to turn you into something else, change your good habits into bad ones, takes your good personality traits away, just diminishes you. Make sure to find yourself again because It will take the best of you to get out of this one. Whatever the outcome may be you gotta make sure you are rock solid on your recovery because that's the foundation of today and tomorrow.

    I am hoping that soon you can share advice from a position of hope rather than pain, that you can show all of us that victory over addiction is possible. Stay strong and I'm crossing my fingers for your wife and you to work things out.
  8. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    I truly hope so my friend, Ive been praying daily.
    black_coyote and fusion47 like this.
  9. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Such a humbling post...and testimony of the destruction of this addiction we have. I am sending prayers and hope your way as you take this time to work on yourself. Please keep us updated on your progress. I hope so much you and wife can reconcile, but until then, take this time to work your recovery program to the best of your abilities.
    fusion47, black_coyote and anewera like this.
  10. black_coyote

    black_coyote Fapstronaut

    Brother, thank you for taking time to share your experiences and insights. I've been using p-subs as a relief from the pain of fighting with spouse. I'm reminded that it's a bad idea.

    I stand with you sending you prayers that may both of you heal and may the best happen to you both.
    add eddie, fusion47 and GeorgeJetson like this.
  11. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    My brother, I plead with you, purchase the book "anger - by Thich Naht Hahn", no matter what belief system you are from, this book could save your life, and your relationship.

    I cannot speak for you particular relationship, as each one is unique and individual. But if you have love, love is the most precious treasure in our lives. I cannot describe the pain and regret I am feeling as a result of the breakdown of my marriage. I have lost the only woman I want to spend my life with, there is nothing worse that you can lose. Sometimes it takes great loss to realise just how simple repatching a broken relationship would have been, if you love her, go to her and tell her compassionately how much you love her, listen to her silently and feel through her emotions as she tells you about her suffering, speak with compassion telling her that you know she suffers and you yourself suffer but that you will work to ease each-others suffering.

    Like you with me, my prayers are with you
    fusion47 likes this.
  12. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Dear friend, thank you for your heartfelt reply. I have been deep in a state of rehabilitation for the past few weeks. Of course as with any recovery there have been slip ups, but I am finally in therapy and have been practicing and reading about the buddhist philosophy of mindfulness.

    I know that the road ahead of me is long because as you have rightly said, my addictions to sex and pornography are only the tip of the iceberg. This is what I have come to realise through the loss of my wife, my loss has been like waking up from a lifelong dream state, and now I am able to fully identify the complexes that have been working within me and sabotaging my life.

    I have begged the universe to heal me, and they say that god works in mysterious ways, but the pain of realising that the only event that could possibly have woken me up from this somnambulistic state has been the loss of my wife, is excruciating.

    If you are going through similar problems, I ask you to do one thing for this internet stranger, buy a second hand copy of "Anger - by Thich Nhat Hahn", no matter what belief system you are from, this book will heal and transform your life going forward.
    fusion47 likes this.
  13. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Thank you my friend, I appreciate your prayers so much, and I will be sending equally positive energy your way
    GeorgeJetson likes this.
  14. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Always welcome bro!
    anewera likes this.
  15. Overforme

    Overforme Fapstronaut

    Porn wrecked my last relationship as well. Believe me, when women find out, they will never think of you the same again. Guys that are working on recovery while with their partner are at huge risk and now living with a woman that doesn't fully trust her man
    KevinesKay, fusion47 and anewera like this.
  16. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    While I'm not going to disagree with you, I believe your statement is very generalized and overarching as not every spouse/partner in a relationship/marriage will be this way. In addition, I wouldn't want a generalized statement like this deterring men/women in relationships/marriages from seeking recovery because of the mindset that they can NEVER be trusted again. This is absolutely not true.
    onceaking, anewera and fusion47 like this.
  17. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    I agree, I know of people who are aware of their partner/spouses porn use, and have either accepted it or are at least compassionate about it. Addiction is extremely complex and I think much of society is aware of this and understand that shame is a driving factor behind why so many choose not to open up about addiction. Honesty, truth and sharing experiences, are vital components within the addiction recovery community and, I think it should go without saying, in any healthy relationship.

    As I mentioned in my post, porn use was not the only contributing factor in the breakdown of my marriage, there were several factors which dovetailed and were cumulatively destructive.
    fusion47 and GeorgeJetson like this.
  18. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

  19. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Great and not so great at the same time @GeorgeJetson , my wife came to move all of her belongings from our home around a week ago, and to my absolute heartbreak, later that evening I found her wedding ring on my bedside cabinet. The following week was tough and set me back massively.

    However, besides that Ive made huge progress in therapy and re-organising my mind and paving a way forward no matter the outcome with my beloved.

    Ive realised that all I can do is become the absolute best version of myself, including but not exhaustively, quitting porn for good, reshaping my character to become more mindful, compassionate and understanding. By getting in the gym and working the hardest I ever have on my physique. To continue growing my business and improving my financial situation. To improve my social situation and widen my network. Hopefully eventually my wife will come to see my change, or feel it on some spiritual level, thats all I can hope for as at this stage her actions and decisions are out of my hands.

    Now is the time to do everything that I should have done while we were in a committed marriage, and whether that paves a way into the future for me and my wife or means that I am a much better and individuated person in a future relationship, thats thee direction I want to move in, becoming a better person for myself and those around me.

    Thanks for checking in :) and most importantly, how are you doing ?
    MrBetterEveryDay likes this.
  20. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Wow man, so so so sorry to hear the news...but it's going to be okay. You have an awesome mindset considering the circumstances. I'm sure if you continue to execute the plan you've laid out, the rest is up to the cosmos.

    You also have a fantastic story that hasn't ended...but I can envision a story of destruction, sadness, fear, and loss...but then a story of surrender, hope, and prosperity...leading to a life beyond our wildest dreams. Keep moving forward brother and the rest will work itself out.

    I'm doing fine, thank you for asking. Staying focused on my recovery and feeling grateful at the same time.

    Keep us updated. Wishing you the best!
    anewera likes this.