wanna start a new life

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by thommyantalya, Nov 20, 2020.

  1. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    may I ask you for how long your DE has been there? Or something else you can tell me? We can try and find a pattern.
  2. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    Have you or Kickit gone to see a doctor about this? I think there are medical conditions that can cause DE too. Might want to see a doctor and rule those out. Then you can move on to doing no PMO. By the way, it doesn't have to be done forever. Rejecting porn forever would be a very good move. You don't have to give up masturbation or orgasms forever. Doing a reboot takes between 3 and 5 months. Then you have to re-educate yourself on safer techniques than the death grip for masturbating. Our problem isn't masturbation, in and of itself. it is masturbating to porn and excessive masturbation. I've banished porn from my life. I'm doing no PMO until the middle of January before I reassess. Then I will have to learn new ways to masturbate without porn. Also, to do so in moderation. My better half is post-menopausal and suffers from depression so she has no libido at all. I'm a prostate cancer survivor but the surgery to remove the prostate and all cancer came at a high price. They damaged the nerves in my penis so I have had ED ever since. I will say that I woke up with a woody for the first time in over a decade. So maybe my ED is related to my PMO and not to the surgery. I'm going no PMO and see if my ED ends, I sure hope so. My better half has no libido but I do. It just didn't want to rise to the occasion.
    thommyantalya likes this.
  3. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    Yes, I've been to a doctor. There isn't anything wrong physically. He told me to go to a psychologist because he deemed was an issue tied with anxiety but it happened to me even with long-term gfs. So, it's "just" death grip. Therefore, I'll reject both standard masturbation and porn for ever. As I said, I don't have serious issues with the latter. I can do without. Considering the former, I've educated myself to orgasm with a death grip which is not replicable when having sex. However, I'll take into account your advice. I have a fleshlight and I could use that in the future if I'm not in a long-term relationship but right now I don't want to stress myself out thinking about when I'll be able to masturbate again. That would be useless or even harming for me.
    In your case, I trust your resolution but I see an issue in the couple. Maybe she should see a therapist with you. You're putting in some great effort, but she should do something about to imho. Really hope your ED is related to PMO. What does your physician say about?
  4. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    Never been able to orgasm whilst having sex, been with my gf for a year and a half and haven’t been able to orgasm for the entire time. When I masturbate for some unknown reason I need to really tense my legs to be able to cum along with death grip and going very fast, I guess I have conditioned my body to only be able to cum in that position which my be a reason why I am unable to cum during sex as it’s just not what I’m used to.
  5. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    yep, I can relate to your words. May I ask how old you are? I was never able to orgasm for the same very reason. The speed, the grip and also that tension in the legs that's hard to replicate (perhaps in the position when she's over you). Did you use to watch a lot of porn? To me it's not my main concern, yet I wanna get rid of it completely as well. For us, the only way is to refrain from M+O for a long periodo of time (I'd say several weeks, the more the better). Then try to orgasm just having sex or with a fleshlight+lube (never, never dry). However, I'll try to avoid that as well.
  6. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    I’m only 16 but I have been watching porn and masturbating since I was 10, I am on day 14 of No PM as I have a gf so I am still having sex, I cum but only when masturbate to “Finnish myself off” as no matter how long I have sex for I am unable to O. And in the future I think I’m going to refrain from this as it may lengthen my recovery
  7. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    same identical situation here. We could be accountable for each other as I'm about to hit day 14 too.

