Don’t even know how many days free!!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by EightDalla, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. EightDalla

    EightDalla Fapstronaut

    I been dating my gf for almost 10 months now and we basically have sex every day sometimes 2 sometimes 3 times on the weekend..

    before this I was truly out of touch with my body.. super anxious about sex.. but I got in a relationship with someone I could trust and actually shared my problem with her as I got more comfortable and ready to be intimate. She’s Asian so wasn’t expecting to have sex right away which helped a lot babe less pressure.

    but I’m really lucky.. I told her how I had this embarrassing issue I’m shy to talk about.. and that it’s a little traumatic. I shared that when I was younger I watched a lot of porn and didn’t realize it was hurting me until I had some experience with a girl and those experience made me feel really anxious . She understood at least enough to say it’s ok and thanks for sharing with me..

    anyway I told her it would take a little time but I would eventually open up as I got comfortable.. and it’s true..

    I have some moments in between when we’re not gonna have sex and I am tempted and I notice those days I indulge I’m not as hard, not as excitable.. so it encourages me to keep avoiding..

    Gentleman recovery is possible.. i used escorts before to try and recover but it doesn’t work you just get more anxiety and it’s almost a different version of porn.

    build a relationship with someone you can trust it pays off
    Semtex and TheFlash123 like this.
  2. Free For Real

    Free For Real Fapstronaut

    I am getting very closer to the point of building a relationship, however up until that point I need to quit masturbating so badly.

    To be honest my lifestyle and environment is way more improved than my past. However to completely stop my addiction its time to put more focus and emphasis on staying clean.

    Never will I go back to day 0 of fapping. That is the goal. Otherwise the compulsive cycle is never broken.

    I believe a lack of love and lacking people whom I can share my feelings with, has been a factor where I used porn and masturbation to cope with. Mainly it all starts with masturbation for me personally.

    This is a new beginning.
  3. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Fapstronaut
