Caught cheating a 2nd time

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by foryan.lastchance, Apr 13, 2024.

  1. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Agree - they still haven't connected me with a counsellor and it's been 2 days. I've unsubscribed from their service, will look towards other in-person counsellors instead
  2. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    i'm not really sure, what's going on, this morning i had a shortness of breath, everything in my body just felt tense, i couldn't think i just felt nervous, felt like a panic attack.

    I just can't bear the thought of losing my wife.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  3. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Booked in-person counselling session for first thing tomorrow morning. Lets see how it goes
    kropo82 and HenryforwardV2 like this.
  4. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    After thinking about this on a deeper level. PMO + Sex addiction doesn't really go away, it comes in and out of your life like a drug dealer who comes to you at your most vulnerable.
    Post 2021, I thought i was done with P and done with PMO, and honestly I was. I felt great, was living a fulfilling life, recovered slowly from the loss of my uncle.

    In early 2024, during one of my lowest moments, PMO + Sex addiction came knocking, what I didn't realise this time was I let my guard down, I thought I could control my urges, control myself. But as we all know on here, once we flip that switch, it's nearly impossible to turnaround.
    If I had to put to words what I had done differently, it would have been to

    1) be honest with my wife about how I felt
    2) have been more conscious with my previous past with PMO and that at any moment all the work I had previously put in could disappear

    the road ahead won't be easy, I'm willing to use the rest of my life to atone for my sins to my wife. To do whatever is required to make her feel secure and safe again.
    I told her today, I will never ask for a 3rd chance at forgiveness and this will be the last and final chance I get.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  5. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    @foryanandforever ,

    If you're serious about this then take Psalm's advice here, please.
    Get into a support group with other male friends that will look out for your personal and spiritual growth. It goes a long way.
    Lack of adequate connection is a serious root problem that most of us share. It's much more serious than our sexual acting out. Continuing to ignore that problem will put you at a serious disadvantage. For these root problems within will subconsciously work against us to undermine and sabotage our conscious efforts to quit the addictive behavior.
  6. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    I agree, let me discuss this with my counsellor today, and see what I can do
    HenryforwardV2 and KevinesKay like this.
  7. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Day 5

    Slept miserably, kept waking up, tossing and turning. Feeling nervous about today's counselling session, had a minor nightmare I was late to the session and the session was cancelled on me.
    I'm going to be 100% honest with my counsellor today, put it all on the table. See what they have to say and what they recommend.
    It's going to take some time. I also took some time off from work, bosses were ok with me taking time off since work was slow anyway.

    I agree with Psalm and Kevin's advice; what I needed was a group of friends which I could've spoken to about my struggles; what I also needed was perhaps some "me time" to help regulate my emotions.
    Its not that I don't want to spend every minute and every day with my wife; but what I would've liked was perhaps pockets of "me time" to self regulate my emotions.

    I think if I could've done more to prevent and understand what was going on inside my head. I would've been more prepared for all this.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  8. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Day 5.5

    Just finished my counselling session, it was relief in some way to put it all on the table. Just to be honest about it all.

    Common themes noted by the counsellor of my behaviours
    • Sweeping issues and emotions under the rug
    • Resort to numbing actions when dealing with negative emotions such as anger and sadness. Under development of emotions
    Going back for a 2nd session on Friday, counsellor said they need more time to help develop an understanding of my background. Will keep posting here after I complete Friday's session.
    In the meantime, got to keep myself busy.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  9. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Day 5.5

    Just alone sitting with my thoughts - I wonder why being a good husband and good boyfriend was never gloried among men. If anything it was more laughed at as being "whipped" or "tamed".
    But in reality, being a good significant other is the least you could do for your wife/gf, they would bear your children, give you a home, give you a sense of security.

    Why is that among men we tend to make fun at such ideas? And more importantly, why is that we like to sweep our emotions under the rug out of plain sight?
    Is it because it makes us feel weak? Shouldn't we instead acknowledge that we are human and have emotions instead?

    Food for thought.
    Itsuki, ANewFocus and KevinesKay like this.
  10. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I think it stems from a view that vulnerability is weakness. Instead of viewing vulnerability as something courageous.

    I think this is something worth asking yourself when it comes to the cheating episides. Why was that easier to do than go to your wife, friend, or anyone to help you though things without resorting to infidelity?

