150 days rebooting today and not seeing more progress

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Huntilt, May 9, 2016.

  1. Huntilt

    Huntilt Fapstronaut

    Dear fellows,

    I have reach 150 days today of no PMO and no edging. Thus, i am not on full hardmode and i still continue to fantasing and have some "fetish taste" . I also sometimes continue to watch girls and models on purpose in youtube, instagram etc.. but i never came back to a porn site and still 150 days not masturbate on purpose.
    Unfortunately i'm not seeing progress regarding my ED. I never have spontaneous erection when i met a girl i'm attracted too or never during the day and my morning woods which was an habit has clearly disappear since two weeks. Last night I had another wet dream (my last one was on the first days on the reboot) and i dreamt about some very weird fetish where i was "actor"... I don't really know what to do and what i'm doing wrong. I really want to find a girl friend and having a healthy sexual life but i lose all confidence. Thank you for your advice, i thought after so much time i will start to be cured and sometimes my urge is getting back
    Thanks .
  2. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    You might be over reacting. This might not be important. It sounds like if you keep going the way you are you will have no problem when you meet a girl or if you want to meet a girl. Sex is not the b all and end all. I dont have morning wood or have a boner when i meet a girl i fancy but i know i am ready to go! I'm sure you are too it is just you are nervous because of the past.
  3. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    This might be reason why you aren't seeing the progress. You must quit cold turkey; you are giving yourself that dopamine rush which is keeping the addiction alive.
    Ack Ack Ack and Kenzo89 like this.
  4. xjbert1423

    xjbert1423 Fapstronaut

    Cause you havnt quit, from what i just read you are still on day 1. Toughen the fuck up brotha
  5. Huntilt

    Huntilt Fapstronaut

    You mean going on youtube or instagram is a relapse ?
  6. xjbert1423

    xjbert1423 Fapstronaut

    The way you describes it yea
  7. flame0

    flame0 Fapstronaut

    Based on your description your ED is clearly psychological.

    NoFap allows people to set their own goals and criteria for relapse. You have chosen to continue to use P Substitutes or P Subs. You are intentionally viewing material that arouses you for the purpose of arousal. This results in the same chemical effects in your brain as watching P. You may be somewhat healthier because the content you are watching is lighter fare, but you are still addicted.

    If you want to get better you have to cut out P Subs as well.

    You can do it! 150 days of no PMO or edging is no joke! Go the next step.
    Ack Ack Ack likes this.
  8. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    You mean, intentionally searching for bikini/lingerie models is a p-sub?

    What about girls in decent clothing?

    Not that I do the first one, but avoiding girls well dressed sounds pretty extreme.
  9. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    Dude you have to quit everything. You can't just watch non-nude sexual stuff and expect to see results. Everything will lead to a relapse eventually.
  10. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    That's fine. Even if I'm not triggered It doesn't bother me at all. It can easily be avoided cause it doesnt concern me and I don't search girls on fb to arouse me on a daily basis.

    Just reading the posts made me feel that my longest streak has been useless for a stupid unarousing pic.
  11. xjbert1423

    xjbert1423 Fapstronaut

    Same shit brotha.
  12. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    It was more than 100 days after that that the real changes began for me. Don't give up. And stop the porn subsitutes. The fetish might go away, after the reboot or it might be part of your sexuality for real. You'll find out later. What I discovered was that for a long time I was not getting better, only that the addiction was getting weaker. Then I reached a point where I started to get BETTER. The WAY I looked at and thought about things began to change, not just the strength of the feelings/urges. It took a LONG time. I thought I had gotten as far as I could, and that where I was was "normal." It wasn't. For the first time in my life, I'm discovering what normal is like, and normal is awesome!

    Don't quit. Keep going. No one can tell you how long it will take; you will only find out once you're recovered. But however long it takes, I promise it's worth it!
    Hanging by a thread likes this.
  13. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    Alrighty. No problem with that.

    Day 1 again ;).
  14. Golgo 13

    Golgo 13 Fapstronaut

    P-subs are porn IMO. Intentionally looking at material tht you know will sexually arouse you is no different than watching porn.

    If it's artificial then it's porn. You should only want to look at real women in real life for arousal/excitement.
    I'm close to were u are and I have no problem getting hard.

    You havent rebooted at all, you're at day 0. Sorry, but porn is the reason for your ED not just abstaining from masturbation.
  15. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    Yea I didn't realize how p-subs were bad as porn itself and didn't consider it as a relapse. The good thing is I'm not mad, I did well to abstain from pmo, so avoiding p-subs should be a walk in a park.

    First thing I did was to delete my fb account and that's it. I have no other social media accounts.
    Golgo 13 likes this.