Day 13 of no PMO (severe PIED) - Reflections and progress

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by shpetim132, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    To cut the long story short; I have been fapping to porn since I was 11 years old. Found out I had PIED at 18 when I lost my virginity. Ever since then, I have been single for the last 4 years and constantly relapsing with PMO. However this year (2020), I cut down on porn quite a lot but remained MOing as usual up until the 4th of August. So I am now officially 13 days clean of PMO. I must say this feels like an achievement since I never had such a long streak since the ramadhan of 2018 where I achieved a 20 day streak of no PMO. I do see slight differences in my life such as less brain fog and increased penis sensitivity. But to sum it all up;


    - Slightly more hopeful for the future.
    - More confident in starting my 3rd year of University and more excited for it.
    - I've learned that the no PMO journey is in fact a new way of life rather than a countdown period. It was difficult to grasp this concept at first, but really and truly it's the reality and some of us should simply stay away from porn forever as we're clearly not compatible with it (all people should but you get my point).


    - My penis sensitivity has increased. I can also feel the urges more when I fantasize about real sex with my ex. However, although sensitivity is there and urges come around once or twice a day, I can't achieve an erection at all. I think a couple of days ago I got a semi-erection from fantasizing about my ex.

    - Other than that, it's just been a flatline really.

    Give me your thoughts on whether you consider this progress?
  2. thikk

    thikk Fapstronaut

    Great that you are on track. But I think the only progress you should look for is staying clean on a daily basis and making it an honest nofap as much as possible. It'll take sometime for any significant healing to occur anyway. So as you said, no pmo should be a new lifestyle rather than some 'short struggle period' to heal... so ignore looking for benefits or progress or whatever and focus on new daily habits and ignoring pmo.
  3. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    Much love for your words of encouragement. But if I'll be honest, my PIED is something I'm very conscious about and it horrifies me seeing people go through 18 month flatlines. Have you ever been through PIED?
  4. thikk

    thikk Fapstronaut

    Yes, I have pied too. Most of us are just in too much of a hurry to fix something that we spent years damaging. Obviously life does not work like that. I feel that nofap side effects are usually mild at best, and they do not affect your daily routine. So just avoid complicating things and focus on stopping pmo. With pied do at least 60 days hardmode (obviously this needs to be honest, no peeking, limiting dirty thoughts etc, being healthy may also help to accelerate healing e.g. gym, healthy diets, buidling social life, creating goals to focus on etc.) then try to have intercourse with a woman. Emphasis on with a woman, I genuinely see people trying to check their pied using p again!!!! Then keep trying maybe giving yourself more time hardmode and trying with a woman again till you're healed. Pied appears to take between 3 to 8 months to heal based on the discussions I have been involved in. But the cases where it took long the people admitted to doing softmode, not doing a full hardmode etc. So if you are doing an honest pmo you will heal faster, and I believe healing will be within 5 months (or at least you can have sex natural even if things are not at 100%). But until then don't hurry things, and try to forget all these side effects that people come up with. At worst flatline gives you an easy streak??! Just focus on getting pmo out of your life and develop good habits, no hurry.
  5. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    currently day 40 ish and had some month+ long streaks without PMO immediately before this with only one relapse inbetween each- so my progress is quite good and I have no intention of stopping.

    for pretty much the majority of this 'streak' I was extremely horny, when my girlfriend would send me messages i'd get really excited lol. however a couple of days ago i just woke up and felt like an asexual zombie, and ofc I had to use a small amount of viagra to get it up with her- realistically that day was the worst day for me to try and have sex in the entire reboot.

    From what I can tell about your post you might also be self-sabotaging based on performance anxiety. Once you experience PIED it's natural to be extremely nervous- I was absolutely bricking it. Sometimes you need help, dont be ashamed of that- just keep going with no PMO and do whatever you need to do in the moment to enjoy yourself.

    good luck
  6. thikk

    thikk Fapstronaut

    I agree with this comment. There is a strong sense of anxiety due to pied, and of course when trying to rewire with a woman this could even be worse because we have to be prepared to fail a number of times before the gear starts working. But just get it done. I convince myself by saying that I took all those years damaging myself, I can take some punishment to fix things. Women are also usually supportive with this stuff as well regardless of how scared we get. Worst case they help you rewire and you never see them again lol. But when it comes to pied honesty with ourselves is very important. And secondly, we have to be prepared for a bit of shame. Best case get an escort and try it out with someone you'll never see again after 60 or 90 days clean. But avoid having long streaks and still using pills. That could cause other problems. A guy made a post where he was 6 months clean but was still using viagra. After at least 2 very clean months I think just give up pills and start rewiring with women. Point is even if you fail for the next few months the only way is up from there, and when things start to improve that is complete healing starting.
  7. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    agree with this, worth mentioning due to covid i have very limited opportunities to actually have sex, but plenty to rewire in all other ways which is what I've been doing. So at the worst im using a small amount of a pill to have sex once a month, hardly habitual use. I am just going to keep going as I am reducing the dose but after a few more times I'd imagine I'll be completely comfortable with her an no longer need them. eventually I'm gonna just take the plunge