    Vulnerability the way I see it, is not weakness, but more the willingness to risk being hurt, which takes a lot of emotional strength especially if you've been burned repeatedly in the past. So many times, we learn not to do so, as a way of self protection . And that gets directly in the way of building good relationships.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
  11. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    The message I got from the world is that lust is okay. And to desire many women is okay and that it's better than "settling" for monogamy. Movies, TV shows, locker room talk, music, all taught me that chasing after multiple women was normal and good. Teaching me that lusting was okay.
    I went to church every week . Why did not one soul, not one preacher, not one sermon, talk about the importance of custody of my eyes and mind? Why do I have to learn this the hard way ON MY OWN? After I've left a path of destruction and heartbreak to those that I supposedly loved?
    Where are the men that teach the abundance and benefit of Monogamy? For ourselves, not because we have to become pussywhipped for the sake of God or the female population? Why was there such lack of experience when it came to tools in how to deal with lust? My only conclusion is that lust was such a destructive force within so many other men that it instilled fear to even talk about it because it would reveal one's own weakness in that area.
    Itsuki and foryanandforever like this.
  12. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    I think being a good husband is glorified, just not in the ways we often think of, or the ways we see when are in a state of lust. Maybe people make fun of monogamy because they feel they aren't good enough for it so they try to level the playing field. You have a wife so I think you are blessed in that aspect and have the potential to do really really well in the world. When we are young and naive we tend to hear the loudest voices, not the most correct voices, don't we?
  13. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    We live in a deeply amoral time. Pluralism about values has basically eroded the basis for monogamy and all relevant virtues that supports it. Hedonism is king - whatever feels good right now is what you should allegedly do.

    It's not just marriage either. Think about friendship. When you read an old book or journal from like 100 years ago, people talk about their friends in a way we just can't envisage now. The idea of lifelong relationships with people we regard as irreplacable feels like a thing of the past. Everyone and everything is disposable. As soon as someone outlives their utility, they're out the door.

    In that environment, being someone that is loyal and honest feels a bit like being a lamb amongst wolves. It's no surprise to me that you've grown up with the view that it's okay to lie and cheat, because let's face it, plenty of people do, and those who don't often end up their victims. That's why it takes incredible moral courage to refuse to be that kind of person.
    Itsuki and KevinesKay like this.
  14. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    That's very true and not just only the loudest voices, but the messages that get repeated the most.
    Itsuki likes this.
  15. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    It doesn't just feel like lamb amongst wolves, it's also the feeling of FOMO. Or the feeling of, what ifs.
    But we just have to acknowledge those ideas are just demons living inside our heads distracting us from what really matters.
  16. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Day 6.

    Still slept like crap, woke up with a numb arm. Felt like I barely slept.
    Whilst walking my dog this morning, I couldn't help but recall my wife saying - what have you done to repair us?

    I don't have the answer yet, perhaps therapy together would be a starting point. It'll be a long road ahead.
    All I want to do is move forward from the past, have an open dialogue with my wife about what happened.
  17. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Day 6

    Recalling what happened since 2020; I can now see more clearly why I relapsed

    • 2020 - first instance, significant effort through counselling to understand my emotions and PMO
    • 2021 - in good state of mind, occupied with significant project at work, height of covid
    • 2022 - engagement, puppy arrives home, blissful time of homing new addition to the family and enjoying the status of being engaged - fruitful and joyful year
    • 2023 - puppy is integrated into our life, 3 significant projects at work in Jan, May and September, wedding in November - exceptionally fruitful year
    • 2024 - work downturn, salary reduction in Jan and Feb; uncertainty with career and future in mid Feb to March
    I think having laid this all out in front of my counsellor, it made so much more sense of the up and downs of my emotions. In reality, in 2021 to 2023, I never had any negative emotions, life was cruising by
    But in late 2023 to 2024, when things started to reach rock bottom, my inner demons came back to haunt. I couldn't deal with it all coming to me like a tidal wave.

    I don't want to dwell on what happened, I did wrong and I admit my wrong wholly. I caused my wife unmeasurable pain and put her through hell.
    I was dishonest and I lied again and again.

    I guess the other question I have for myself is, how do I future proof this? Ups and downs are a certainty in life, so how will I be confident that in the future when I am at my worst again, I won't turn to my inner demons?
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
    Real Jerry Seinfeld likes this.
  18. KevinesKay

    KevinesKay Fapstronaut

    This would have been my response

    In order to repair myself, I'm choosing to attend two or three 12-step meetings a week in addition to my therapy.
    The fact that I have no real guy friends in my life looking out for my personal and spiritual well-being points to a severe problem of connection in my life. It's said that The opposite of addiction is connection.

    Meanwhile, I encourage you to get support for yourself; have other women in your life that are encouraging you to examine any brokenness within you so that you can heal and transform into a better version of yourself whether you decide to stay in this relationship or not.

    As far as healing us is concerned, that's up to both of us. Without each of us doing our part to heal, that won't be possible.
    foryan.lastchance likes this.
  19. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    i agree, i don't think it's viable to progress until both of us are ready.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
    KevinesKay likes this.
  20. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    I think nights are the hardest; not because of temptation, mainly because they're so quiet.
    You can put all the netflix and youtube on that you like. But when there's no interaction with anyone, it's just you and your thoughts alone at night.

    Waiting for bedtime to come around can feel like an eternity
    Itsuki likes this.