Broke up with my girlfriend over fears over future, worried now that porn could have contributed

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Chaos Spayce Marine, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    I think im alright on that front, bounced back well. Just get very paranoid about any chest related illness. I had anti biotic resistant pneumonia in one lung and a pulmonary embolism in the other. Shit a brick when the consultant told me I had just been rolling the dice with a 30% of death via embolism for about a month. Landed me in hospital on horse killer antibiotics for 2 and a bit weeks and I had to move back in with my folks and convalesce for 3 months. Thats the last time I managed a 40 day streak, silver likings i guess.
  2. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Its been about a year since ive been to confession, need to get my arse in gear on that front.
  3. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Yep, that'll sure affect a guy... Sorry you went through that.
  4. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 21 update: feeling good today (ignoring work, damn i need a better job), notice that my urges are “sex” rather than “porn” again, which is a relief. Makes it easier to deal with, not that I'm not tempted. Worked out a pretty slick paint scheme for my world eaters that I can do in around 40 mins per model. Shingles is clearing up too. Feel alot clearer and anxiety is gradually calming down. Keep on keepin on.
    Warfman likes this.
  5. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Honestly man, the worst part was losing 20 kilos, halved my bench and my pecs disappeared. Had to take 6 months off of karate cause I was on blood thinners so it really set me back there. But on the whole it was a good thing. I was comfortable without gods warning shot there I probably wouldnt have got my shit together as much as I do now.
    Warfman likes this.
  6. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    You won't believe this but I also had a PE. I had mild COVID in Winter of 2021 but I felt really ill for ages afterwards. Tired all the time, out of breath, racing heart. Had a load of tests but it wasn't until April they found the PE and that part of my lung had collapsed. Also went on blood-thinners and still on them now but at a lower dose. Even after 2 years I'm not fully recovered, which I think is maybe to do with the COVID more so than the PE, it seems to have left a really weird lingering effect on me. I still can't tolerate exercise well but things seem to be slowly improving.

    I'm a cradle Catholic, I always get excited when I meet another Catholic. It's a side effect of growing up in Scotland where Catholics and Protestants more or less keep their distance. Aye our favourite priest moved on a couple months back as well. Young but very traditional and always gave a great Homily.
    Chaos Spayce Marine likes this.
  7. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I was on Effient for a year, what really ruined me was the beta-blockers, and the damn statins. They gave me the max dose statin you can have, had stroke like symptoms from the beta blockers, the day I went to the ER, my blood tested 107 total cholestrol... when I was on max statin it dropped to 45 TOTAL! I didn't need to be on that crap yet. I'm certain this messed up my digestive system and it took a few surgeries and a gall bladder to fix all that crap. Fortunately I do feel quite a bit better. Glad you are too. @Chaos Spayce Marine sorry for going into my stuff here, hope at least it offers you some comradery knowing that others share what being young and near death experiences is like.

    We joke here that, Catholics have the most kids, and drink the most beer... haha I don't know if it's really true or not, but I do know I appreciate my priest and his way of articulating things.
    Chaos Spayce Marine likes this.
  8. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    I dunno if you feel the same, but the psychological impact of being seriously or long-term ill I think is quite bad too. Like for the first 3 months after I was basically a wreck, like I'd get indigestion and think, oh shit, are the clots back, is something up with my heart. Because recovery took so long as well, I think I was overly cautious about exerting myself too much as well. I know you work a very physical job so maybe that wasn't an option for you.

    Yeah, sorry to go off on a tangent Chaos Spayce Marine, I think it's just interesting we've all had similar challenges in the past few years.
    Chaos Spayce Marine and Warfman like this.
  9. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    fun fact mate im a glaswegian born and raised. Im aware of the divide. My priest is alright, bit of a wet but good intentions.
    Warfman likes this.
  10. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    ive always been a bit of a hypochondriac so no change there. I was just really angry. I lost my Christmas and new year and couldn't work so spent my savings on staying alive for a few months. I was very resentful, had a lot of fights with my dad at the time.

    I forced myself to exercise, I hated my body after, HATED. I was coughing up blood at the gym lifting at points, in hindsight maybe not the best idea. Although, got me back up to size and strength pretty fast. The hypochondria has been reduced ever since ive started meditating tbh, but gets worse when im on the porn.
    Warfman likes this.
  11. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    Yea I kinda turned into a hypochondriac for a while, and went to ER twice thinking I was having another heart attack.

