Been doing it for too long

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by olred53, Jul 7, 2019.

  1. olred53

    olred53 Fapstronaut

    A buddy of mine in middle school showed me how to M, didn’t quite get it at first but after awhile I got it down. I remember having my first O dry humping something when I was 12 or 13. Then I was able to MO successfully after some practice. That became an addiction and would eventually lead to porn. I grew up a Christian and knew it was wrong but I kept going on and on. I have been PMO ever since that time. Here about a half year ago, I noticed porn video have ad’s before the video just like you tube. One of those ad’s is for a live cam website. I ignored it for awhile until I finally gave in. That’s has now become a new addiction for possibly half a year. I joined nofap after I felt pretty much sick afterwards along with looking at my bank statement... I also installed a porn blocker, unfortunately all that is needed to access porn again is to delete the app from the device. I lasted about a week, looked at regular porn but eventually rejoined a webcam site I hate to but have to admit that I feel like this is an escape from my life, I want to quit but in a way I don’t. I guess I am asking for a success story, what have you gained from PMO freedom. I am weak and I admit it. Thanks for reading
    Deleted Account and Barry Rolfe like this.
  2. yeahman

    yeahman Fapstronaut

    "I grew up a Christian and knew it was wrong."

    Not to judge your religion or anything, but the first thing is to stop beating yourself up, which is at least as important as stopping beating off. The second is to evaluate what you want in your life. Are porn and cams (which are not at all the same thing) a substitute for a relationship? Have you pursued a relationship, and would it be more than pursuit of sex? Are porn or cams keeping you from a relationship, or interferring with your life - keeping you from work or school?

    In other words, before you jump on a wagon and forswear off something, consider what would make your life fulfilling, where sex falls into that, and what type of sex. I'm in the minority here, but I think it's important to get in touch with yourself and your wants and needs before dogmatically pledging yourself to a program, or declaring yourself "weak." You have the strength and intellectual curiousity to seek answers to your life. Keep on that path!
    amaranth, Barry Rolfe and AnxietyDude like this.
  3. Hello and welcome! :)

    We are glad to have you as a part of our community. Here are some quick links to get you started.

    Getting Started Guide | How to Use the NoFap Forums | Panic Button |Day Counter | Rebooting Resources|Forum Rules | Glossary

    If you wish to keep a journal of your progress you can do so in the appropriate section found here

    There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Barry Rolfe

    Barry Rolfe Fapstronaut

    Yes, welcome....You are among friends here. Cams are insidious. They are like the crack or heroin of the porn world. You are still early enough into this that you can stop. I advise you to do this NOW! Its going to be easier now than in a year. Or heaven forbid 7 years as has been the case for myself. There are more than a few of us out here. If you need help just ask.
    AnxietyDude likes this.
  5. AnxietyDude

    AnxietyDude Fapstronaut

    You do need to end this now, I am fighting still close to 40 years later. You do not want this to be your future.
    Why it is hardly a part of my life like it once was. I am still struggling with it. I know you want a success story, perhaps mine will help in knowing I wish there was support like this 40 years ago, or even 20. You think your Bank statement is scary. Try looking back and realizing you could have bought a new Camaro in Cash 2019 with what you spent over 40 years. Quit now, it never gets better, only worse. Just, exactly like how drugs work as that is exactly how your brain view PMO, as a drug.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. olred53

    olred53 Fapstronaut

    Thanks y’all!
    Barry Rolfe likes this.
  7. Hey & Welcome to NoFap Community! :)

    You are in the right place for recovery here. We are so glad to have you with us to beat this addiction together.

    You can go read some Success Stories in the "Success Stories" section to learn more about the benefits of NoFap , get useful tips and ideas to help you in the reboot.

    If you have any question about rebooting, you can ask it in the "Rebooting" section.

    And I would recommend you to make your own journal in the "Reboot logs" corresponding to your gender & age to track your everyday progress.
    You can also join challenges in the "Events & Challenges" section, to keep yourself motivated and focused.

    You may start by checking the links below:
    Learn more about Rebooting.
    Forum Usage Guide.
    List of Rebooting Ressources.
    Glossary of terms used in NoFap community.

    Best of luck to you in your journey!

    -The Winner
  8. olred53

    olred53 Fapstronaut

    Just wanted to say thanks again! I was very frustrated from work yesterday and was like screw it, was gonna PMO (regular site), thought I would check this site first, I decided to overcome my craving when I saw y’alls comments.

    “Thatsdeep” thanks for your message. To answer your question, I suck at relationships. Some stuff happened when I was younger that gave me a lot of anxiety when it comes to dating. I’m sure that’s one thing that got me hooked on the cam site is the interaction with someone. I would sort of have a conversation with them while other things were happening. I hope and pray one day I can find the woman who’s meant for me and love her with all I have.

    “The winner” thanks! I’ll def check that’s out
    Jake n Bake likes this.
  9. olred53

    olred53 Fapstronaut

    Just an update. I slipped up again... this time I thought I would add up the balance from my bank statement. First day I looked at a cam website was March 3rd of this year. Since then I have spent just over $1500 bucks on this BS... I’m so ashamed... I could’ve bought that fishing boat I’m looking at. If anyone needs another good reason not to do this, look at this post
    AnxietyDude and Jake n Bake like this.
  10. Welcome! Joining the site is a huge step. Good luck on your journey!
  11. Barry Rolfe

    Barry Rolfe Fapstronaut

    Red. I know what you are going through and can commiserate w you. I’ve had some low points myself lately. It can get very discouraging. However, you can make progress. It’s not always easy to see. Slips are never a good thing but they can be a learning experience. 1500$ is a good deal of money....Look man reach out if you need to. I’m on this board once a day at least.
  12. Educate yourself about the way this affects your brain. You are not a bad person, they design it to be addictive and are very good at it. There are a lot of resources in the new to nofap boards.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. AnxietyDude

    AnxietyDude Fapstronaut

    I could have bought a house, near 40 years of use. Anything from a few dollars to a few thousand added over this amount of time. I could have afforded to get a doctorate. I actually took your advice and I had posted what I guesstimated before. = around 2500 or more per year. Doesn't sound like allot until you x that by 40. Gees now I am depressed, thats just sad...what a pathetic POS I am thats like 100,000 grand. OH well no self loathing, I have decades of guilt and loathing. That closet is full. But damn I need a drink LOL
  14. Barry Rolfe

    Barry Rolfe Fapstronaut

    Yeah man please dont go down the road of self hatred you dont need it. It wont do you any good in the least.
  15. olred53

    olred53 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Brotha! Has it been 73 days?
  16. The more reason for you to quit. You can do it. :)
  17. Heyyy welcome to the NoFap forum : ) It's nice to see you here fighting the good fight alongside us!

    I strongly advise you to be active on your profile; start by choosing an avatar and then make daily posts to show you're active and needing support/encouragement. They've got a neat little feature that shows freshly posted statuses for all users to see. People will find your profile and give you
    You should also highly consider creating a public journal (in the appropriate sectionfor you ) and write about your days in more depth for us members to follow along on your journey!

    ★ People love to communicate in the profiles section and also the journal section. We need more supportive people though, we could always use your help and in return receive some as well!

    Last but not least: Good luck on your journey here, make sure to really give it a try with all your heart!

    P.S. good job on 21 Days!!!!