feeling lonly want to sucide

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Mar 27, 2021.

  1. boichywow

    boichywow Fapstronaut

    Imagine if God is above, if he created you, don't you think he has good plans for you?

    "For I Know The Plans I Have For You' Declares the Lord, 'Plans to Prosper You and Not to Harm You, Plans to Give You Hope and a Future." Jer 29:11

    You know, I never believed it, and as a result, as a teenager, I had no reason to live. Without a God, what is life but pleasure and pain? where is the meaning?
    But Jesus wants you to prosper, and I can't prove his existence through science, but I don't need science when all these men and women will tell you of how their lives were changed.

    Fr. Calloway and his change from a life of drugs, sex, and porn addiction

    Brother Joseph and is switch from Islam

  2. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    That makes a lot of sense man, definitely agree it seems we need to rebuild the relationship with ourselves, before we find better connections with others. That's not to say we should wait for a 'perfect moment' to find connections, as that can be another trap to avoid discomfort of socialising, thinking "I'm not ready just yet".

    'The opposite of addiction is connection' - I found that covered in a ted talk once, referencing the rat park experiment, and how it's a lack of ideal social scenarios, rather than the substance, which sustains substance use.

    Depending on where we live and how safe/appropriate it is to meet up with people, I think it's still the best move as social creatures to keep pushing for that ideal social environment!
  3. Just Rose

    Just Rose Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hello,I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling. Rebooting has its ups and downs, just like life. We see many people experiencing both the ups and downs during the reboot, and though it may be hard to see now, these feelings you are having won’t last forever. It will get better with time, if you are patient and wait.

    In the meantime, please seek professional help. I know the idea of calling a helpline might terrify you, but in times of crisis, we often need someone their to put our lives in perspective. So please contact someone who can help and don’t hang up on them. The International Association for Suicide Prevention maintains a list of suicide prevention hotlines for countries all over the world. Also, if you don’t feel up to actually talking to someone on the phone, StopSuicide maintains a list of online instant messaging and chat suicide prevention resources.

    You are not alone in this. There are ways to treat depression. Please contact people that can help you. Being depressed often makes it feel like you don’t have any more options. But that is a lie. That is just the depression talking. These feelings you have won’t last forever. We are in this with you, and we will all be cheering for you to get through this!
    sallust likes this.
  4. sallust

    sallust Fapstronaut

    I am sorry that you are feeling lonely and are considering suicide. The thought of your death by your own hands is tragic beyond words, for I know that the world would have lost a valuable warrior whose experience may have helped so many people. I see that you are on day 70 of trying to change your life. Most people I know would never have made it past one week.

    You've been through a lot, I can tell, and a lot of it may have been unpleasant. You may be lonely now, but you are moving forward to a brighter future and have shown a strength of character to make it this far. Sometimes, things happen in my life, or I do things that I later regret, that eat away at me. In those moments, it can be hard to reconcile your past in a way that seems productively useful. What I have promised myself is that I will find a way to get through the hard times, to find a path to a better life, so that someday I can tell others who are encountering the same difficulties how I made it through so that they can too. If any of the suffering I have endured can result in the advice that helps or saves one other person, then I take satisfaction that it was worth it.

    You are now suffering under the burden of loneliness, but loneliness, like all states of life, is not forever. You are a man of personal fortitude (clearly) with the desire to improve your life: else you would not be here on the 70th day of your challenge. Push through these tough times, but never forget them and never forget how you moved beyond them. Your experiences, like all of ours, are unique and consequently you have a unique perspective that you will be able to share in the future. Learn to understand what you are going through, learn how to get through it, and then tell others that you may be a beacon to those who are struggling. For some, the answer can lie in spirituality, meditation, hobbies, or exercise. For me, I have learned to love reading and the pursuit of knowledge, for in that pursuit I find daily gratification. Keep growing and remember you are not alone: we are all here to support you. Stay strong and I look forward to finding your posts of advice to others in these forums in the future.
  5. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    Send me a message any time if you'd like mate. We're all living this life alongside each other, and it's so strange that often we become so disconnected. There are numerous reasons why you could be feeling the way you are, but you know full well that when you're feeling it, it almost doesn't matter what the reason is, does it? I could go on and on, but not knowing where you're at makes me think I would be throwing things your way that might not be helpful, and could even be frustrating to hear. I definitely recommend talking to somebody about this, there are a lot of free options out there for folks to get some help and techniques.

    Also, I'll throw this your way: I don't know if you're religious at all, but I listen to this when I'm feeling the "meaninglessness" of life. It might seem counterintuitive as you listen, but I take great encouragement from it...and I don't think you have to be a Christian even to be encouraged/challenged by this.

    boichywow likes this.
  6. UncleBarnacle

    UncleBarnacle Fapstronaut

    You're a handsome young man with your whole life ahead of you, kindly do not harm a hair and this young man's head, he will plow through, I promise. That's all I can say, please take it from me, and please come back to this thread and tell us how you are going. BORAX
    Reborn16 likes this.
  7. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Someone else always has it worse than you.

    I find that getting out of your own head and stop over thinking and over analyzing helps me. I can give in to all the Blackpill Doomer, everything sucks so why keep trying mentality but that ultimately just makes things worse.

    We do not have a lot of time to live on the Earth, and life is short. Make the most of today and your life right now.
    boichywow and MeTP like this.