The Most Important New Years Resolution I've Ever Made

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by seth, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    Ah sorry, I didn't see your post. I'm still really unsure about it. I started a discussion about this earlier here, and I don't know. I don't feel a need to masturbate right now, nor have a felt a big urge the last few weeks. So, it would be easy to say NO MO forever! But I'm going to go through 2016 without MO and assess then. I'm sure I'll decide before then, but I'm taking it one step at a time. One year is a lot of time to reflect. If I do MO, I think I have to be very careful about MOing too frequently. If it becomes addictive, then I will likely cut it out forever. That is if I don't cut it out from the get-go.
    Crispy21 likes this.
  2. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    The day you think you're completely cured is the day you fail and get back to your old habits.
    It will never be over. After years without alcohol, alcoholics who think they're cured start to drink again, just one drink. And a few months later, they're all messed up again...
    Could you explain why ?
  3. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Well, "curing" an addiction means that you learn a lot of new habits. You learn how to positively deal with negative emotions; you learn various other skills, you learn to setup goals and plans, you learn to setup strong daily habits like meditation, sports, socialising, working -- always seeking to be balanced, your life long, and you may never stop.

    In a way, when you have setup all these habits, then you are really "cured" !

    But you may never stop with these newly acquired habits!
    When you stop these daily habits, then you fall back very soon!

    An addiction is the result of unbalanced behaviour; the result of wrongly dealing with negative emotions.

    Therefore, it's definitively a wrong idea that an addiction can be "cured" like a broken leg - like "90 day no PMO and then walking away cured from the hospital, and living my old life " ... No it doesn't work like that - "curing" means to change your life, your mindset.
    Machin and seth like this.
  4. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    I think there's a lot of merit to what you're saying but I think I just didn't word it well. I am aware healing from an addiction is not black and white. I think it's similar to losing a loved one - you never simply "get over it", you just learn how to cope and the loss becomes a normal part of your life. I feel porn is no longer a part of my life and I am able to refrain from it without much difficulty. I am merely noting that I think I am further along in recovery than I ever have been (and I've gone ~120 days without porn before). But you are right, @Machin. Saying I am "cured" is not the right way to think of this.

    A friend started talking about his diet (as a vegetarian) and I was completely sold. It's been something that I've pondered for the last year or two and I definitely don't eat as healthy as I could. I also feel excess animal protein might be correlated with cancer although I have no basis for this guess - it's just a gut feeling. I've heard of so many benefits - I feel it's something I will do. I just need to do more research on it. On a semi-related note, I highly recommend the book, Salt, Sugar, and Fat. Very eye-opening.

    @SnowWhite: I completely agree with everything you just said. "Curing" comes from the persistent, positive, daily habits. So this is really a lifestyle change, not a "cure" in the same way we are "cured" after going to a doctor.
  5. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    My 41st Day

    Productive day. Had a great conversation with my dad about my potential career change and I did a few errands I had been wanting to do.

    On another note, yesterday I saw a sidebar youtube video for something that I would classify as a porn substitute and I just watched it. I didn't get anything out of it - I tried to rationalize this behavior by not trying to see it as porn, but there was no reason to watch it. I Xed out of it, a little bit disappointed in myself, but this solidifies the notion that I need to keep my guard up. As I said to @SnowWhite, "Don't take any streak for granted." i made a mistake, and I have learned.
  6. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    One way to do it is to search for anti-vegetarian advices.
    In fact, I tend to believe that unbalanced diets are unhealthy, and no diet suits everyone.
    Try it, and keep track of how you feel and how your body responds (sleep, illnesses, tiredness...) while doing it. In fact, you should keep track of it right now to have some basis to compare.
    I understand how you feel.
    I caught myself yesterday in the same situation, and I noticed I was trying to rationalize it.
    But don't be disappointed : you're human, and you will be tested, sooner or later. This was a test, and you saw it as it was. It means your awareness of your own behavior has increased, and that's great.
    seth likes this.
  7. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    My 42nd Day

    @Machin Right now I am unhappy with how I eat and at the very least I'd like to improve my diet (vegetarian or not). Vegetarian is just a very appealing idea now - but not something I will decide until I feel I've done a sufficient amount of research on how to be a healthy vegetarian.
    And I'm glad you understand - I feel all of us with long streaks have felt a similar thing. I kind of messed up again today with a slight porn substitute. I don't go on my cpu searching for it - but I stumble on it (genuinely an accident) and then have trouble looking the other direction. I said I knew I was going to stop this, but I didn't really mean this...

