3 Classic SR Responses in 1 Hour

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Rev2.0, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Just wrapped up a huge project at work so I took myself out to a local high-end place for Happy Hour. I was there a little over an hour and all of this happened:

    - I'm being walked to the patio seating by the hostess, one of the female servers looks at me from across the room and trips on her feet. She almost fell.

    - At my table for about 10 minutes, this guy comes out and says, hey (some name that's not mine). I said excuse me and he says, oh I thought you were (name). It's some doctor in town who is apparently quite a big deal. I have been mistaken for him by at least 3 different people in completely different settings over the past couple of years.

    - Best one. Younger couple comes out onto the patio. The girl is a 6/7 (face/body), the guy is very effeminate. I look up at the girl and she smiles at me right away. They have the option of the table behind me or in front of me. He lets her choose. She chooses the one in front of me and sits down so she can look past him and straight at me. Her foot is pointed directly at me. He's yammering away and I can tell she keeps looking at me and finally he turns around to see what she keeps looking at. I finish my drink, pay and leave and I can tell she's watching me the whole way out.

    Guys, SR may be hard at times but the entertainment value is through the roof. FWIW I'm either 2+ or 3+ years in, I've quit counting.
    Icewarrior, SuperFan and Ajar like this.
  2. ...spoiled b.....hahaha...lol.....
  3. Magic Bullets

    Magic Bullets Fapstronaut

    I used to follow and post on a blog called Modern Savage a few years ago and there was a thread with people posting stories about the weird kind of reactions they were getting from being on SR or NF streaks, it was very interesting. Yes I agree, you will get a lot of this. People who have not experienced a longer streak than a few weeks or months will never really understand.
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.