    Tonight, I watched this video, really interesting. Porn truly is addictive and horrible
  8. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    I’d be happy to be an AP if you would like
    thommyantalya likes this.
  9. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    thank you, we both make it to 15 days (for me just a couple hours because of different timezone). So far so good. Some urges, but nothing too difficult to handle. I have had some health related issues this past week like headache, red eyes, stomach ache. I feel quite tired and sleepy. However, I stick to my daily workout plan. With meditation and motivational videos, I can keep the urges at bay. I don't know if it's a flatline. Probably it is. During my longest streak in 2019, I hit the flatline around day 20 and it lasted a couple of weeks. Let's how it goes in the upcoming days leading to 20 and 30 days. That streak was messed up by sex with girls. This time it's gonna be hard mode. And it'll end just when I'll be able to orgasm during regular sex. I'm no longer afraid of having wet dreams either. Actually I'm curious if I could orgasm without any action from my side. It'll be a good sign for me and I guess for you as well, unless you get to orgasm when having sex first. I advise you not let your girl bring you to orgasm. I used to allow my ex to do that and didn't solve anything because she used hard grip too during HJ and BJ and that's bad. Couldn't recondition my brain this way without actually using P.
  10. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    Yes that sounds like a good plan, I am doing medium mode of whatever you call it because I do have a girlfriend and she gets me off via hand job or blow job at the end and I agree that this is probably hurting my progress but in the moment it is quite difficult to say no but I think it may be something I need to do so if I can’t orgasm during the sex then don’t orgasm at all
  11. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    I had a girl I was very attracted to for 5 years. She did BJ and HJ to make orgasm in the end. In the first 4 years together, I didn't masturbate alone, but probably I just replaced my tight grip with hers and that didn't help. Hope for you is different and it will just suffice di without M alone. See if it works no PMO (with no MO alone). If not and you two are very close emotionally, you can just talk to her and I guess she'll be supportive.
    I can tell you at first girls may like when their men have DE, but after a while that could hurt the relationship. Hope it's not your case, but just be aware of this possibility.
  12. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    Yes i hope it doesn’t damage the relapsed have hope it won’t as we have been together for a while now and it isn’t as big of a problem for her as it is for me but still it does get to me as I feel I am missing out big time and I hope that NoFap will solve my problems, I guess it just takes time
  13. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    yeah sure, you're even younger than me and this would equal less time. I would recommend you limit porn to a bare minimum if not ban it for good. And you will most likely solve the issue. For myself it's a matter of time. I doubt 90 days no PMO will be enough. I'll go for 180. If I get into a relationship before, I will give up hard mode and just orgasm with her when I'll be able to do so.
  14. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    That sounds like a good plan, yes I intend to never use porn again, and hopefully time will resolve the issue, keep in contact if you have any success and I will do the same
  15. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    Thank you, really hope so for the both of us! I've read on reddit many success stories even after 30/40/60 days! I'll do it for ever but it's nice to have milestones.
  16. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    Ah that is good, I have actually been feeling a little bit disheartened because I haven’t seen many success stories, but I remain hopeful that the problem will solve, I have spoken to my gf and we have decided to carry on having sex but if I don’t Finnish just by having sex then I won’t Finnish at all in the hopes that this will help my progress
    thommyantalya likes this.
  17. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    it's all a matter of rewiring your brain. Some could even fap once a day and don't get hard grip, I think us were more inclined in the first place to run into this trouble. Besides, semen retention increases our masculinity and our motivation, that's for sure. I won't give up anymore longer term objectives for 5 seconds of fake pleasure. In your case real pleasure because you're in a relationship atm. It's great that your gf is supportive. Success stories are not that few. It just depends on how much willpower we have to stop PMO until we can orgasm during sex, just sex. I've never have a wet dream, once I get one, it'll be the first sign I'm on the mend.
    Kickit likes this.
  18. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    Yes I agree, have had some hiccups really as when I have sex and can’t cum my gf is still finishing me off and I definitely need to stop doing this as I’m sure it is hurting my progress but seem to be in a different mind set in the situation and it seems to go out the window, still not watched porn or masturbated on my own for almost a month now so I guess that’s a win. How is your journey going?
  19. thommyantalya

    thommyantalya Fapstronaut

    so far so good. We're hitting 30 days. I'll write a report for success stories, even though it's just the start of the journey. But you're doing great too. Just a question? Have you ever done prone masturbation or anyway with an uncommon technique? I did up until I was around 20/22. I wanna dig deeper to find out whether it might be the true cause of my DE.
  20. Kickit

    Kickit Fapstronaut

    No I didn’t do prone masturbation but from an early age I was very aggressive when masturbating so I was definitely doing damage to myself through the developing years of my life so I think the problem comes from bad technique and over years of doing so it makes it impossible to replicate with real sex, sorry I have been inactive.

    How is your journey going, have you explained any positive results yet ?