29 days in, developed issues with my junk

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Shambler, Aug 29, 2020.

  1. Shambler

    Shambler Fapstronaut

    So I've been NoFap, no porn for nearly a month now. I have a partner who I have sex with pretty regularly. Since going NoFap, I've found that I cum prematurely all the time which is starting to really bother me as I had pretty good endurance before. Also, I am in a constant state of arousal and often have precum drooling out of me even while flaccid. I used to masterbate very excessively, upwards of 7 daily, and I'm hoping if someone can tell me if this is going to get better. Thanks
  2. Hard Mode is the best dude. Abstain for a while & then practice moderation in sex life(post marriage).
    Stroketter likes this.
  3. SeaChange

    SeaChange Fapstronaut

    Going from 7 times daily to only when you have sex with a partner means that your body is really having to deal with an adjustment here and that’s OK!

    Try to imagine what your sex life would have been like back in the day when humans were first evolving, do you think 7 times a day would have been realistic at all? Keep on the path. You’ve trained your body to have to cum 7 times a day for things to be normal and now you’re going to have to train it for the opposite. These things take time and that’s a okay, I believe you can do it.
    Stroketter and Re-searcher like this.
  4. Dr.LoveLength

    Dr.LoveLength Fapstronaut

    Tactical masterbation will help with stamina, release the pressure an hour or 2 before you plan on having sex to restore your stamina. Just dont let it drag you back into PMO
  5. Shambler

    Shambler Fapstronaut

    Thanks dr, sadly it seems all that was just a precursor to flatlineing so now I can't even get hard. Much worse.