10 days : )

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by going up, Dec 27, 2018.

  1. going up

    going up Fapstronaut

    today is day 10 and it feels like there is a very happy alien inside me gradually taking me over. or maybe its the original me kicking the grumpy alien out. either way i feel good. my self talk is much more positive. my vibration must be tuning up. thank you. i know what it is. its the fact that i am here finally talking about my real issue. and i am not feeding my monkey. it feels like im kinda happy with myself. a bubble of bliss is working its way up my insides and it intend to explode out my heart. yeah, thats it. my heart is not being abused. it still functional. this is very good. i had worried. "just stop" someone told me years ago. but i hadnt...until now. fuck. it takes a long time for some to pull our heads out of our asses. it/this has to be shared/given away in order for it to work. i was alone untill i came here. you all were the missing piece/peace. we all seem so worthy of mercy now. i have compassion. i care ..a lot. here comes my heart again. thank you. i intend to only loose my seed in the making of a sweet baby. thats it. nothing else. i will retain my power for doing/being all god intends. blessings all. : )
    Infrasapiens likes this.
  2. getoff

    getoff Fapstronaut

    continue dude!
    going up likes this.