    I had another productive day - had a good conversation with a friend about this potential career switch. I want to aim to tell one new friend per day about this career change. I feel I learn a lot about how I feel when I talk to others so I want to continue to do it everyday. I'm feeling really great about deciding no medicine. Just need to give the decision some time so that I'm not doing anything rash - especially if I do get in and decide to reject it. But there are so many things that make me happy about deciding to not go into medicine. I was about to write them all down, but it's a very long discussion, I'm tired, and I'm already talking to friends and family about it.
    ned123 likes this.
  8. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    Don't overthink it too much, don't try to know everything there is to know, because you won't.
    Pick a sound advice from a known vegetarian online, ask you friend, and try it.
    You'll adjust it later if you need to.
    ned123 and seth like this.
  9. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    My 45th Day

    Hadn't posted in a few days - so seeing 45 days on my counter was a bit of shock! Went on an 8 mile run today and had a great night last night. There were two girls I was at one point interested in, but after spending more time with them, I'm on the fence about it. Not as attracted as I initially was. In general, I realize I'm starting to be more selective - I really analyze whether I feel compatible with the person even if I am not looking for a relationship. Separately, a friend of mine also seemed to be interested in me at the party yesterday and I was also on the fence about following through with that since I see her as a good friend (and not completely attracted to). This thought process of being selective and not just "I'll fuck anyone" mentality is also a new way of thinking for me. But this is also the first time in a while I'm not pursuing anyone (since I'm not as attracted to those two girls as I initially thought I was). Whatever....

    Have told a few more people about changing career paths and I'm pretty sure I know I was to change - but I'm still giving it more time. In the meantime I'm working on an application for a different job I'd like.

    I went a few days in a row where I viewed porn substitutes willingly (but for less than a minute). But I haven't in a few days, and I'm going to keep that up. I believe that behavior came from not keeping my guard up and taking my streak for granted. But I'm back on the right track now...
    ned123 likes this.
  10. ned123

    ned123 Fapstronaut

    Eight miles is a good run dude - especially after a night out! Glad your staying focused papa - well done!
    seth likes this.
  11. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    My 45th Day (Second post)

    I just watched a movie that had a nude sex scene and something interesting happened. When the character undid her robe implying they were about to have sex, I got a rush. I literally felt the dopamine spewing in my head. I wasn't expecting it, so it was exciting. And then, I calmed the fuck down. I have recently been craving to kiss someone and be with someone I really like (no one in particular now) and when I watched the sex scene to follow - I wasn't viewing it the same way I view porn. It made me happy seeing them kiss and really connect. It really did - I vicariously felt like I was caressing a beautiful women that I wanted to be with. I didn't care that I saw a nipple. The nudity did not excite me because I truly didn't feel like I was viewing a porn substitute. I didn't want more or wish there was more nudity or anything that I would normally feel if I was treating it like a porn substitute. I didn't look away, because I didn't feel like I needed to. I would be honest if I felt I were rationalizing viewing a porn substitute, but I did not feel the need to look away because I wasn't hoping or craving to see more nudity. I was happy to see the connection, and I simply didn't make a big deal out of the nudity. So that's interesting.

    Completely separate of this, yesterday I hung out with my ex-girlfriend. We're pretty good friends now having ended on really good terms. I have thought of the possibility of us having sex (without going back to a relationship) but I have never brought it up. She's in a relationship now, so it's obviously out of the picture. But I don't see them realistically lasting a long time, so I can't help but wish that they break up. And yesterday, she completely solidified that wish. She said, "If I didn't have a boyfriend, well... ummm - have you ever thought about us having sex?" And I said, "Absolutely." She asked, "do you think we actually would?" to which I immediately responded, "Definitely." But this stayed in my mind for most of yesterday and today. Like we would be having sex with no strings attached if she were single. It's getting to me because I would fucking love to be intimate with someone right now, and it would be pretty cool to have sex with her again.

    Yet, it's funny how I'm saying this and in my very last post I talked about how I'm being more particular and selective, yet I really want to intimate with someone now. Bleh... who knows?
    Crispy21 likes this.
  12. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    This is our gift and our curse : we want to be intimate with others.
    Not so much for the sex, but because touch and sex mean that someone loves us.

