Music is a huge influence

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by FightingTriton, Jul 21, 2019.

  1. One of the things that change when you've started your NoFap is when you listen to certain styles of music. I like music that can keep me at peace, particularly 80's Japanese pop music. Look up artists like Anri, Tomoko Aran, Keiko Nakahara, and a name you may have heard, Mariya Takeuchi. Their music keeps me in a good mood on a good day.

    But if I'm being tempted by sin, I put on Pantera, Megadeth, Metallica or Slayer. Something heavy and aggressive to draw the strength to continue.

    What is your peaceful go-to music during your NoFap journey?
    Maj. Benson Payne likes this.
  2. Exactly what I am struggling with. I jam to drill music, which is basically hip-hop about guns, drugs and murder. I am struggling finding something to relax me, but from today I will try listening to more peaceful things. Imma put my bets on natural sounds since I love nature and will listen to things related to a category like relaxation, chill out. I found I was more addicted to aggressive music. I had a period I was listening to Metal too. But man.. I don't know for metal, but listening to murderous music where people actually murder themselves is bad. Like really bad. It gives me a lot of momentum. Instant boost of energy but it takes so much of the soul in the long run. And the beats... beats are really creative and melodic. Beats are great. But the lyrics... lyrics may shock you. My head is not alright from it. I recommend not listening to metal, brother, I know how it sounds but.. judging by my drill music... it was and is worse than even PMO to me and it seems I cannot escape, but I will try... try...try... to be free.
  3. Nature is good. Calm piano is good. Japanese pop is really good. Waporwave is really good as well.
    Leader of ME likes this.
  4. God_among_men

    God_among_men Fapstronaut

    Some rebooters say u gotta stay away feom music until u are completely rebooted since music is an external stimulation of senses which give a dopamine high though not nearly as much as pmo. The dopamine rush could make u wanna do other things which produce a similar effect like pmo. This is especially noticeable when u listen to ur favorite songs. Also many rebooters just spend the whole day listening to songs on repeat the whole day whuch is a compulsuve behaviour surfacing due to pmo withdrawal which justs wastes a whole lot of time. At least it did for me. But hey if it works for you keep at it.