My Rebooting Journal (1 relapse)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by HawkInMe, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 12th, 2024

    Hi! I'm not sure what to do from here. This is my first day of rebooting and I want to go for one month! I'm doing normal mode so no PM! I'm not sure what to do now tho. Just no PM? I know I should delete all of the porn I have access to so I'm not tempted to get into it. What else should I do?

    Also if you'd like to get to know me, here!

    Anyway, I'm awaiting talking to you all! Thank you :)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
  2. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    No porn, no masturbation or fantasizing. The thing is not to just abstain but to rewire which means replacing old habits into new better ones.
    Sarah-Walker and HawkInMe like this.
  3. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 13th, 2024

    One full day of rebooting. Because of how bad my addiction was, it's very hard to resist those things but I've managed. That urge is very strong though.

    I would do things like go for a walk but where I live, it's about -50°C with the wind so that's a hard no. Work out? Not enough space as I'm in the process of moving so things are a mess. Even my favorite hobby, gaming, I got bored.

    On a side note, my partner and I sat down last night and I just talked with them about how bad my addiction had gotten. It really helped to be able to talk about and address that it is a problem. They also reassured me that I have their full support through this time and it really helped to hear.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
    Sarah-Walker and OrthogonalToast like this.
  4. Longtime27

    Longtime27 Fapstronaut

    As per the comment above, the key is to focus on growth, self-improvement and filling your time with positive stuff that you enjoy and can get fulfilment out of. Just stopping the behaviour isn't enough, and yeah get out and live life and enjoy its abundance!

    Strength and happiness on your new journey away from bad habits!
    Sarah-Walker and HawkInMe like this.
  5. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 14th, 2024

    Day 2 complete! Meant to post this last night but I'm getting to it now.

    What a day. Urges were still there of course but I still resisted! I cleaned up my living room and I can now play my PSVR2 again! Been playing Beat Saber for like 20-30 mins a day now! Getting in a little workout AND video games AT THE SAME TIME! Hell yes!

    Also where I am, there's been an extreme cold front for the last while. Had to keep getting my car boosted to go anywhere! Turns out my block heater wasn't working! It was a simple fix, it just came unplugged so we got it plugged in and it was working within the next few hours!

    Also been thinking of picking up guitar again. I have a beautiful electric blue electric acoustic guitar. It used to be an old hobby of mine back in high school but since Covid, I haven't really touched it since.

    Not sure what else to say. Overall, the day really wasn't bad at all :)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  6. Littlefella

    Littlefella Fapstronaut

    For recovery to work, there are a few preliminary activities I'd like to ask of you.
    1. List down why abstinence is important to you
    2. List down what you wish for yourself
    3. List down what achievement means to you and when
    Keep this list with you.

    If you are
    1. fully committed and disciplined
    2. Willing to suffer and endure
    3. Willing to let go
    4. Willing to direct your eyes and mind towards positivity, optimism, gratitude and success
    5. Willing to encourage motivate recognize support and reward yourself ceaselessly
    6. Willing to devote some time each day to reflection and study
    You will be successful

    Depending on the severity of your needs, and how fast you adapt, generally speaking, each phase is probably 3 to 6 months long
    Phase 1. Withdrawal
    Phase 2. Discovering self
    Phase 3. Expanding self
    Phase 4. Become more positive

    Phase 1 is the hardest
    Your old crutch is not available and you haven't develop the skills and abilities to draw strength and joy from yourself and your environment yet.

    Phase 2 is easier.
    Dependency on PMO for comfort is waning. You are gaining some joy and comfort from yourself and surroundings.

    Phase 3 is the best.
    PMO is no longer needed and you are gaining a lot of joy and comfort naturally.
    You are looking forward to life.
    You don't take things personally
    You see reality clearly without delusion
    You are satisfied with yourself
    You accept yourself and your status
    You become even more resilient and dependable
    The world feels better in general.

    Phase 4. Becoming more positive.
    We do PMO first because we're horny
    Soon we do it because we're bored
    Finally we do it because we're sad/scared/unhappy.
    PMO is a depressant. It numbs. A frequent wanker is generally negative or pessimistic. It is important to relearn how to be positive again.

    I wish this for you.
    But you must treat rehab seriously, like being on a new job, as a recruit, as a degree seeking freshman, as an astronaut.
    Don't slack. Don't falter.. give it your all. Keep your eyes on promotion/ graduation/ destination.

    You will succeed.
  7. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 15th, 2024

    Day 3 complete! Yesterday wasn't too bad. An urge here and there but I managed!

