Biggest problem I am facing right now

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Anant Tanwar, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. Anant Tanwar

    Anant Tanwar Fapstronaut

    Hello Everyone !!

    I am on 12 days off PMO and going through one big struggle and wanted to know if someone else went through it too.

    For a long time I was masturbating daily right before going to sleep. I became so used to this pattern that my mind was convinced that my body cannot go to sleep without that. So right now urges are at the strongest in the night when my mind refuses to believe that it isn't getting pleasure. It took me a while this was past week to fall asleep while I am lying down controlling my urges and couple of nights I even woke up in the middle of night because of strong urges. I am almost ready to go for my phone when I come back to my senses and realize the kind of trick my mind is playing.

    If anyone could tell me solution for that, it would be great. Take care and stay safe everyone !!
    Bengal_Fighter and | Nico | like this.
  2. | Nico |

    | Nico | Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    My mind was used to that habit as well but i never really struggled with nights, what i would suggest is try to do some form of exercise before going to bed or a cold shower.
    Bengal_Fighter likes this.
  3. Anant Tanwar

    Anant Tanwar Fapstronaut

    Thanks for checking out my progress, yes I am exercising in the evening. Hoping I would do better.
    Bengal_Fighter likes this.
  4. Bengal_Fighter

    Bengal_Fighter Fapstronaut


    see these 2 videos on every night during urge brother.
    Anant Tanwar likes this.
  5. Anant Tanwar

    Anant Tanwar Fapstronaut

    Thank you Bengal Fighter, These videos are really informative:)
    Bengal_Fighter likes this.
  6. Bengal_Fighter

    Bengal_Fighter Fapstronaut

    welcome.. You are going better than me brother.. I am going 10days and this is my personal best after a long time.. So, Don't lose your patience... take this as fun.. don’t get serious. thus it will be easy..
    Anant Tanwar likes this.
  7. Anant Tanwar

    Anant Tanwar Fapstronaut

    Yes we can do this together , just keep calm all time
    Bengal_Fighter likes this.