Anybody heard of karezza?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by SuperiorMan95, Apr 3, 2019.

  1. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Has anyone heard of karezza? It is talked about in the book "Cupid's Poison Arrow" by Marnia Robinson. Originally, my therapist recommended it to me but it took me a while to finally buy the book. When I finally picked it up, I was amazed.

    By the way, Marnia Robinson is the wife of Gary Wilson (founder of your brain on porn).

    In it, she talks about everything from porn addiction to HOCD. But interestingly, she introduces this idea of karezza which is basically sex without orgasm. She even gives this road map for trying it out. It's truly incredible.

    Does anyone here have experience with this type of sex? I truly believe that this is the future of sex. And one of her main points is that orgasm (for both men and women) even during sex can lead to withdrawal. She even invites women to explore the idea of sex without orgasm.

    I think her book is the solution for men looking to break their addiction to PMO but still have sex in a truly fulfilling manner...
  2. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I have never tried it but have read her book, was on her website for a while. Seems like a great substitute with your partner/gf/wife until things get ramped up again.
    RAWMagic and SuperiorMan95 like this.
  3. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    I personally think that it should be the main way for intercourse bc once you start having O's all the time again then you start associating the withdrawal to your partner which eventually turns into a bad cycle. This is one of Marnia's main points.
    becomingreat, justafriend and BruceD like this.
  4. Fenston999

    Fenston999 Fapstronaut

    Karezza has been around for a a very long time. It is nothing new. It has been referred to as coitus reservatus, Maithuna, and sexual continence. Many different cultures have practiced it and have used it for a spiritual union with their partner and to build a true bond.
  5. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Yes exactly, I believe that this form of sexual intercourse is the best possible kind in order to sustain mutual long term desire/bonding.
    Lonely In a Crowd and BruceD like this.
  6. EmmyB

    EmmyB Fapstronaut

    I read that book and it changed my life. After a year of NoFap or sex I intend finding a partner who will agree to practise karezza with me. My plan is not to have orgasms ever again.
  7. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Yeah that book is incredible. I've been trying to get my girlfriend on board with it and she's opening up to it more and more.
  8. I've always preferred not to orgasm. I always feel kinda bummed out and disappointed after I cum.
    alfianlight and BruceD like this.
  9. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I have never felt that great after ejaculation, even when I was younger. Sure, it was terrific (like a drug) when I first discovered it but as the years went on I could sense I lost an edge or sense of wonder and innocence. Some say they feel the opposite, that they can move on and get things done with masturbating out of the way. Not me, I like that hunger and focus it gives you. Of course, it can get to be a lot of pent up energy, and that's what I am trying to manage.
  10. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Interesting, how did u come about this conclusion? Just through experience or u heard about karezza/tantra firsthand and then your experience confirmed it?
  11. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Yeah and the main point of Karezza is to have the majority of your sex life be that way bc what ends up happening if you just carelessly ejaculate all the time is that you start to associate that feeling of disappointment and loss of vitality to your partner.
    BruceD, +TenPercent and justafriend like this.
  12. Nah, just my experience. I've never heard of karezza. I had sex a few times and didn't cum, and I enjoyed it a lot more than sex leading to climax.
    SuperiorMan95 likes this.
  13. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Exactly. You are just kind of over it, as Ray Romano said in "The Big Sick" that "post orgasm clarity". Not a good kind lol. When you can be tantric and not come but the woman does, she wants you even more!
  14. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    There we go, we've got further confirmation :)
    salvacion_a_888 likes this.
  15. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, most people don't know how to use sex to transmute their energy and enhance their lives. Most people just use it as a way to imitate porn scenes and escape from life. Elliott Hulse says that sex is just needy love.
    justafriend and BruceD like this.
  16. PeacockS

    PeacockS Fapstronaut

    Today Amazon delivered me the book "Cupid's poisoned arrow ".
    justafriend and SuperiorMan95 like this.
  17. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    That is what I'm talking about! :) Let us know what u think!
    PeacockS likes this.
  18. PeacockS

    PeacockS Fapstronaut

    Yeah... But how many could do this?!.. I think most of the people will eventually fall while doing karazza....just think where one can't control oneself seeing nude pics, then what will happen when it comes in real event.
    SuperiorMan95 likes this.
  19. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I mean most people aren't interested in this stuff to begin with. However, those of us that have a true interest on the subject and who are dedicated to living life in a powerful way shouldn't find this practice too hard in the long run. Maybe in the short term, it would be tough but that's it.
  20. PeacockS

    PeacockS Fapstronaut

    Yeah I think you are absolutely right...we should not think it to be a tough least we should take initiatives...BTW I'm virgin though.
    SuperiorMan95 likes this.