    But focus on your streak.
    Read what you wrote in the past few days (since you reached 40 days) and what you wrote before.
    Try to find out in your posts if something evolved in your thinking.
    You have to be aware of your thoughts, and maybe you should avoid porn subs.
    I caught myself in the past few days wanting to watch porn subs (mangas and videos with cute girls), but I resisted as soon as I noticed I wanted to rationalize it.
    Keep going !
    ned123 likes this.
  13. Crispy21

    Crispy21 Fapstronaut

    Nice bro. Get it man!
  14. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice, but I was trying to describe a really unique emotion. I watched something that would normally make my brain go ballistic, but I didn't feel as affected. I'm not going to seek out more, or try to rewatch the scene, because I don't need to.
  15. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    My 47th Day

    A fucking downer day. It was productive and nice to start with but yesterday and today I've felt really down and blue. I just found out today that the girl I like has a boyfriend - I didn't think I'd care at all, but it surprisingly bothers me. And yesterday a bunch of really small things got to me. This has translated to procrastinating in terms of exercise and in terms of my applications for non-medical careers. But tonight I'm going out with some friends, and usually that cheers me up...
    ned123 likes this.
  16. Halthane

    Halthane Fapstronaut

    Take it one day at a time man. Disappointment like that is hard, but it can be overcome. Have fun, laugh, drink a beer (if that's your thing). Don't let something that small get you so twisted up that you can't think, it isn't worth the pain.

    Be Strong man, you aren't alone.
    ned123 and seth like this.
  17. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    My 49th Day

    Time is flying. I had a fantastic run - with the weather warming up, I won't have to miss as many workouts anymore. The last two or three days have been a bit of downer days, but I've gotten more sleep and I'm generally feeling better.

    I think I'm going to start going out more often. I'm craving to be intimate with someone (someone I'm genuinely attracted to) and currently I just aim for people I see in my everyday life. But that method is too slow and should be my plan B. I used to go out a lot and practice approaches. I got decent at approaching women and holding decent conversations, but I rarely got a phone number (and even so, it wasn't "pursuable"). I think with this pent up sexual energy, I should definitely start going out more often.

    Separately, I finally got to meet this girl I was excited to meet last weekend (at a party). Before meeting her, I was considering pursuing her and asking her on a date. We had a great conversation, but I realized I wasn't genuinely interested. Just want to be friends. However, she texted me this morning saying we should go for coffee. Feels nice, but I'm not interested.

    I am definitely being more picky and selective than I ever have been in my life. You'd expect with no sexual release for several months that I'd want to have sex with anything lol. Yet, I think the pursuing is so much more exciting when the recipient is someone you're truly attracted to. That's all for now...
    ned123 likes this.
  18. ned123

    ned123 Fapstronaut

    Get out there Sethstar! :p
    seth likes this.
  19. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Great to read. This word "genuinely" is the key of it all.
    This word is the label for your inner self, it is the label for what you really want to reach, what you really want to do in your life.

    However, in young years, this "genuinely" is more like a mystic black star to us. It is something you know is there, but you cannot fully grasp it.

    Therefore, you need a lot of tries and simply a lot of patience to truly find out what your inner core truly is.
    It's like a chainsaw puzzle, which is gradually becoming complete.

    Now you met a girl, and you found she is not genuinely interesting you. -- well, than this episode was in fact one step in your exploration.
    Just repeat your exploration, give it a lot of tries. The more you do, the better. And try to set up a lot of skills. The more skills you have, the more possibilities life will offer you.

    You are like a cave explorer, trying to find a hidden treasure. You are stumbling around in a deep cave, touching here and there, gradually drawing a map in order to get the whole "picture", trying to find the treasure. (But be aware: There might be traps around, also ...! )

    PS -- Edit: Some people have a very clear picture already in young years, and these people are then often extremely successful.
  20. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Oh yes, I had a similar experience. I happened to end up back at my motel with a girl I'd meet a couple of times previously. We were chatting away, lying on the bed, but I just wasn't feeling it. After she left, on the stroke of midnight, I was left scratching my head. I think it's definitely a case of lowered [controlled?] libido, but I don't think that's necessarily a negative thing. It just means I'm only going to get excited about a woman I really like! My mate asked me if I was menopausal or something. ha ha ha