    My kitchen sink wouldn't drain because the pipes are frozen. My landlord had a look at the pipes and apparently none of the plumbing for the sink was properly put together! Hoping it'll be fixed soon. Glad I will be out of that place at the end of the month. Good riddens.

    Other than that, work went okay and there wasn't really much else to do so I just watched some YouTube. That's about it for the day.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  8. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 16th, 2024

    Not a bad day! Work was pretty slow but I kept busy as much as I could. Maybe had one or two urges that went away fairly quickly.

    My sink is also still broken unfortunately but hopefully that is fixed soon because my partner and I are moving at the end of the month and need to desperately wash dishes before we leave! Fingers crossed
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  9. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 17th, 2024

    Not a bad day again. Work was slow and had a couple urges but I managed to control them.

    My partner didn't have too good of a day so I took her out on a surprise date! Olive Garden babyyy! Then we got ice cream and played a game together afterwards. It was a pretty good day!
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  10. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 18th-23rd

    Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! That's just because there hasn't been much to update on. But I'll do my best.

    To start, I've been playing a game I used to play way back when I was younger called Submachine. It's a point & click puzzle game and there's a story in each game that connects with each other. There was a remaster of the games that came out late last year and I'm finally playing it! It's so much fun. It's called Submachine Legacy and it's on Steam! I highly recommend checking it out!

    With that, I've been building a level in a game called Geometry Dash! I've been getting some help from a couple other creators on the game to make sure things work and get tips. So far, all I have left is putting together a UI and inventory system and we're golden babyyy! So that's been taking up most of my time and distracting me from my old habits!

    I've been clean for almost 2 weeks now and I'm feeling good! I do have to start packing though because we need to be gone by next Wednesday. Deadline is coming up quick. Eek!

    That's about all I can really think about for an update. I'll be back to update again soon! I want to stay on top of this!
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  11. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 24th, 2024

    It's getting more difficult now. The urges are starting to get strong but so far I'm able to hold them off. But with each passing hour, it seems to be getting more difficult. I don't know if it's because I'm stressing about this move or if I'm worried about my job but still. I really don't want to go back to my old ways. Ugh.
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  12. Sarah-Walker

    Sarah-Walker Fapstronaut

    At least for me anyways stress and boredom was always the number one killer for me, and the worse/harder my day was going the easier the urges would take hold.

    Try to do something when the urges get bad, like being productive or things like listening to music/podcasts which fill your brain with noise, really anything that distracts you in that moment to carry you forward.

    The first one was alway the hardest for me, but vigilance is needed and keeping your mental health in check. You’ve got this mate, just keep pushing forward and challenge those unwanted thoughts and feelings, while keeping yourself busy!


    HawkInMe likes this.
  13. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 25th, 2024

    Good news, my job is something I do not have to stress over! I was reassured my job is safe and sound.

    Other news, I have to be moved out of my current place by the last day of January. The place I'm moving isn't going to be ready for me to start moving my stuff in until January 29th. That gives me 2-3 days to move everything. It should be hard to move but I still have to pack which I've been lacking the motive for.

    Other than that, not much going on :)
    Sarah-Walker likes this.
  14. The Man lost in the Mystery

    The Man lost in the Mystery New Fapstronaut

    Thank you. I needed this. I lost again again and again and still wanna keep going. lets get this done
    HawkInMe and Littlefella like this.
  15. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 26th-28th, 2024

    I've been so busy with packing things up to move that it's stressing me out a lot. It's becoming increasingly difficult to not give into the urges. I've still kept holding back on them but it's very hard to not give in. Hopefully a new environment will help. Fingers crossed! Gonna make new habits at my new place!
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  16. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 29th, 2024

    I caved and relapsed. I know why I did.. I'm disappointed in myself but also proud. I went over 2 weeks without PM! I'm going for a full month! I got this! I'm not letting those urges get the best of me again! Never again!

    Let's start again
  17. HawkInMe

    HawkInMe Fapstronaut

    Jan 30th - Feb 4th, 2024

    Alright. Let's do this one last time. My name is Peter Parker and I am the one and only.. Spider-Man!

    No, no, for real though. I've been really busy. Got moved into my new place and it went well! I was slacking on this though but my partner sat down with me last night and we had a chat. I told them that I didn't feel like I could do this because I had relapsed a couple times. I told her I wanted to give up but they told me to keep going! They are honestly the best person I could ever ask for!

    The day counter has been reset to the day of the last relapse and I intend on making that counter reach 30+ days!