I don't know where to start!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by eriksson, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. eriksson

    eriksson New Fapstronaut

    Okay so I'm a 52yo Australian police officer with a lifelong history of compulsive masturbation, not just to porn. I masturbate three of four times a day, a couple of times at work, and its got to stop. I don't want to ruin my life! I have tried to stop, and once managed six weeks without masturbating, but then I went to the bathroom and found myself wanking to nothing at all and came like a fountain, on and on, for what seemed like forever. And it felt sooooooo good. I have started masturbating in public places, on trains, buses, anywhere. I masturbate after I've had sex with my wife. I masturbate after I've masturbated. I masturbate to any and all kinds of porn, and even when I am totally sexually exhausted my dick still gets hard over nothing. I don't wear underwear anymore because I spend so much time erect that it is uncomfortable; but the result is that I see people staring at my semi-erect penis, and that makes me even more aroused. It doesn't help that I am much larger than average, but maybe that's why I was so focused on it from such a young age. I feel like this is a death-spiral I'm trapped in, and I can't escape. I feel like there is so much of my life lost to mastubation (1-2hrs per day) that I could have spent doing something else. I feel like a hollow man. I'd like to stop, but don't know where to begin. This isn't as simple as cold showers and thinking of England. I've even thought of seeking some form of chemical castration, but that would make me into somebody I don't recognise. If anyone is in the same chronic circumstances, please help me. Please tell me what I can do -- show me the first realistic, non-bullshit thing I can do to stop.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  2. I think the problem isn’t masturbation. Masturbation is a symptom of a hidden problem. One thing that has been a big help for me is to become more self aware. Do you know what feelings are leading you to masturbate? What reality are you trying to escape by masturbating? We self-medicate or self-sooth through masturbation. It is a nice warm blanket that we put on in order to shield us from the harsh realities of life.
    The real reasons why you masturbate may not be apparent to you right now, but they can become apparent if you really want to know. Pay attention to how you are feeling when the urges come. Are you bored, lonely, angry, sad, stressed, tired, hungry or depressed? Pay close attention next time it happens and try to pinpoint your feelings that lead you to masturbate. Once you are able to identify those reasons, you must find a way to deal with those feelings in a more positive way. You need to rewire your reflexes to turn to something other than masturbation as you’re new default. Just my two cents. I wish you the best.
  3. eriksson

    eriksson New Fapstronaut

    Two cents worth is better than zero. Thank you. I get that this is subjective, and that my triggers are probably negative things in my life. But I don't just masturbate when I'm bored, lonely, stressed, etc. I also masturbate when I'm happy, energised, confident, etc. I haven't watched porn now in two days, but only because my wife spontaneously performed oral on me last night after a very physical day, and she left me fully drained and totally exhausted. But because I haven't ejaculated since then, ie. today, my penis is swollen to the point that its almos sticking out of my shorts, and I'm seriously struggling not to put my hands on it. I don't need porn, is my point, porn just makes jerking off easier and quicker. I don't need porn to masturbate, I'd masturbate almost as much if porn did not exist. For me porn is useful when I want to cum so that I can focus and eliminate the distratction that arousal causes because of the sensation of having a semi hanging down my leg. I'm explaining this badly, but I can't go outside on days like this, I just can't hide it. I feel like a deviate and -- reminder -- I'm a cop, so that doesn't work. So what I still need is ***practical*** advice. What is something that I can do to stop being aware of my penis all the time. I can't make it smaller, it's just there, always in the way, always wanting attention. Its stupid because if you believe PORN then I should be happy. Doesn't everyone want an eleven inch dick? I'd it away in a second.
  4. I think your obsession with your penis might be the problem. You’re constantly thinking about it. If you think about it too much thoughts will always lead to actions. I think being more aware of your thoughts might be the first step. The frequency of M is also making you sexually charged. If you were able to abstain for a while your libido would calm down.
  5. El hecho de que haya escrito aquí es un gran paso, ya que usted desea cambiar.
    Intente desviar el pensamiento hacia otro lado, por ejemplo le dan ganas de M, salga a hacer ejercicio,andar en bicicleta, cocine una torta,concentre su energía en otra ocupación y desvie su mente hacia otras actividades. sobre todo ocupe su mente y tenga un horario. Piense en su vida,que quiere hacer con ella...en su vida presente y que esta vida esta construyendo para el futuro...
    Jefe Rojo likes this.