Face structure change and nofap

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by deannx, May 8, 2019.

  1. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Well jizz magic is real to a degree, I'm sorry, I say this because I went from chronic masturbator to someone that, in all humility, is pretty successful at continence, I had no active sexual thoughts for over 200+ days, and still with regular wet dreams in which I feel drained once I experience them, have you done the same? Have you even gone 200+ days just with physical retention? Don't fool yourself, you have not, otherwise you wouldn't say this, if there's a rumour about it chances are there's a degree of truth behind it, it is probably exaggerated of course, physical retention is just scratching the surface, read the work of swami vivekananda, he realized God, he had photographic memory and an incredible mind, after his speeches people would roar in applauses, read about his "brothers and sisters of america " speech. He realized the Brahman and it wouldn't be possible without perfect celibacy, but this is an extreme case, in fact he claims he never had a single sexual thought in his life.

    Saying you can become God is an exaggeration, no you won't become God, you are still stuck into a physical body, but it's said if you have unbroken celibacy for over 12 years you can realize God, and you realize that you are God and within God, which is a different thing, you realize you are the Brahman, celibacy brings you closer to God hence you will get some divine qualities, which is translated into becoming similar to god.
    Pureplecity likes this.
  2. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I am 160 days in, I haven't relapsed once, I will eventually reach 200 days, I will still be the same, no superpowers. You may notice the difference since you were a chronic masturbator, but I wasn't, I was never a pornography addict to begin with.

    I am going to be honest, I have no idea who swami vivekananda is, but I think saying he was that good in what he did just because of celibacy is giving him not enough credit, sounds to me that the man had a great strengh of mind and a strong will, and I can see how it can be related to not having any sexual desire, but do not see the relation with semen retention itself.

    Also, a lot of people can make an audience roar in applauses, even I did it once.
  3. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Well, obviously I don't know your situation, but it sounds like you are not doing sexual continence to the extremes, usually people that have been heavily addicted to ejaculation/porn whatever and quickly go into for example, physical retention, get more results that those who relapsed rarely like you, people like you have to push it a little bit further, perhaps by doing mental continence (which is the hardest), limiting the amount of wet dreams etc, because your body is already used to that amount of continence and you see little improvement.

    It's like going to the gym, if you don't see any resistance, add the weights

    Like I said you don't get any "superpower", but it's said that those who have unbroken celibacy since births and stick with it for a long period of time, become extraordinary human beings, one example is swami vivekananda, and no don't assume things, it's not "willpower"(that doesn't even make any sense) vivekananda gave credit to his mental prowess for unbroken celibacy since birth, he could read an entire encyclopedia Britannica in a day and retain ALL the information, call it a superpower if you wish. Read about his concept of ojas and how it is stored into the brain, if you read his work you will give more credit to sexual continence.

    Then there are many more countless examples, like Gandhi, who took a vow of brahmacharya, gandhi could shake nations, he was well known for testing himself by surrounding himself with young girls, Tesla too avoided marriage etc.

    I had countless benefits after I started continence, I'll list some

    - I can now at a screen for hours without my eyes hurting
    - My physical energies have increased
    - My physical performance at the gym has drastically improved
    - I have more confidence
    - I am more magnetic
    - I sleep less(ofc I'm more energized)
    - I need to eat less
    - I can remember things easily and I have started to remember things from my childhood
    - and countless more that i wont bother to mention

    So yes "jizz magic" is for real for those who take it seriously and do it long term, but no I'm sorry it won't help you to levitate or move mountains in a literal sense
  4. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    this. Good post buddy
  5. deannx

    deannx Fapstronaut

    It’s so funny and sad at the same time just the last post you talk all about “scientific evidence and shit” and next post cry about you too are doing retention and 160 in and got no benefit, that’s just so sad lol .Well, I guess some people just too far gone from porn addiction that their brain just can’t function. :/

    Also, the part you said about this forum being the worst it’s because it fills with pretentious people that can’t be disagreed with and that admin has to troll because people give him crap please read through the post on this thread and tell me you don’t find it iconic lol
    Last edited: May 25, 2019
  6. deannx

    deannx Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I really appreciate what you said. I just don’t know why the trolls would just came in and ruined the thread when I am just trying to form a discussion with people that have similar experiences and possibly find a solution.
    Btw, I notice only masturbate will have effect on my skins/facial structure(make it saggy and fat loss). Normal sex will not have any effects on me, I quitted masturbate for 15 weeks now, I notice some improvements but still I think it’s gonna take few more months to recover.
  7. I have seen it all now.
    You are going to the gym, seeing these women who got no clothes and never got a single though of sex. It is getting more and more ridiculous .
  8. Let me tell you that I did have a power and this is it — never once in my life did I allow myself to have even one sexual thought. I trained my mind, my
    thinking, and the powers that man usually uses along that line I put into a higher channel, and it developed a force so strong that nothing could resist it.

