30 Days and A Bit!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Bench, May 12, 2016.

  1. Bench

    Bench Fapstronaut

    So it's happened. 30 days (and a bit) hard mode. I do not have a counter and I think this has helped me. Reasons why are provided on the first pages of the following:
    - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/kinda-quick-question-regarding-relapse-s.65262/
    - https://www.nofap.com/forum/index.php?threads/questions-regarding-nf-website.65080/
    It's whatever works for you, I guess. Another suggestion I got from @Awakening123 is to have a calendar nearby and cross off the days as you go (Suggestion can also be found in 2nd link). I did this, but mentally, so I knew approximately where I was.

    I started on this mission before posting on NoFap and NoFap carried me on to where I am now. In order to do NoFap, you must tell your mind that it is time to start something new and stop what you don't want to do.

    I believe I can talk to women with some more confidence because of this journey. I believe I have learned what my body is capable of doing and not doing.

    I am a student with above average grades and I expected this journey to help me furthermore with marks in class but this has not happened. (I thought fapping was ruining my success to be greater in class.)

    Appearance-wise, I have not changed (except for growing physically, obviously).

    I wish success to those who are trying out NoFap!
  2. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

  3. BlackBeast

    BlackBeast Fapstronaut


    For me seeing the timer is nice to see my progress, as since I have very visible progress, it can push me even further. If I'm halfway and i get an urge, looking at the counter will make it much more harder or me to relapse as I do not want to loose the progress I've made.
    Awakening123 and Bench like this.
  4. Bench

    Bench Fapstronaut

    I wonder if "visual learners" benefit the most from the counter! I'm talking about this type of thing: http://www.rrc.ca/index.php?pid=7666 (I just quickly found this link.)
  5. Uncomfortably Numb

    Uncomfortably Numb Fapstronaut

    I am scrolling through Success post from those who are at a similar stage to me... just to add my congratulations and support