31y/o - Amsterdam - Trying to stop for at least a year - Write about my experience

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by manzonderp, Aug 22, 2018.

  1. manzonderp

    manzonderp New Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a 31 year old guy from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Haven't watched porn since my birthday which is almost two months ago. I've read about NoFap in a Dutch magazine and became quite interested in the platform. Supposedly Amsterdam is a super liberal city, but with my friends porn still feels like a taboo subject. They admit watching it (even though they have wives or girlfriends), but that's about it. This seems like a community where people (because of anonymity?) can be more open!

    I watched it too. A lot. Since I was 13.

    There are a couple of reasons I wanted to stop:
    - Watching more & more extreme stuff. It normally doesn't turn me on, but you know after 2 or 3 rounds..
    - The shame afterwards
    - The feeling of not being in control
    - It takes a lot of time
    - Anxiety when a girlfriend or someone else touches my laptop/phone
    - Discover more about real attraction
    - Enjoy sex more (there were times I was thinking of a porn actress instead of her)
    - Curiosity in general
    - I want to write about my experience and possibly NoFap (in Dutch)

    I see a lot of guys here stop masturbating completely. I decided (for now) to just stop watching porn. Also I won't watch sexy music videos or read erotic stories on purpose, because I know that ruined it for me during my last attempt (40 days).

    Right now my goal is not to watch porn for one year. I chose that period because:
    - It's a natural cycle of four seasons, long enough to see if it works.
    - My brain sometimes tells me to just watch because: I won't last in the end anyway, it won't have any measurable effect etc. etc. now I can tell it: try for at least a year, and if doesn't work for you can still watch afterwards. Makes it easier.

    Well, nice meeting you all!
  2. Welcome to the forum. Wishing you the best of luck on your one year journey.
    manzonderp likes this.
  3. powerofhabit

    powerofhabit New Fapstronaut

    Goodluck buddy! I am starting today as well, and yep erotic music videos definitely lead to relapses
    manzonderp likes this.
  4. Jblue

    Jblue Fapstronaut

    Best of luck to you and I wish you don’t have temptations from erotic music videos. These are sometimes referred to as P-subs and I used to view glamour models online now I have to stop
    manzonderp likes this.
  5. chronicbator

    chronicbator Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy!

    I live in Amsterdam as well. I'm currently on a seven day streak. How have you been doing the last few weeks?
  6. Hey mate,
    Good luck from the Netherlands!