    He admitting training himself, so what he trained himself for when he never got a sexual thought? There was no need for training.
  9. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I was never a pornography addict. I joined NoFap because I do not masturbate. So no, I am not "too far gone". NoFap resets your body to the standard, it doesn't add new things to you. You may feel like you gain things because you lost them at some point.
  10. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    He trained before puberty, he was in a pure environment so he was well prepared, he wasn't in an environment where you are constantly bombarded by sexual impressions, nowdays he would of struggled much more, nowadays its an herculean deal to achieve that for people that have a weak will
    Last edited: May 25, 2019
    Captain! likes this.
  11. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    This comes after long period of continence, it's not that i was immaculate at first, but I had a great motive, controlling the senses is hard at first but with perseverance and STRONG will it's doable, whether you want to control the tongue, the animal desire, the ears, whatever. With time the mind becomes more resistant to it, almost as if it's nothing even if you are exposed to pornography, but you have to struggle at first.

    It sounds impossible to you especially in a generation wherein if you take away the pleasure of the 5 senses their life becomes empty
    Last edited: May 25, 2019
  12. I would say even if you got heroic will is quite difficult.
    I experience lots of that. I have never been really triggered in my life. Like pervert. Like to objectify women. And still it is reproduction. It is like the desire to eat. As you say senses, but it is something natural. Which means if you abstain from sex your whole life is unnatural.
  13. gagate

    gagate Fapstronaut

    Well, it's not like the desire to eat, have you ever heard of someone that died from sexual abstinence? sex is NOT a need, There are countless people that do this over the world and lead a balanced life, there's one guy who's like 120 years old, his name swami sivananda, his secret is fasting and strict celibacy and he definitely feels better than the average westernian.

    Also understand that those things are for people that have a spiritual inclination, not for people that are very attached to the material world, this sounds like nonsense to materialistc people that are rooted in the senses.
  14. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I was never a pornography addict. I joined NoFap because I do not masturbate. So no, I am not "too far gone", and everyone here on NoFap "practice retention" unless you have a girlfriend, therefore by your logic, everyone skulls should be morphing.
  15. Miguel Rocha

    Miguel Rocha Fapstronaut

    The decision of not masturbating is a very personal one. What are we saying to ourselves when we decide to not masturbate? The refusal of instant gratification. That's what it means. We want more. A relationship or the improvement of a present relationship even if is only with ourselves.

    This decision is a very personal and subjective one and goes in the opposite direction of behaviours that society tends to motivate.

    So...the effects must be subjective too...and our interpretation of the effects must be subjective also. So I prefer to view the reports of people stating their effects of Nofap as opinions and not as facts per se. Science is science but it cannot interpret all the array of events that we human beings go through.

    For me, the effects I feel, for hundreds of relapses and for hundreds of tries are, after the first 20 days of NoPMO:

    - I no longer feel that "empty" feeling I felt after I masturbate and orgasm (binging). In that first 2, 3 days after binging maturbating to porn, I would feel unbalaced and "empty" inside myself. Like empty of energy. Numb I could say. But after a week of abstinence I feel "fuller" and more balanced. And I feel better because that "empty" feeling is unconfortable;

    - I feel more aggressive overall. But it's not a negative aggression. It's a positive one. I'm more prone to take the initiative at things or defend myself if I have to (like someone picking on me). You know. Standing up for yourself kind of aggression. But at the same time, it gives you the confidence to joke back when someone are trying to harass you in a joking way. You know, giving them the ball without taking very seriously what they are saying. Maybe this effect is due to na increment or stabilization of testosterone perhaps?

    But hey, my objective for now is not to permanently don't have sex. My goal is to share my sexuality with a partner (in a non compulsive way) and not to give up my sexuality to a bunch of pixels on the screen.

    But if your goal is permanent abstinence go for it and see for yourself what are the results. Take that journey if it is your thing.
    Mr. Kruger likes this.
  16. deannx

    deannx Fapstronaut

    Oh still butt hurt I see. I guess I just have to put it very simply for you to understand how sad and laughable this is .you talked all about science evidence in your previous post but just 2 mins later you crying about you been doing retention for 160 days and have no result, so if everything is about “scientific evidence” for you why started retention in the first place? You said nofap reset your body to the standard, where is the “evidence and the actual fact?” Rofl, I am pretty sure benefiting from retention is not in mainstream science, even your best bro mr. admin said so himself lol
    Last edited: May 25, 2019
  17. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Okay, look, I don't want any more trouble. I apologize for making fun of you. I still think you don't make sense, but if you are happy this way then good for you. People do NoFap for different reasons, and I do it as a matter of dignity, I don't want any more from it. Let's leave this here.
    gagate likes this.
  18. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    My skin looks worse when I'm in a flatline.
  19. K_roy_magical

    K_roy_magical New Fapstronaut

    You know what's a doctor's nightmare? A fucking healthy society, just like a logical society is what a priest least desires.