    I actually went to bed after my HA, woke up the next morning and things didn't feel right so went to the clinic to get checked out. They almost sent me home.. but because I reported chest discomfort checked my triponin level and says sorry buddy you're going to the cardiologist.

    What I really struggled with was hearing doctors say, if you don't make diet changes you are going to die. But I was in very good shape. I couldn't walk into a store and not struggle with envy of how many people dont take care of their bodies.

    It's been right at 5 years since then, and I feel better. But i dont know that some of this ever goes away. Probably at a point where I'm getting to the "acceptance" phase I suppose.
  12. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 22 update: been out with a mate all day so its a bit late, buying jeans with big and short legs is a nightmare, any one got any ideas? Urges non existent today. A little more anxious than baseline but im very up and down rn so just kinda rolling with it. At gym rn, deadlift time.
    Warfman likes this.
  13. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I feel you man,

    I didn't have heart damage fortunately. A week after my HA. I got back on a treadmill and was jogging, I kinda wanted to prove I could do it. But I was basically in tears the whole time.
  14. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    Hail hail. Fingers crossed for the day, need those 3 points.

    I was a gym nut as well and haven't been back since. I've had to get used to not being like the muscley guy, which has actually been good for my ego I think. Like I've had to get my esteem from elsewhere. But I still look forward to being able to tolerate exercise better so I can get back to the gym, as I always loved working out.

    Yeah I get what you mean, there's people who drink and do drugs and never exercise and live perfectly healthy until they're 80. The genetic lottery seems very unfair sometimes. Is that what they attributed it to, too many burgers or whatever?
    Warfman likes this.
  15. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    They attributed mine to overexertion. I was a college athlete, and well respected by my teammates for being one of the hardest workers. I was playing basketball, and I think at 29 my body was not what it was, but my brain still thought I was invincible. We were playing winner stays and we played 8 or 9 games in a row to 11 with no subs. I could tell I pushed it too far the last couple games. Several hours later I had the attack. Doctor's either think I had a small plague that ruptured or my artery tore and clotted up. Several years later my doctor said he is certain it was the latter as there was no plaque he could see.

    That was another tough thing I dealt with, I have always had an identity that my value was on how hard I could work.. but that day it almost killed me. Really I think I finally came to grips with that though some journaling I did here on NF.

    I've enjoyed this conversation, with both of you @Chaos Spayce Marine and @Real Jerry Seinfeld. I don't know about you but I felt very alone during those times, and still do once in a while, and this has been a place I've tripped up and relapsed with PMO. Its comforting finding some people who share how that feels. I hope it is for both of you as well.
    Chaos Spayce Marine likes this.
  16. For myself I was in a very long term relationship for about 8 years, not married but our friends joked we were. In the middle of that I had a reversion back to the Catholic faith, which the girl I was with at the time wasn’t happy about. As I started progressing more in the faith, but trying to live two different lives, I would experience huge amounts of anxiety —more than in my past. I got hyper focused on future tripping and caught up in “what if” “what if” “what if” to the point I had to go to an outpatient mental health facility. To make a long story short, we broke off the relationship and I felt that same overwhelming relief. It was an odd relief though because I was still attracted to her, very attracted, and we had spent 8 years together.

    Looking back, I think the relief came from the obstacle to grace finally being removed from my life. Now, this doesn’t mean I felt instantly good. It took another 4 years to finally be in place where I didn’t miss her, but by committing to the Faith, God supported me. God has also helped me see how my residual anxiety is tied to my lack of faith, hope, and charity. Which is to say, it’s attached to my pride.

    I’m still a work in progress, I think we all are, but things have been so much better. The sacraments, the rosary, and brown scapular have all played huge role in this change, so I encourage you to utilize them.

    Also, happy Divine Mercy Sunday!
    Real Jerry Seinfeld likes this.
  17. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    we just got robbed mate :(
  18. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Enjoyed it as well mate, been a good welcome to the forum, ive found typing on here quite helpful.
    Warfman likes this.
  19. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Chaos Spayce Marine Fapstronaut

    Day 23 update: Anxiety is back, hard, urges high as well, just gotta persevere. Spent the day cleaning and painting warhammer stuff, kept it simple. Struggling today, but struggling successfully.
    Warfman likes this.
  20. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    One of the agonizing things about building up a streak, which you are doing quite well by the way! Is how steadfast you have to be repeatedly saying no to the same urges, it gets easier and easier to say no, but it also gets easy to get complacent, p subs or just taking a peek temptations have to be instantly quelled. Keep that in mind!