List of recently added habits: recommendations

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by theManinBlack_1882, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. theManinBlack_1882

    theManinBlack_1882 Fapstronaut

    Hello Fapstronauts! I'm going to list out the recent habits I've added/subtracted to my life this summer. I'm doing this for self-visualization but also to get some feedback or recommendations.

    1) Nofap challenge (Hardmode; no PMO)
    2) Daily cold showers
    3) Exercise 5x a week at gym
    4) walk for an hour a day (I like to listen to podcasts so I figure it's better to listen to them while moving instead of just sitting.
    5) Make brief conversation with female cashiers/baristas.
    6) Say hello to people as I pass by them during the day (I might up the challenge to giving 3-5 high-fives to strangers a day)
    7) Daily devotionals (Bible reading/Prayer) rather than typical meditation.
    8) Not using hulu/netflix or video games (my go to was Fallout, which is a game that makes it easy to put in several hours of game play but not be close to finishing primary quests)
    9) Reading more fiction and self-development (I'd recommend the Art of Manliness' books and online archives).

    The main addiction I need to get rid of is my daily tobbaco use (I use dipping tobacco about 4x a day when I' m in front of the computer). It makes me less productive and it might interfere with my rebooting since nicotine is involved with the reward center and dopamine release.

    Let me know what you guys think!
  2. chanteur49

    chanteur49 Fapstronaut

    All of them sound good. My go-tos are reading, running, power napping, and making to-do lists.
  3. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    I have list of things to:

    Keep track of what sites I visit today

    Use a rubber band technique; snap it every time I fantasize today

    Keep track of any unknown sites I visit that you are not sure about today

    Listen to music / motivational music today

    Stay busy today

    Practice Deep Breathing Technique today

    Forecast off days and have a plan for weekends

    Do Dynamic Meditation today

    Eat Healthy (Enough Protein)

    Listen to Epic Music when feeling down on mp3 player

    Dip Penus in ice cold water if it gets too hot or boner don’t go away today

    Practiced Mindfulness at work today

    Take supplements (5-HTP SSRI and L - Theanine) today

    PS: Meditation works great too!
  4. She Got Stronger

    She Got Stronger Fapstronaut

    I love this! What are your podcast recommendations? (I'm a particular fan of Dear John and Hank!) After/during my daily devotionals I also go through and review my day, think through my emotions and how I handled situations. I still stream Amazon Prime, but I don't let myself watch in bed and the door always has to be open when I am watching!
  5. Really good tips. some of mine:

    - wim hof breathing
    - cold showers
    - meditation via headspace
    - daily journalling - including checking in with habits and goals
    - sleep monitoring check
    - stretching for my shoulder injury and general stretching
    - when injury is over will return to weights and non weight home workouts
    - swimming
    - podcast listening while walking
    - reading books...mostly improvement
    - going to improv (comedy) classes
    - trying to cut down my news and tv consumption - monitoring my time usage
  6. Not to be a negative nancy, but I have one piece of advice: don't burn yourself out!

    I do this all the time, go super hard core on having good habits and trying to everything right and perfect and be productive 24/7, and generally what ends up happening is, I get really exhausted and burnt out from all of that and I end up crashing and doing none of those things and feeling like a failure. So just be careful to keep a balanced life and know that it's okay to just breathe and relax sometimes. You don't always have to be doing or accomplishing or creating or growing all the time. It's okay to just *be* for a bit. Or watch TV for a bit, or play a game for a bit.
    jobbyj and Deleted Account like this.
  7. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Add running. Work up to 5 miles.
  8. You're so right! For years I have thought that I should study hard, work hard, train hard, etc. My logic was that if this guy managed to achieve, for example, good sport results, then so can I. But the thing is that this guy only managed to achieve those results, he's not at the same time expert in a nuclear physics, not a good artist and doesn't know history.

    So I would reccomend to choose one primary task to work really hard on it, everything else you can do for fun. I'm not saying you should give up exercising, but if sport is not the most important part, you can allow yourself not to be the best or perfect. Simply make sure you're having good time!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Especially with the internet, it's really easy to see so many people who are good at so many things that you think you should be an expert in all of those things as well. But most people are really into a couple things, and not so much everything else. Someone might be really fit, really good at cooking, really well versed in politics, really good at math, etc, but nobody is an expert in all of those things. I think that's good to remember, not to expect too much of yourself.
    Deleted Account likes this.