Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Sergeant_139773, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. Welcome to the challenge and thanks for participating!

    Absolutely you can join! Welcome and thanks for participating.

    Welcome to the challenge and thanks for participating!

    Unfortunately it has to be random to keep everything fair.

    I respect your decision and wish you the best,Thanks for taking an interest in the challenge.
  2. Thank you 2 so very much for helping me get this challenge up and going!

    Welcome to the challenge thanks for joining!

    Welcome to the challenge and thanks for joining.

    Welcome to the challenge and thanks for joining!

    Team mates will be assigned and the challenge will start some time today.look for a official post soon.
  3. Welcome to the challenge and thanks for joining! Don't worry the challenge will be up and running soon.

    Welcome to the challenge and thanks for joining.The pairing will be totally random.

    Don't worry,can confirm I am alive

    Source:Am breathing

    Yes to be fair I did do this at times in last challenge,things get busy and its hard to find time to keep things updated everyday but rest assured that I will not leave this challenge no matter what and will do my best to keep it running and check in often.

    No need to worry I am back.

    Welcome to the challenge and thanks for joining!

    Glad to see you've got faith in me ole buddy!
  4. Welcome to the challenge and thanks for joining!

    Welcome to the challenge and thanks for participating!

    Absolutely! welcome to the challenge and thanks for joining.
  5. White Sheep

    White Sheep Fapstronaut

    My Journal
  6. No problem!

    Alright everyone I have counted everyone and randomly formed the teams.Please read the below message and look for your name to see who your new teammate is.

    We have 33 members or a total of 16 teams,unfortunately because we have a odd number of teams that means someone has to start the challenge solo so I decided to take the hit and be the odd one out for now.

    Feel free to discuss with your new partner either in this thread or via DM what you want your new team name to be,once you agree apon something let me know and I will update the list.

    Team 1:


    Team 2:
    @What I Do That Defines Me

    Team 3:
    @Spartan Warrior

    Team 4:

    Team 5:

    Team 6:

    Team 7:
    @Invincible Under The Sun

    Team 8:

    Team 9:
    @Wooly horned ruminant mammal

    Team 10:
    @Max Fisher
    @White Sheep

    Team 11:
    @Ginny Weasley

    Team 12:
    @control your life
    @अखण्ड ब्रह्मचारी

    Team 13:

    Team 14:

    Team 15:
    @The Monk who bought a Tesla

    Team 16:

    Team 17:
  8. @Desperate_Warrior Hey Warrior, if you think you need a companion I can volunteer to be in your current position. I live alone... so I'm used to the loneliness :) Please feel free to swap the positions.
  9. Randox

    Randox Fapstronaut

    @MASTER MONK I got your back partner, let's win this!
    What do you suggest as a team name?
    I don't mind any
  10. Thanks but don't worry about it! as the leader I feel its my responsibility to take solo position,I am sure I will have a teammate eventually so don't worry!
  11. Alright, Warrior!
  12. That right there is a true leader. Well done!
  13. @spaces Hey Spaces, let's do this! Any name suggestions?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2019
  14. Thanks my friend!
  15. So when you are going to officially start it
  16. It is officially started.Check the original post

    Thanks for joining everyone! I know this will be a very long hard road and most of us likely will not make.

    Godspeed everyone.
  18. Shares a packet of chips :cool: Idk why I feel like the movie "Purge" @prettyboichad Hola mate!
  19. My partner @JamesBaba and I are thinking of a name for our team n_n
    Thank you for creating this challenge @Desperate_Warrior , I'm very excited :) :D
    I wish good luck to all, my friends-rivals! :p
  20. Seems someone is determined to win :0
    And thanks for joining!