Just joined the gym, is my workout program any good?

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by psps07, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Understood. Well, only you really know what's going to be good for you and what isn't. If your knees are giving you trouble, you can definitely ease up when it comes to stuff like squats. You can reduce the weight so you're building up your knee strength.

    As far as running goes, maybe there's a lower-impact exercise you can do for cardio. A popular one these days is 30 minutes of walking on a treadmill at 3mph with a 12-degree incline. Very low impact on the knees. And if you have access to a pool, it's hard to beat swimming!
    silex_jedi likes this.
  2. thanks for the suggestion bro.I'm a skateboarder..and i know that i have given a lot of impact on my knees.......but easy does it ...hahah..thanks again..
  3. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    crawl, "frog swimming" did not help my knees and it was the only way of swimming i had.
  4. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    Learn the basic exercises: bench press, overhead press, squats, deadlifts, biceps curls; you can use fixed machines as secondary exercises.

    I'd recommend trying out some calisthenics: pull ups, push ups, dips, crunches, superman holds, squats, planks, etc. If you start to get really good you can learn things like L-sits, muscle ups, handstand push ups etc.
    psps07 likes this.
  5. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    The best workout is the one you actually do. And yours looks pretty good. Don’t forget to get plenty of sleep, eat plenty and drink that water.
    psps07 likes this.
  6. psps07

    psps07 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, my gym is actually pretty far away from home (20-30min bike ride there) and I have school from 8am to 4pm + homework + studying + tennis somedays, so I'm not going to the gym too often. Thats why I wanna get a pull up bar and some resistance bands to workout at home when I can't go to the gym

    How do you recommend I structure my calisthenics workouts?
  7. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    In my opinion, most guys want the lean muscular physique anyway (swimmers body). Calisthenics is a exactly the right way to get it. You are right, it is very convenient and you can do many exercises completly without fitness gear i.e. push ups (with or without wall), planks, squats, L-sit, etc. Even if you want to go for the power lifting route, you can still start of with basic bodyweight exercises, because they will give you a good base to start from.