Please Join me!!!!!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Purplehazeee, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    You are am inspiration to us all !
    TheRunner87 likes this.
  2. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    SolidSoldier likes this.
  3. AsharKiller

    AsharKiller Fapstronaut

    Awesome bro awesome ! Fucking awesome dude.You are running like an enraged flash.
    Phoenix333 likes this.
  4. AsharKiller

    AsharKiller Fapstronaut

    Dude stay strong . This is success .Remember every time you fight you enter a whole new level. This won't last forever and will starve to death . You just need to hold on tight . Don't fall to darkness . Not now after achieving 13 days.You will do it . Don't eat sugar fat junk any thing . Eat veg. Trust me you are succeeding . After hardships there is peace and happiness.
    Phoenix333 likes this.
  5. AsharKiller

    AsharKiller Fapstronaut

    Dude just keep posting links and help us know more about this remedy it's dangers and it's precautions . We need you bro. Join us please . I always needed someone in the team who would keep updating about the dangers of pmo . And looks like my wish is becoming true .
    Phoenix333 likes this.
  6. AsharKiller

    AsharKiller Fapstronaut

    Day 35 and we are the way forward . Keep fighting fighters . Defeat the enemies . Kill them . There rule is going to end soon.
    TheRunner87 likes this.
  7. Hey guys! I wasn't at home for few days and still had strong urges, I keep fighting them.
    Phoenix333 likes this.
  8. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    Each day we are getting a little stronger. Just keep moving forward. Don't stop. You are worth it ! Your family and friends are worth it. Your children are worth it.
    TheRunner87 and Deleted Account like this.
  9. I can't control myself at all, after few days my mind goes crazy.
  10. Squeezy

    Squeezy Fapstronaut

    You can do this bro, dont falter. We're all in the same boat, you're not by yourself. We're all here for each other. Try taking up a hobby, sports, exercise etc. These helps get whats bothering you off your mind. You can do this. I have the same problem as you so don't suffer on your own.
  11. warchamp

    warchamp Fapstronaut

    Damn! I lost and relapsed!! The feeling was very overwhelming this time. It's weird even though I refrained from checking girls outside or watching anything related to hot women, it was still driving me crazy. It's crazy man how tough this is. It's like I'm a completely different person after orgasm. I'm starting all over now. I just need to make sure not to binge. Thanks for all the support.

    0 days...
  12. Day 2 - Getting Serious!

    I will not watch porn because
    it worsens my depression and anxiety.
    I will not watch porn because I suffer from extreme guilt afterwards.
    I will not watch porn because it makes me feel empty inside.
    I will not watch porn because porn has the power to control me... and only I control me.

    I will not watch porn because
    porn places values on things I find repulsive.
    I will not watch porn because it features violence against women.
    I will not watch porn because it promotes sexual pleasure as being more important than love and intimacy.
    I will not watch porn because porn promotes selfish greed, infidelity, and dissatisfaction with one's partner, and will damage my future relationships.
    I will not watch porn because porn causes me to see women in a sexual way rather than as a human being.
    I will not watch porn because porn causes me to fantasize about girls/women I don't want to fantasize about. (In fact, I'd rather not fantasize at all.)
    I will not watch porn because I have already noticed myself watching increasingly extreme genres... and I will NEVER forgive myself if I find myself viewing something DISGUSTING like child pornography.

    I will not watch porn because the porn industry hurts millions of innocent women by means of human trafficking, and my demand increases supply.
    I will not watch porn because female porn stars are often physically abused in the production of porn.
    I will not watch porn because porn actors and actresses suffer through the production of porn.
    I will not watch porn because porn actors and actresses have low self-esteem and often despise their own lives because of their involvement in porn production.

    I will not watch porn because all of the above reasons make it something God hates, and should make it something I hate also!
  13. diamondboi

    diamondboi Banned

    i will not watch porn because it's pathetic to jerk off to another men pleasing a women.
    zack1 and Deleted Account like this.
  14. TheRunner87

    TheRunner87 Fapstronaut

    Bro hold strong you can do it, the darkest moments of the night is the ones prior the dawn. We are with you, we all fighting the same enemy. Dont give up.
  15. TheRunner87

    TheRunner87 Fapstronaut

    It is Day 1 already. We are with you bro dont beat up yourself. You are strong and you can make it.
  16. TheRunner87

    TheRunner87 Fapstronaut

    Day 51

    We are really blessed by God to know our enemy and why we used to have certain failures in our lives. Let's never go back to that dark place. Let's live in peace, patience and passion with the world arrond us.

    We are stronger together, we are healing together.
    AsharKiller likes this.
  17. AsharKiller

    AsharKiller Fapstronaut

    Flash flash flash flash.Awesome quotes amazing job I behind yah. Tell me you are not going back to the everdarkness ever again. You have got out of the deep hole and now you are moving forward.
    TheRunner87 likes this.
  18. TheRunner87

    TheRunner87 Fapstronaut

    I am bro, we all are.
  19. jamesrobert

    jamesrobert Fapstronaut

    Well this is a killer thread - taking my place in the line alongside you men. Day 16 Monk.
    LimitlessTman and Squeezy like this.
  20. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    I really liked your list. I've done the following exercise for depression a couple different ways but the concept is the same: take a list of negatives or a list things you do not want, and use it to create a list of things you do want. So I took your list and flipped it positive for me. I wrote it as a word document, with each point being opposed by its negative in a table. Because I cannot make a table here, you'll have to go point-by-point to see the opposite, but it is a good exercise. Your answers will be different than mine, so try it for yourself!

    · I am so happy and grateful now that I am happy and calm
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I forgive myself for making mistakes
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I feel fulfilled in my life, and feel fulfilled in my sexual desires
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I am in control of my body, my emotions, and my urges
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I value sexual intimacy in a way that draws me toward people and God, that I have experienced some of that kind of connection between two people, and that I am able to see beyond the physical attraction of a woman
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I recognise women as equals and partners in all aspects of my life
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I recognise that though sexual pleasure is part of that love and intimacy, I value love, intimacy, and connection between people more
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I have (or have had) a healthy, giving, faithful, and gratifying relationship
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I view all women as made in the image of God, and appreciate their value as such.
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I fantasize about women in a way that builds relationships.
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I am comfortable with my sexual desires and tastes, and that these are constructive in my relationships.
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I fight for women, their rights and their well-being, around the world.
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I love and accept women as people and as sexual beings.
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I express and practice my sexuality without the need for pornography.
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I build up people who have low self-esteem or are depressed, and that I love those who are involved in the manufacture of pornography.
    · I am so happy and grateful now that I experience sex and sexuality as the beautiful thing that God created and that I love and care for myself in my sex life in the same way that I love and care for others in theirs.