Stressed COVID person

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Inloverber, Aug 18, 2021.

  1. Inloverber

    Inloverber Fapstronaut

    Yo guys!

    How are you all? Would like to ask suggestions of the things you do during this pandemic? I'm literally bored. Whenever I'm on my bed, the urge is knocking me and to avoid it, I do gardening but, its not enough. Honestly, I want to go on a travel. I'm dying to see new faces and have interaction with them without worrying of catching COVID along the way but, I can't since some areas are restricted to tourist. I can no longer handle this stress, I'm so drained!!! Please help me!
  2. Well, you can also exercise and read good books.
    I suggest reading self development books, can give a long list on them but for me personally helped Holy Bible, since its the source of most human wisdom these days.
    Also, this guy started to exercise at 40 and look where he is now at 70 ! -

    For sure take 2-3 cold showers a day, like one after waking up and one before sleeping, and add more as necessary.
    ICE :D and Slider8 like this.
  3. Inloverber

    Inloverber Fapstronaut

    He absolutely looks stunning for his age, looks like 50s. Not being a racist but, I remember a news which states that pandemic has disproportionately affected the health of communities of color. Non-Hispanic Black adults (48%) and Hispanic or Latino adults (46%) are more likely to report symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder than Non-Hispanic White adults (41%). I wonder how is he during this pandemic if he suffers mentally too like I do.
    ICE :D likes this.
  4. ermia

    ermia Fapstronaut

    you can to cooking :emoji_stew::emoji_spoon::emoji_shallow_pan_of_food: (i like cooking)
    you can call to your freinds.
    you can read a book.
    learn a new language.
    don't stress , all are in same situation.
    ICE :D likes this.
  5. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    In addition to what everyone else has said, you could check out coursera for free courses. They have a lot of cool introductory courses, the main one I recommend for a lot of people is the science of well-being by yale. Its a pretty solid course on some foundational practices that have been studied and proven to make you a bit happier. If you're into zoom, I've been seeing on that a lot of the meetups are now digital.
    ICE :D likes this.
  6. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    You should get the vaccine. Really help with the stress.
    Brave Hero, ICE :D and Vanquisher12 like this.
  7. AnthonyAsher

    AnthonyAsher Fapstronaut

    Indeed, most affected of COVID are the old and those people with illness. We understand your situation but, you need not to worry as there are numerous things to do like biking and cooking. Engage in proactive activities.
    Nugget9 and ICE :D like this.
  8. Inloverber

    Inloverber Fapstronaut

    But, vaccines are not yet studied in the long run. I'm afraid of the possible side effects. My relative got his J&J shot but died because his heart condition was triggered. Anyway, what vaccine did you had?
  9. Inloverber

    Inloverber Fapstronaut

    Are fully vaccinated people given more freedom when it comes to travelling or the requirements are just the same with the unvaccinated ones? I really would like to go somewhere.
    ICE :D likes this.
  10. In terms of international travel, it depends. Some may require a vaccine passport, some may not.

    In America, most places aren’t requiring vaccine passports/proof of vaccination unless you live in a liberal city/state.
    ICE :D likes this.
  11. I got the Pfizer vaccine because I didn’t want to lose my job. Unfortunately, businesses can make their own rules when it comes to vaccines, which sucks. The side effects were terrible. The first dose I felt a lot of fatigue and lack of energy. But the second dose I felt so terrible I thought I had to go to a hospital.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2021
    ICE :D likes this.
  12. People wanted sacrifices and sacrifices were made. They still are, with no end in sight.

    Many people have lost their entire shirts to this "pandemic". If the worst thing that happens to you is you can't go on vacation, then consider yourself lucky.
  13. The COVID vaccine has caused a reporting to VAERS of 30% more deaths than for all other vaccines combined in the history of VAERS.

    Fully vaccinated people are still required to stay for over two weeks in quarantine when entering the country where I am. They must still wear masks, and have no exemptions from the rules in terms of gathering sizes. Essentially, vaccinated or not, it makes no difference. The only difference is that if you are not vaccinated, pressure is on to change that--i.e. you must get vaccinated.

    You are fortunate if you survive. Many don't. And the vaccine does nothing to create immunity, as has been testified to lawmakers in America by medical doctors and healthcare professionals. My brother-in-law was forced to quarantine for two weeks after a vaccinated co-worker came down with COVID. In fact, doctors are saying that the ones who can potentially transmit the virus most, and therefore who should be wearing the masks, are the vaccinated.
    Tony999 likes this.
  14. All the lockdowns, shutdowns, pain, and suffering. For a virus that has a 98% survival rate lol.
    Billybrasco likes this.
  15. Brave Hero

    Brave Hero New Fapstronaut

    Covid is making me so depressed I relapsed on porn again but I'm not fapping to it. I just want a real girlfriend again
  16. I would stop watching the news for your mental health. It’s all propaganda and fear mongering.
  17. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Well, that's a racist study. Not saying you are racist, but the study definitely is. I mean, what kind of study is that even to begin with. In what fucking way the pandemic should give more probability of anxiety and depressive disorders to black and hispanic people. Is it because they are not white? I mean, what the hell?
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2021
  18. I second this motion. Without the news we wouldn’t even know if there was a pandemic. Imagine that.
    Tony999 likes this.
  19. Brave Hero

    Brave Hero New Fapstronaut

    I'm not watching the news it's just the fact that I can't get a girlfriend right now
  20. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    Sorry for your loss.

    At this point I feel relatively safe but your concerns are valid.
    I don't want to die suffocating so I guess I prefer to choose a potential unknown death instead of a known one.