Loniless as cause

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by bea18, Dec 14, 2018.

  1. bea18

    bea18 Fapstronaut

    I found that loneliness is cause of what I suffer from and being so addicted. If I try not to masturbate or live my tendencies then loneliness is felt quite quick. I want to be recognized that’s why I accepted men do what they did and I watch porn to cover loneliness which again drives me deeper into the darker areas and I then am vulnerable for men wanting this from me. Quite a dumb circle.
    cranks175 and yosoy111 like this.
  2. bea18

    bea18 Fapstronaut

    I feel I suffer there and crave for contact. That’s why I also like to chat a lot
  3. yosoy111

    yosoy111 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing Bea. I used to feel lonely and many times sad during my previous lifestyle of constant masturbation. Now, Im still single, as I have been for ages, but it feels alright. I want to have a girlfriend but I dont think I´ll feel bad if it doesnt happen now or in the next six months. Im confident that I´ll be alright, no matter what is the outcome. Its not only abstaining of masturbation (pornography has never been an interest for me). I think it has been important that I added positive habits in my life lately, like meditation, exercise, cold showers, etc
    captainteemo and bea18 like this.
  4. bea18

    bea18 Fapstronaut

    Thank you this is very nice to get attention from you. You are already very successful...congratulations.
    captainteemo likes this.
  5. Everyone needs contact, and in today's world, loneliness is a massive problem.

    Can you find ways to connect with people? Think of clubs, team sports, hobbies, community work, charities, … Your local newspapers might be a source of ideas.
    captainteemo and bea18 like this.
  6. bea18

    bea18 Fapstronaut

    I tried but it goes deeper and the contacts there only scratch surface. Sex and intense encounter goes much deeper
    captainteemo likes this.
  7. yosoy111

    yosoy111 Fapstronaut

    Thank you. You are already succesful to make an effort to fix your problem. Eventually youll get there. And eventually Ill be completely succesful, more time is needed for me to heal.
    bea18 likes this.
  8. I think the main problem with loneliness is that we are never meant to live alone. I mean for thousands of years we lived in tribes as groups - I have experimented with this.

    I experience tremendous loneliness when living alone in my apartment in Vancouver, then when I was in a relationship with my previous partner, I moved out with her to our own home, and even though we had a really amazing relationship, I started to experience loneliness again while in the relationship.

    Then I experienced living with groups of other people community housing, in a meditation retreat and with my own family with my sister, her kids and my mom and dad.

    I felt that I felt most peaceful when I was living in a community of other like-minded people (community housing or meditation center) when living with my sister and family I felt more calm and non-needy

    The most lonely was when I was either alone or living with just one person.

    The thing to remember though is if one is lonely and trys to find a partner to release the loneliness, then one becomes a slave to that relationship - at any moment the other person can leave or cheat or passion die.

    So I find the better way to be is to stop running from loneliness, bring love and acceptance to it and use it to find the love and peace that many of the great awakened beings talk about.

    As my teacher Richard Rudd says the more evolve we become the more we add quality to our aloneness.

    We can be alone and be fully content and blissful. I am not there myself but to the degree of loneliness, i used to feel I am certainly much more content being alone and the pull of neediness is droping away.

    Another thing that is helping me to be non-needy is that it is becoming more and more obvious to me, that no relationship or person can ever make me happy. This is a great truth and the sooner we realize this the better we can love whoever we happen to be with and we become capable of real love which is non-needy.

    how can we really love someone if we need them? Love is an outpouring of one's attention to another being, but if I'm desperate and needy and clingy how can i truly love you?

    Any way feeling some loneliness tonight so this question came at the perfect time :D

    BTW - becoming okay with loneliness is another level of evolution for me. It's like some days there is depression. Some days there is loneliness. Some days there is excitement. As the Buddha says all phenomena are impermanent and we only cause ourselves fuffering when we think they are permanent.
  9. bea18

    bea18 Fapstronaut

    Cool reply! Thank you
  10. Admonius

    Admonius Fapstronaut

    It’s a sort of cycle really. We get addicted to something because we feel lonely to cope with the feelings. We continue to feel lonely and use. We try to break the cycle and the loneliness stays.

    I’ve worked with a group that examines social relationships. We are an isolated society at times with our engagement in technology. Facebook itself is isolating

    Loneliness sucks. That’s the basic way for me to put it. Social isolation is shown to have such negative physical and mental side effects
  11. Few years ago, I could feel very lonely while being in the midst of the masses.
    Now, I can sit for hours alone in a room and I know there is no need to worry because Someone is looking after me.
    captainteemo likes this.
  12. Coolyorky

    Coolyorky Fapstronaut

    You are who you associate with. Find some new hobbies. The gym, training, CrossFit is a good pace to start bea!
  13. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    The problem is that loneliness itself is not a problem, it's a gift. By that i mean that if you suffer from loneliness then the cure isn't getting somebody to hang out with but rather finding a way to enjoy your time with yourself. Believe me, as soon as you can live without the NEED of going out with somebody, you' re going to work to start relations and friendships and enjoy that time. I wildly hate how it's difficult for me to write this thing without showing off or feeling stupidly costructed just because you're a girl, it's monstrously stupid but it's like this
    Tafi likes this.
  14. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    No matter how much you enjoy time by yourself eventually you will need a companion.
    IFartedWithMyChef and Mordobarn like this.
  15. Agreed.
    I am extremely comfortable with my own company.
    I can spend hours on my own every day.
    But I still need others to complete my life.
  16. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    But it's impossible to find a companion that will truly save you from your lonelyness until you are satisfied with yourself
    And @Mordobarn you surely are right but I said that if you believe to have loneliness problem, in most cases you just don't feel good with yourself. I feel like isolation is also a curse, because without others you would just not get opinions and perspectives and widen your mind and everything else, you probably misunderstood my words, read again
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
  17. You aren't alone! That's all I can say bc I'm seeking the same thing you are and am lost
  18. Well, knowing yourself and understanding your cravings and emotions is a big discovery. Knowing that you can experiment with your feelings and actions. E.g. if you feel bad after fapping try to avoid it, somewhere the circle must break and its the starting path.
  19. SeekingMyWay2

    SeekingMyWay2 Fapstronaut

    It is weird, but your profile picture created a 2% urge for a second or two to me.

    I do not look at images of women in a sexualized way anymore though.